Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Mathisen, Gro Ellen"
Now showing items 1-18 of 18
Betydningen av lederstil for medarbeideres motivasjon
Wani, Winnie Ceaser Yason (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Hovedtyngden av ledelsesteori heller mot at lederstil som forsøker å påvirke indre motivasjon gir best resultater hos dem man leder. Det er også slik at man mener de fleste mennesker er interessert i å gjøre nytte for seg ... -
Corporate Governance in Tourist Organizations ; Four Papers on Board Roles, Boardroom Behavior, and Public Sector Influence
Garnes, Solveig (PhD thesis UiS;334, Doctoral thesis, 2017-03-31)The purpose of this thesis is to study corporate governance practice, the roles and behavior of the boards of directors of tourist organizations, and the influence of the contextual characteristics of tourism and tourist ... -
Decision-Making in Couples: It Takes Two to Tango
Koval, Olena (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-10)The main aim of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of collaborative decision-making in primary groups (couples) when approaching complex choice situations. To understand how decisions in couples are made, many ... -
Ensuring psychological safety to create effective continuous feedback culture - A case study of Yara International.
Truong, Bao Quynh (Master thesis, 2024) -
Er manglende kompetanseutviklingsmuligheter årsaken til at ansatte slutter i virksomheten? - Hva viser sluttsamtalene?
Gjerde, Kristina Knudsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)Forskningsprosjektet baserer seg på samtaler med ansatte på kontor i en anonymisert mellomstor virksomhet i oljebransjen med flere lokasjoner i Norge. Intervjuobjektene har valgt å si opp sin stilling og er i oppsigelsestiden. ... -
Vigneron, Alice. (Master thesis, 2023)The Snowsports industry is highly gendered due to the roots of sports as a male dominated endeavor. This research looks at the way in which gender influences career progression of women in the industry. The research finds ... -
Har transformasjonsledelsesstrategier evnen til å øke innovasjon og jobbtilfredshet blant ansatte i gjesfrihetsbransjen, og bidra til å forbedre servicekvaliteten?
Ngueaknam, Tanita; Tokerud, Ann Christin Kin Olsen; Rakvåg, Mona Kristin Rød (Bachelor thesis, 2023)I denne bacheloroppgaven tar vi for oss transformasjonsledelse i gjestfrihetsbransjen som hovedtema, hvor vi har forsøkt å forstå sammenhengen mellom denne lederstilen og innovative, kulturelle og emosjonelle faktorer og ... -
Hva er inkluderende ledelse - og hvordan påvirker det arbeidsplassen? En paraplyanalyse om inkluderende ledelse
Gramstad, Cilia (Bachelor thesis, 2024) -
Hvilken betydning har forholdet mellom leder og ansatt for turnoverintensjon?
Tikapoon Paveena (Bachelor thesis, 2023) -
Implementing Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychosis: The Frontline Leaders’ Point of View. A Qualitative Study
Nordin, Håkan; Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Rørtveit, Kristine; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Ruud, Torleif; Hartveit, Miriam; Joa, Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-02)Background: Despite the large amount of leadership and implementation theories and recommendations, healthcare services continue to struggle with efficiently incorporating new knowledge. The questioning of conventional ... -
Psychosocial factors and safety in high-risk industries: a systematic literature review
Derdowski, Lukasz Andrzej; Mathisen, Gro Ellen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Most large-scale industrial catastrophes (like the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, or Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear disaster) result from a combination of faults in technical arrangements and neglected social structures featuring ... -
Psychosocial safety climate as a predictor of work engagement, creativity, innovation, and work performance: A case study of software engineers
Zadow, Amy; Loh, May Young; Dollard, Maureen Frances; Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Yantcheva, Bella (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-04)Introduction: Creativity is vital for competitive advantage within technological environments facing the fourth industrial revolution. However, existing research on creativity has rarely addressed how a climate beneficial ... -
Safety voice climate: A psychometric evaluation and validation
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-09)Introduction: Speaking up about safety issues, termed “safety voice,” is a proactive response where people across all levels of the organization express their concerns to prevent physical hazards. An understanding of safety ... -
Selection and Retention of new employees: Embracing diversity by fair hiring of skilled immigrants.
Raza, Malik Ahmer (Master thesis, 2024) -
Speaking up about safety concerns in high-risk industries: Correlates of safety voice in the offshore oil rig sector
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Tjora, Tore; Bergh, Linn Iren Vestly (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Speaking up about safety issues – or safety voice – is a proactive response involving people at all levels of the organization who are willing to express their concern in response to perceived hazards. This study investigated ... -
The Relationship between Job Demand and Work–life Balance in a Home Office Context: Mediating and Moderating Role of JDCS, Mental Health, and Performance
Le, Emma Tinh; Østgaard, William Østbøll (Master thesis, 2024)This thesis aims to study the relationship between job demand and work–life balance in a home office context, with the mediating and moderating role of JDCS, mental health, and performance through data collected specifically ... -
Why fairness is important: the role of organizational justice in job satisfaction, commitment and turnover intentions within restaurant industry
Eidukaite, Dovaine (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-07-13)Restaurant industry is one of the most challenging places to work within all tourism sector. It requires good physical and psychological state, as well as being able to handle stress, long working hours, and be always ... -
Women in the boardroom: how do female directors of corporate boards perceive boardroom dynamics?
Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Marnburg, Einar; Øgaard, Torvald (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-08)This study investigated how female directors of corporate boards of directors (BoD) experience boardroom dynamics. The study represents an initial research trend that moves from a unilateral focus on financial outcomes of ...