Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Granone, Francesca"
Now showing items 1-13 of 13
Critical thinking, problem-Solving and computational thinking : Related but Distinct : An analysis of similarities and differences based on an example of a play situation in an early childhood education setting
Granone, Francesca; Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie; Pollarolo, Enrico; Kamola, Monika (Chapter, 2023-05)In the twenty-first century, four important different and intertwined domains for children’s skills have been identified: cognitive, interpersonal, intrapersonal and technical. In the cognitive domain, key terms such as ... -
Det skal vise på gulvet at vi jobber med fag! En studie om ledelse av ansattes læring i barnehager
Sæbø, Janken C. (Master thesis, 2022)En barnehageleder har mange oppgaver, og en av disse er å lede ansattes læring. Bakgrunnen for denne masteroppgaven er sentrale styringsdokumenters vektlegging av barnehagen som en lærende organisasjon, og forskning som ... -
Educating to democracy and critical thinking. The Norwegian kindergarten model
Granone, Francesca; Lund, Thomas Hammerø; Pollarolo, Enrico; Caravita, Simona Carla Silvia (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)In order to educate children to become an active part of the society, it is necessary to help them to understand the importance of values and attitudes funding the democratic society. These include the sense of community, ... -
Hånd i hånd? Digitale verktøy i barnehagen og utvikling av inkluderende praksiser – en analyse av pedagogers erfaringer med bruk av kodelek i tilknytning til språkarbeid
Eltervåg, Caroline (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masterstudien er et selvstendig studentarbeid som skrives i tilknytning til forskningsprosjektet DiCoTe . Forskningsprosjektet DiCoTe undersøker barnehagelæreres profesjonsfaglige digitale kompetanse. Formålet for ... -
Matematiske begreper - viktige byggesteiner i barnas matematiske grunnmur
Langåker, Aslaug (Bachelor thesis, 2022) -
Mediated learning strategies in families with children with disabilities: a literature review
Granone, Francesca; Stokke, Martin; Damnotti, Sandra; Chicco, Chiara (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The purpose of this literature review is to identify patterns and to discuss key perspectives from empirical studies published from 2000 until 2021 that explore mediated learning strategies in families with children with ... -
Mothers' Perception about Mediated Learning Strategies Used in the Home Environment for Supporting the Transfer Ability in Children with Down Syndrome: An Exploratory Investigation.
Granone, Francesca; Stokke, Martin; Damnotti, Sandra; Chicco, Chiara; Pollarolo, Enrico (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05)Down syndrome (DS) is the most identified genetic form of disability. Individuals with DS have cognitive and linguistic impairments that vary from severe to mild, although they may show strengths in imitation, social ... -
The Norwegian inclusive learning environment: an analysis.
Granone, Francesca; Stokke, Martin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)After the Salamanca Declaration, integration was replaced with inclusion as an aim in Norwegian education policy. Since then, Norwegian education has sought to achieve the goal that every child and every student is included ... -
”Nothing About Us Without Us”: the first example of inclusive research in Early Childhood Education in Norway
Granone, Francesca; Johansen, Mia; Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie; Kvalø, Tone Merethe Kolstad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The term inclusive research is used in literature to describe a partnership between academics and people with intellectual disabilities, with the aim of conducting research together. This type of partnership must contain ... -
Preschoolers learning by playing with technology
Granone, Francesca; Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie (Chapter, 2021)Abstract In an evolving world, where both adults and children continuously have to adapt to different and unexpected situations, the need to develop strong problem-solving skills from early years is evident. In addition, ... -
Programmering som pedagogisk verktøy i arbeid med problemløsning i barnehagen
Eltervåg, Caroline; Tengesdal, Liv Ingeborg (Studentoppgave/UIS-HF-IBU/2020;, Bachelor thesis, 2021-01)I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt hvilken plass programmering har i arbeidet med problemløsning i barnehagen. Hensikten med oppgaven var å belyse at programmering ikke bare er forbeholdt de spesielt interesserte eller barn ... -
Teachers’ support for children’s mathematical learning through interactions while playing with a coding toy.
Granone, Francesca; Reikerås, Elin Kirsti Lie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines how early childhood education and care teachers can support children’s mathematical learning in the context of playing with a coding toy (a robot). Video recordings of the interactions that occurred ... -
Å skape vilkår for deltakelse i fellesskapet: En analyse av barnehagepedagogers tilretteleggelse for barns deltakelse i kodelek
Tengesdal, Liv Ingeborg (Master thesis, 2023)Denne masteroppgaven er en kvalitativ studie av kodelek i barnehager. Hovedtemaet for oppgaven er inkludering og barns deltakelse i lek og læring i barnehagen, satt i rammene av barnehagens digitale praksis. Studien er ...