Blar i UiS Brage på forfatter "Jørgensen, Dolly"
A vise omsorg for søppel: En historisk analyse av en måke med tre tær.
Ellingsen, Johannes (Master thesis, 2023)Denne oppgaven er en historisk analyse av måkearten krykkje og tar utgangspunkt i en større debatt som har herjet i byen Tromsø de siste årene. På rødlisten er arten listet som sterkt truet, men i byen mente mange at den ... -
Beastly Belonging in the Premodern North
Jørgensen, Dolly (Chapter, 2018)This article discusses the representations of animals on maps from the Middle Ages and early modern period that depict Scandinavia. It argues that examining animal images on maps of Scandinavia, like the Carta marina made ... -
Bettering stories about stories about nature
Jørgensen, Dolly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Both environmental historians and ecocriticsare in the business of simultaneously analysing the stories we tell about the human-nature relationship and creating those stories. Using the case of Kiki, an Aldabra giant ... -
Brysomme villsvin - En analyse av hvordan narrativ innramming og konseptet om tilhørighet påvirket villsvindebatten i Sverige fra 1977 til 1981
Kapstad, Mads (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05-13)Sammendrag Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan «narrative framing» påvirker diskusjoner og politiske avgjørelser om dyr og spørsmålet om dets tilhørighet i et geografisk område. Oppgaven har i den sammenheng tatt for seg ... -
Citizen science for environmental citizenship
Jørgensen, Finn Arne; Jørgensen, Dolly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Citizen science projects, in which citizens are collectors and sensors generating data, have become a well-established scientific practice (Bonney et al. 2016). Citizen science research within environmental conservation ... -
Competing ideas of 'natural' in a dam removal controversy
Jørgensen, Dolly (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-10)In spite of general support for removal of dam structures within the ecological sciences community, local residents sometimes contest dam removals. This article examines the competing ideas of 'natural' and 'nature' that ... -
Environment : Managing urban sanitation for sanitas
Jørgensen, Dolly (Chapter, 2021) -
Envisioning North from a Premodern Perspective
Jørgensen, Dolly; Langum, Virginia (Chapter, 2018)In The Making of Europe, the medieval historian Robert Bartlett argues that ‘Europe is both a region and an idea’. The same can be said of the North. The North is both a geographical region and an imaginative concept that ... -
Erasing the extinct: the hunt for Caribbean monk seals and museum collection practices
Jørgensen, Dolly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12)The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis), the only seal species native to Central America, was declared extinct in 2008, with the last confirmed sighting in 1952. This species historically had a broad range throughout ... -
Et samfunn av sild: Et sosioøkologisk perspektiv på Karmsundet etter sildekollapsen i 1870
Håland, Mikal (Master thesis, 2021)En vurdering av det sosioøkologiske systemet bygget mellom Karmsundet og den norske vårsilden under perioden 1808-1870, og hvor motstandsdyktig det var i møte med kollapsen av vårsildbestanden. -
Extinction and the End of Futures
Jørgensen, Dolly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06)Extinction, in biological terms, is the end of an evolutionary line, a potential future cutoff.It involves a transition between the historical past in which a species was biologically alive and a future in which it isn’t, ... -
Iddiser fra hermetikkindustrien
Netland, Mathias Hansen (Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven utforsker hvordan de forskjellige aktørene innenfor hermetikkindustrien i Stavanger bruker historie i etikettene. Avgrensningen er satt til sent 1800-tall til rundt 1930-tallet, som regnes som en storhetsperiode ... -
Island Extinction and Animal Remains in Museums
Westergaard, Gitte (PhD Theses UiS;755, Doctoral thesis, 2024)ENGLISH ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis argues that the way in which museums display and communicate extinction needs to consider the uneven geographical loss of biodiversity. Hugely impacted by practices of colonial ... -
Makt i historisk skulptur – En studie av statuer og monumenter i Stavanger på 1900-tallet
Hamra, Julie Erin (Master thesis, 2021)Denne masteroppgaven undersøker forholdet mellom historie og makt gjennom analyse av statuer og monumenter satt opp i Stavanger på 1900-tallet. Det diskuteres blant annet hvordan disse statuene og monumentene kan forstås ... -
Mellom hage og himmel: en utforskning av miljøets tilstedeværelse i fem islandske bispesagaer
Jonassen, Markus Armstrong (Master thesis, 2021)Denne oppgaven undersøker hvilken tilstedeværelse miljøet har i fem islandske bispesagaer, i den hensikt å belyse aspekter ved forholdet mellom de norrøne islendingene og det islandske miljøet. For å gjøre denne analysen ... -
Norske rovfugler brukt i engelsk falkonering i høymiddelalderen
Andersen, Roar (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05)This master thesis will try to answer what role Norwegian birds of prey played for the practice of falconry in England during the High Middle Ages. This thesis will cover the time between 1086 and 1272. These Norwegian ... -
Slowing Time in the Museum in a Period of Rapid Extinction
Jørgensen, Dolly; Robin, Libby; Fojuth, Marie-Theres (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Extinction of nonhuman species, as well as human-induced environmental change in general, is happening at a frighteningly fast pace. A recent global joint scientific assessment suggests that around a million animal and ... -
Teaching the Environmental Humanities: International Perspectives and Practices
O'Gorman, Emily; Van Dooren, Thom; Münster, Ursula; Adamson, Joni; Mauch, Christof; Sörlin, Sverker; Armiero, Marco; Lindström, Kati; Houston, Donna; Pádua, José Augusto; Rigby, Kate; Jones, Owain; Motion, Judy; Muecke, Stephen; Chang, Chia-Ju; Lu, Shuyuan; Jones, Christopher; Green, Lesley; Matose, Frank; Twidle, Hedley; Schneider-Mayerson, Matthew; Wiggin, Bethany; Jørgensen, Dolly (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This article provides the first international overview and detailed discussion of teaching in the environmental humanities (EH). It is divided into three parts. The first offers a series of regional overviews: where, when, ... -
Tracking Animals in a Pandemic
Jørgensen, Dolly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The global pandemic puts a spotlight on human-animal relations and how human histories are intertwined with animal bodies. Environmental historians have demonstrated a steadily growing interest in investigating animals ...