Blar i UiS Brage på forfatter "Kommedal, Roald"
A system for automatic cultivation of microogranisms in the biology laboratory
Arnesen, Stian; Haugen, Vidar (Master thesis, 2021)Currently, the biology laboratory at the University of Stavanger has a manually controlled microorganism cultivation setup used for studying different types of biological wastewater treatment. The setup uses a sequencing ... -
A system for automatic cultivation of microorganisms in the biology laboratory.
Arnesen, Stian; Haugen, Vidar (Master thesis, 2021)Currently, the biology laboratory at the University of Stavanger has a manually controlled microorganism cultivation setup used for studying different types of biological wastewater treatment. The setup uses a sequencing ... -
Anaerobic Co-digestion of Aquaculture and Municipal Waste
Mazarino, Jenny Kristine (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)This study describes anaerobic co-digestion of aquaculture waste from Fister Smolt and municipal waste from IVAR SNJ. Both waste types are in rapid increase worldwide, yet production of biogas has mainly considered municipal ... -
Anaerobic Treatment of Low to Medium Strength Municipal Wastewater in Laboratory Scale Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactors
Quale, Belinda; Moe, Ingvild; Haga, Sara Lovise (Bachelor thesis, 2023)The focus of this study is assessing and exploring the potential of anaerobic treatment for municipal wastewater of low- to medium strength (i.e., 212 mg/l COD and 931 mg/l COD) for converting organic matter into methane ... -
Anaerobic Treatment of Low to Medium Strength Municipal Wastewater in Laboratory Scale Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactors
Quale, Belinda; Moe, Ingvild; Haga, Sara Lovise (Bachelor thesis, 2023)The focus of this study is assessing and exploring the potential of anaerobic treatment for municipal wastewater of low- to medium strength (i.e., 212 mg/l COD and 931 mg/l COD) for converting organic matter into methane ... -
Anaerobic Treatment of Low to Medium Strength Municipal Wastewater in Laboratory Scale Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactors
Quale, Belinda; Moe, Ingvild; Haga, Sara Lovise (Bachelor thesis, 2023)The focus of this study is assessing and exploring the potential of anaerobic treatment for municipal wastewater of low- to medium strength (i.e., 212 mg/l COD and 931 mg/l COD) for converting organic matter into methane ... -
Anaerobic Treatment of Municipal Wastewater at Mesophilic and Psychrophilic Temperatures Using Bench Scale Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) Reactors
Quansah, Kobina Andam (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-15)The limitation of high TSS wastewater treatment is hydrolysis. At low temperatures, the hydrolytic rate limitation is exacerbated. This project investigates the operational conditions required to improve the hydrolytic ... -
Analysis of the Antibiotic Ampicillin in Activated Sludge: Method Development and Adsorption Studies
Håland, Mari Wøien (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)The presence of antibiotics in wastewater treatment plants is a concern, both because of potential release to natural water systems, and connected to the spread of antibiotic resistance genes. In this thesis, the focus is ... -
Antimicrobial Resistance and the circular economy of water
Hermansen, Morten Flaata (Master thesis, 2022)I takt med en økende global befolkning og en voksende industri, har utslippene av klimagasser økt, blir stadig større oppmerksomhet blitt rettet mot arbeidet for en mer bærekraftig fremtid. Verden har en stadig økende ... -
Biodegradation and chemical characterization of petroleum diesel hydrocarbons in seawater at low temperatures
Bausch, Alexandra Renee (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2010;, Master thesis, 2010-06)Petroleum hydrocarbons are a major source of marine contamination. Biodegradation, which is fundamental for the natural attenuation of these hydrocarbons in nature, involves mineralization or transformation of organic ... -
Bioengineered methanotrophic photogranules for tertiary UASB effluent post-treatment.
Bakke, Andreas (Master thesis, 2022)The need for aeration when treating wastewater is the most extensive energy requirement wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) has today. This thesis investigated an attached growth process which utilise genetic features in ... -
Biogas Potential of Municipal Wastewater Treatment using Up-Flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactors under Psychrophilic Condition
Aufa, Nurul (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)The operation of two laboratory scale of Up-flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactors on treating medium to high strength wastewater (i.e. 500 – 1200 mg COD/l) under psychrophilic conditions (5.5°C) were studied. The ... -
Cr(VI) reduction and removal from waste water in the metal processing industry
Haastrup, Kristine (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Kverneland Group requires a reduction of Cr(VI) in their waste water and this work investigated the reduction of Cr(VI) in aqueous solution by Ferrous sulfate and elemental iron powder at range pH 12, 7 and 6. Reduction ... -
Denitrification of recirculated aquaculture system effluents using fish sludge as primary substrate
Shamsaddini Negari, Mohammad (Master thesis, 2023)Recirculating Aquaculture System (RAS) is a technology in which water is reused after different biological and mechanical treatment steps in fish farming. RAS produces a nitrate rich water effluent containing approximately ... -
Determination of bioavailable phosphorus retention in Leikvollbekken constructed wetland by a novel algae bioassay
Øverli-Øyen, Sigrid (Master thesis, 2022)Excessive phosphorus loads from agricultural runoff contribute to freshwater eutrophication, which leads to reduced water quality and changes across all trophic levels. Constructed wetlands, specially designed to retain ... -
Determination of the Effect of Constructed Wetlands on the Bioavailability of Phosphorus
Handley, Bianca (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06): Phosphorus is the limiting nutrient in most freshwater aquatic environments. When a large amount of phosphorus enters a freshwater environment, such as a lake, this causes a rapid increases in primary production which ... -
Effect of low temperature and municipal wastewater organic loading on anaerobic granule reactor performance
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kaster, Krista Michelle; Kommedal, Roald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Biogas production and municipal wastewater COD removal at low temperatures by granulated anaerobic biomass were investigated. Two anaerobic granule reactors were operated continuously for 1025 days by stepwise increase of ... -
Effect of temperatures on anaerobic granulated biofilm modelling
Safitri, Anissa Sukma; Kommedal, Roald (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Anaerobic granulated biomass-based treatment is a sustainable alternative for municipal wastewater treatment. Each granule in the system is comprised of a complex community of anaerobic microorganisms embedded in a biofilm ... -
Effect on solids separation from wastewater with varying aeration and mixing conditions
Hernández, Doménica (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKBM/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)The main objective of this review was to analyze the effect on the separation of solids from wastewater with different conditions of aeration and mixing in order to compare their efficiency when both processes act ... -
Endres biotilgjengeligheten av fosfor av våtmarken?
Tjelta, Anita Fauske (Bachelor thesis, 2021)I Norge har fosfor skapt store problemer med eutrofiering. Ett av de tiltakene som har blitt gjennomført var å lage konstruerte våtmarker som skal hindre fosfor å ende opp i innsjøer. Mye forskning har hatt fokus på retensjon ...