Now showing items 21-40 of 4330

    • Idealet om brukerorientering i helse- og sosialtjenesten 

      Kjellevold, Alice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-02)
      I artikkelen presenteres brukerorientering, som er et verdivalg det er tilsynelatende allmenn enighet om. Et slikt valg må innebære en forventning til forvaltningen om å sette brukernes behov i sentrum for forvaltningens ...
    • Asbjørn Kjønstad: Helserett [bokanmeldelse] 

      Kjellevold, Alice (Journal article, 2006-06)
      Boken er inndelt i seks hoveddeler. Del I er av generell karakter og omtaler grunnprinsipper og grunnbegreper i helseretten. Del II beskriver pasientrettighetenes framvekst i Norge. I de neste delene tar forfatteren ...
    • “I hope it won’t happen to me!” Hospitality and tourism students’ fear of difficult moral situations as managers 

      Marnburg, Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-08)
      In order to organize ethical education for future managers in the hospitality and tourism industry, an interesting study is to look into how students conceptualize the moral ordeals they think they will meet in their future ...
    • Hva er det med økonomene? 

      Mohn, Klaus (Journal article, 2006-09)
      Økonomiske overlegninger har preget tankesett og dagligliv for mennesker i uminnelige tider. Refleksjoner om produktivitet, nytte og velferd, arbeidsdeling og handel har alltid vært viktige faktorer for menneskers ...
    • Sosiale menneskerettigheter - av betydning for norsk helse- og sosialrett? 

      Kjellevold, Alice (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-12)
      Have Social Human Rights any implications for regulation of health and social issues in Norway? The starting point of this article is the right to an adequate standard of living, as the core of the Social Human Rights, ...
    • Universitetenes rangering, markeder og målesystemer 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article, 2006-12)
      At Norges beste universiteter rangeres lavere enn universiteter i flere U land tilkjennegir at Norge utdanner kompetanse med for lav vitenskapelig kvalitet. Norge som nasjon, norsk konkurransedyktighet, norsk industri og ...
    • Societal safety, archaeology and the investigation of contemporary mass graves 

      Juhl, Kirsten; Olsen, Odd Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-12)
      The article focuses on the role of archaeological investigations into mass graves and subsequent revelation of truth and enforcement of justice. Post violent conflict state authorities or rebels ordered massive killings ...
    • Reputation, incomplete information, and differences in patience in repeated games with multiple equilibria 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      A game with multiple equilibria and incomplete information, which allows for reputation building, is repeated infinitely many times. Increasing differences in patience contribute to a greater likelihood of cooperation. As ...
    • Hva er det med oljeinvesteringene? 

      Mohn, Klaus (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Høye oljepriser og knapphet på olje- og gassressurser har løftet forsyningssikkerhet i energimarkedet mot toppen av den geopolitiske agendaen. Enorme energiinvesteringer er påkrevd for å møte forventningene om økonomisk ...
    • Information sharing among firms and cyber attacks 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      As the Sarbanes-Oxley Act strengthens internal controls, and the government encourages information sharing, accounting gains significance through secure representation, storage, and transfer of information, and by laying ...
    • Tro och fornuft 

      Rehnman, Sebastian (Journal article, 2007)
      Förhållandet mellan tro och förnuft diskuteras av Ulf Jonsson i den nyligen utkomna Med tanke på Gud: En introduktion till religionsfilosofin.1 Jens Johansson har i en tidigare recension i Filosofisk tidskrift framlyft ...
    • Technological change as a trade-off between social construction and technological paradigms 

      Engen, Ole Andreas; Olsen, Odd Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      The theory of social construction of technology (SCOT) and the theory of technological paradigms (TTP) are normally regarded as competing or even incompatible perspectives on technological change. In this paper, we show ...
    • En nytteforventningsanalyse av kriminalitet og straff 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Kriminell atferd bør analyseres ut fra motiv om forventet fordel veid opp mot forventet kostnad i form av straff. I Norge har kriminaliteten økt med en faktor 9 fra 1956-2002 mens fengsling har økt med faktor 1,3. ...
    • Reading Books in the Digital Age subsequent to Amazon, Google and the long tail 

      Hillesund, Terje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)
      Presenting a wide range of literature, this article explores the state of art in book research, paying particular attention to John B. Thompson’s interpretation of digital transformations within the book industry, as ...
    • Är protestantismen fideistisk? 

      Rehnman, Sebastian (Journal article, 2007)
      I den kristna traditionen har ett flertal uppfattningar intagits gällande förhållandet mellan tro och förnuft. Ulf Jonsson diskuterar några lösningsförslag i sin nyligen utkomna Med tanke på Gud: En introduktion till ...
    • Risk assessment on use of Lactobacillus rhamnosus (LGG) as an ingredient in infant formula and baby foods (II) 

      Rimstad, Espen; Andersen, Lene Frost; Frølich, Wenche; Frøyland, Livar; Halvorsen, Ragnhild; Høiby, Ernst Arne; Kapperud, Georg; Lunestad, Bjørn Tore; Lassen, Jørgen Fredrik; Meltzer, Helle Margrete; Narvhus, Judith Ann; Nygård, Karin; Nesbakken, Truls; Olsvik, Ørjan; Paulsen, Jan Erik; Robertson, Lucy Jane; Tranulis, Michael A.; Tryland, Morten; Vainio, Kirsti; Haugen, Margaretha (VKM Report;, Research report, 2007)
      On 10. March 2006 , The Norwegian Food Safety Authority (Mattilsynet) decided that, on the basis of VKM’s previous risk assessment (2005), Nutramigen 1 with Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG) could not be marketed in Norway ...
    • Management principles in hospitality and tourism: freshmen students' preferences. 

      Marnburg, Einar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-03)
      Research into implicit leadership theories has revealed that people’s conceptualizations of good and bad leadership, based on their experiences, have impacts on how they perceive leadership. This paper presents results ...
    • Stubbornness, power, and equlibrium selection in repeated games with multiple equilibra 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-03)
      Axelrod’s [(1970), Conflict of Interest, Markham Publishers, Chicago] index of conflict in 2 × 2 games with two pure strategy equilibria has the property that a reduction in the cost of holding out corresponds to an increase ...
    • Municipal risk management : implications of the use of different risk tools 

      Nilsen, Aud Solveig (PhD thesis UiS;35, Doctoral thesis, 2007-05-22)
      The municipalities are part of an overall emergency and risk management system in Norway. The municipalities have a sole responsibility for daily social welfare and safety at the local level. The Supervisory Authorities‟ ...
    • The impact of the future in games with multiple equilibria 

      Hausken, Kjell (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007-08)
      The article shows that in a game with multiple equilibria, where one player estimates that there is at least a minuscule probability that the other player acquiesces, then conflict is inevitable if both players value the ...