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Universitetet i Stavanger [20724]
Nye registreringer
Objects of uncertainty in gameplay: An analysis of lower secondary school students’ talk during a climate change board game and a digital game
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Games may offer opportunities for meaningful dialogue in school as they provide problems, dilemmas or, more generally, uncertainties that afford engagement. This potential for meaningful dialogue is possibly even more ... -
Realisering av kjerneelementet handverksferdigheiter i kunst og handverk - Relevansen av læraren sin making knowledge i arbeid med djupnelæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Gjennom rammeverket konseptuell læreplanteori frå Goodlad ser denne artikkelen på korleis handverksferdigheiter vert framstilt i den formelle læreplanen. Artikkelen ser også på arbeidet med å støtte elevane si utvikling ... -
Flow observations using nacelle lidars: A study on the University of Stavanger campus
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study deals with wind measurements on the campus of the University of Stavanger, using two continuous-wave nacelle lidars and a vertical continuous-wave profiler. Wind data is further acquired by 2-D sonic anemometers ... -
Flexible and Lightweight Mitigation Framework for Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks in Container-Based Edge Networks using Kubernetes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) has a significant potential to become more prevalent in Fifth Generation (5G) networks, requiring resource management that is lightweight, agile, and dynamic. Container-based virtualization ... -
Hillforts – built by collective action or coercive leadership? Socio-economic and military organization in eastern Norway AD 1-600
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In this article, we will examine the socio-economic and military landscape of the Early Iron Age (AD 1–600) in the historical county of Vingulmark, which consisted of the area from Eiker in the west to Bohuslän in the east. ...