Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Bru, Edvin"
Now showing items 1-20 of 25
Academic outcomes in school classes with markedly disruptive pupils
Bru, Edvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)The aim of the present research is to investigate the degree to which average academic outcomes in secondary school classes are associated with the inclusion of markedly disruptive pupils. Findings are based on two separate ... -
Betydningen av tverrfaglig poliklinisk konsultasjon til atrieflimmerpasienter før elektrokonvertering
von Hirsch, Anniefil; Flendalen, Camilla Ejankowski; Kvernstrøm, Bjørghill Rimestad (Masteroppgave/UIS-HV/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-04-24)Bakgrunn: Atrieflimmer pasienter kan ha mange bekymringer, oppleve usikkerhet i forhold til sin sykdom og til elektrokonvertering som behandlingsmetode. Disse pasientene har ofte nedsatt sykdoms innsikt og lite kunnskap ... -
Can school nurses improve the school environment in Norwegian primary schools? A protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Flatø, Martin; Bru, Edvin; Midthassel, Unni Vere; Helleve, Arnfinn; Rønsen, Ester (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06)This protocol describes a randomized controlled trial where additional school nurse resources are assigned to work systemically with schools to improve the school environment and reduce bullying among and absence of 5th–7th ... -
Cancer-related fatigue and treatment burden in surgically treated colorectal cancer patients – A cross-sectional study
Husebø, Anne Marie Lunde; Dalen, Ingvild; Søreide, Jon Arne; Bru, Edvin; Richardson, Alison (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objective This cross-sectional study aimed to describe cancer-related fatigue (CRF) in colorectal cancer (CRC) patients who were surgically treated with curative intent, identify subgroups at risk of elevated fatigue ... -
Coping styles among adults with type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Karlsen, Bjørg; Bru, Edvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2002)This study identified and compared different coping styles among adults with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. A sample comprising 534 Norwegian adults with both types of diabetes aged between 25–70 participated in the study. ... -
Coping styles and emotional and behavioural problems among Norwegian grade 9 students
Thuen, Elin; Bru, Edvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2004)The main purpose of this study was to explore the relations between coping styles and emotional and behavioural problems among adolescent students. The study was conducted as a survey among a representative sample of ... -
Ein intervjustudie om lærarar sitt møte med flyktningelevar i skulen. Flyktningelevar sine utfordringar og lærar si tilrettelegging si tilrettelegging for motivasjon, læring og trivsel i klasserommet.
Gjerald, Elin (Master thesis, 2024)Ettersom det aldri har vore så mange menneske på flykt i verden og den norske skulen tek i mot, og vil fortsetja med å ta i mot svært mange traumeutsette flyktningelevar framover er det viktig å sjå på korleis ein kan ta ... -
Factors associated with disruptive behaviour in the classroom
Bru, Edvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)This paper examines the relationships of pupils’ on-task orientation at school and their opposition to teachers with perceived cognitive competence, perceived relevance of schoolwork, and the belief that going against ... -
Forebygging og mestring av skolerelatert stress. Elever i videregående skoles erfaringer.
Hetle, Ann Helen Barkved (Master thesis, 2022)Ettersom stadig flere unge rapporterer at de opplever skolen som primærkilde til negative stressrelaterte problemer, er det følgelig grunn til å ta utviklingen på alvor og sette inn virksomme mottiltak. Formålet med denne ... -
Lærende tankesett, skolefaglig engasjement og relasjoner
Ruud, Ingvild (Master thesis, 2023)Tema for studien er forekomst og sammenhenger mellom lærende tankesett, låst tankesett, atferdsengasjement, emosjonelt engasjement, samarbeid med medelever og emosjonell støtte fra lærer. Lærende tankesett er et sentralt ... -
Lærerens rolle i å fremme motivasjon blant elever som strever faglig
Skaar, Linda (Master thesis, 2016-12-12)Temaet for denne studien var motivasjon og mestring hos elever som strever faglig og studien hadde et lærerperspektiv på temaet. Hensikten med studien var å få innsikt i og mer kunnskap om hvordan lærerne kan tilrettelegge ... -
Læreres erfaringer i arbeid med å dempe prestasjonspress og mulig prestasjonsangst
Abelsen, Catharina Michelle (Master thesis, 2022)Studiens tema og hensikt Valg av tema for denne masteroppgaven var vanskelig. Det er mange sider ved sårbare barn som har behov for å belyses og undersøkes. På bakgrunn av mine egne opplevelser fra skolen, og den begrensede ... -
Læringsmiljø og psykisk helse i ungdomsskolen: Hvordan opplever lærere å kunne fremme elevers psykiske helse gjennom gode relasjoner i klasserommet?
Åsemoen, Sandra (Master thesis, 2021)Ettersom skolen er en arena der alle barn og unge tilbringer mye tid, vil det være et naturlig sted å jobbe helsefremmende med psykisk helse. I den sammenheng, er det vanskelig å tenke en helsefremmende skole uten at lærerne ... -
Multi-professional simulation training on postpartum hemorrhage in Tanzania and Norway
Egenberg, Signe (PhD thesis UiS;343, Doctoral thesis, 2017-05-15)There is a continuous drama going on worldwide, where women are fighting for their lives on the battlefield of childbirth. Every day, 830 mothers are dying during pregnancy and childbirth, or 300 000 mothers annually (WHO, ... -
Perceptions of peers as socialization agents and adjustment in upper secondary school
Studsrød, Ingunn; Bru, Edvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)The purpose of present study was to explore the perceptions of peers as socialization agents in school adjustment among upper secondary school students. The associations were studied in a sample of 564 Norwegian students. ... -
Relational aggression in adolescents; Exploring the associations with status goals, status stress, perspective taking and empathic concern within the framework of social goal theory
Flack, Tove (PhD thesis UiS;395, Doctoral thesis, 2018)Background Relational aggression (RA) is a well-known phenomenon that involves behaviours that intentionally harm others’ interpersonal relationships (e.g., spreading negative gossip, purposefully excluding people, sending ... -
The Role of Social and Emotional Competencies in Academic Efficacy Beliefs, Emotional Distress, and Academic Stress: A Study Among Lower Secondary School Students
Vestad, Lene (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-04)Background: Adolescence is a time of significant social and emotional changes, including changes in school and learning environment. Adolescents report high levels of academic stress, and mental health difficulties typically ... -
Skolevegring i ungdomsskolen: Kjennetegn, tilrettelegging og skole-hjem-samarbeid.
Hetland, Ingrid. (Master thesis, 2024)Skolevegring har de senere årene blitt en stadig mer aktuell skoleproblematikk. Oppgaven omhandler ungdomsskoleelevers skolevegring og det ubehaget disse elevene opplever i møte med skolens sosiale og faglige aspekter, fra ... -
Social competencies, classroom relationships, and academic engagement: A latent change score modeling approach among lower secondary school student
Eriksen, Eli Vibeke; Vestad, Lene; Bru, Edvin; Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This longitudinal study applied latent change score (LCS) modeling to examine individual changes in students’ (N = 1205) academic engagement (behavioral and emotional), social competencies (relationship skills and social ... -
Supported to Stay in School: How Students’ Perceptions of the Psychosocial Learning Environment are Related to Intentions to Quit Upper Secondary School
Tvedt, Maren Stabel (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-03)Background: National and international research has repeatedly shown that many late adolescents have poor motivation for school. Moreover, the fact that a considerable proportion of youth do not complete upper secondary ...