Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Ree, Eline"
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Backstage Researching Resilience Researchers – Dilemmas and Principles for Data collection in the Resilience in Healthcare Research Program
Wiig, Siri; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Dombestein, Heidi; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Ree, Eline; Fagerdal, Birte; Schibevaag, Lene; Guise, Veslemøy (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Purpose Resilience in healthcare is fundamental for what constitutes quality in healthcare. To understand healthcare resilience, resilience research needs a multilevel perspective, diverse research designs, and taking ... -
Behind the Scenes of a Patient Safety Leadership Intervention in Nursing Homes and Homecare Researchers’ Tips for Success
Aase, Ingunn; Ree, Eline; Strømme, Torunn; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10)Reports of patient safety interventions are often straightforward, well planned, well executed, and com prehensive. However, behind the scenes, there are usually many adaptations and customizations be fore and during the ... -
Brukerinvolvering, kvalitet og sikkerhet-en case-studie i en hjemmetjeneste
Kolstø, Espen (Masteroppgave/UIS-HV/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-11)Helsemyndighetene forventer brukerinvolvering i helse- og omsorgstjenestene. Det forventes at tjenestene skal utvikles sammen med pasienten, brukere og deres pårørende. Brukerne skal få større innflytelse over egen hverdag, ... -
Creativity at the margins: A cross-country case study on how Dutch and Norwegian peripheries address challenges to quality work in care for older persons
van de Bovenkamp, Hester; van Pijkeren, Nienke; Ree, Eline; Aase, Ingunn; Johannessen, Terese; Vollaard, Hans; Wallenburg, Iris; Bal, Roland; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background Peripheral areas are often overlooked in health-care research but they in fact deserve specific attention. Such areas struggle to maintain access to good quality health-care services due to their geographical ... -
Defining the boundaries and operational concepts of resilience in the resilience in healthcare research program
Wiig, Siri; Aase, Karina; Billett, Stephen; Canfield, Carolyn; Røise, Olav; Njå, Ove; Guise, Veslemøy; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Ree, Eline; Anderson, Janet; Macrae, Carl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04)Background Understanding the resilience of healthcare is critically important. A resilient healthcare system might be expected to consistently deliver high quality care, withstand disruptive events and continually adapt, ... -
Designing and pilot testing of a leadership intervention to improve quality and safety in nursing homes and home care (the SAFE-LEAD intervention)
Johannessen, Terese; Ree, Eline; Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Ingunn; Bal, Roland; Wiig, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05)Objective To describe the design of a leadership intervention for nursing home and home care, including a leadership guide for managers to use in their quality and safety improvement work. The paper reports results from ... -
Designing and pilot testing of a leadership intervention to improve quality and safety in nursing homes and home care (the SAFE-LEAD intervention)
Johannessen, Terese; Ree, Eline; Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Ingunn; Bal, Roland; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Objective To describe the design of a leadership intervention for nursing home and home care, including a leadership guide for managers to use in their quality and safety improvement work. The paper reports results from ... -
Employees’ perceptions of patient safety culture in Norwegian nursing homes and home care services
Ree, Eline; Wiig, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08)Background Most health care services are provided in the primary health care sector, and an increasing number of elderly is in need of these services. Nonetheless, the research on patient safety culture in home care ... -
Exploring challenges in quality and safety work in nursing homes and home care – a case study as basis for theory development
Johannessen, Terese; Ree, Eline; Aase, Ingunn; Bal, Roland; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04)Background Management, culture and systems for better quality and patient safety in hospitals have been widely studied in Norway. Nursing homes and home care, however have received much less attention. An increasing number ... -
Exploring managers’ response to a quality and safety leadership intervention: findings from a multiple case study in Norwegian nursing homes and homecare services
Johannessen, Terese; Ree, Eline; Aase, Ingunn; Bal, Roland; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)Background Improvement interventions would be easier to treat if they were stable and uninfluenced by their environment, but in practice, contextual factors may create difficulties in implementing and sustaining changes. ... -
From outsider to participant: a qualitative study about attaining and retaining work among persons with mental illness
Stangeland, Fredrik; Sveinsdottir, Vigdis; Ree, Eline (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-11)Background In Norway, the number of people on sick leave and health-related absence from work has increased over the last few years, and mental illness is one of the main contributing factors. Individual Placement and ... -
Healthcare leaders’ use of innovative solutions to ensure resilience in healthcare during the Covid-19 pandemic: a qualitative study in Norwegian nursing homes and home care services
Lyng, Hilda Bø; Ree, Eline; Wibe, Torunn; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)Background The Covid-19 pandemic introduced a global crisis for the healthcare systems. Research has paid particular attention to hospitals and intensive care units. However, nursing homes and home care services in charge ... -
Helsepersonells erfaringer med arbeid i sykehjem under Covid-19 pandemien: En fokusgruppe studie
Almås, Mari Elise (Master thesis, 2021)Sammendrag Utbruddet av Covid-19 pandemien våren 2020 i Norge førte behov for en stor omstilling i norske helsetjenester. Institusjoner som sykehjem måtte raskt endre rutiner for å unngå smittespredning blant ansatte, men ... -
How do contextual factors influence quality and safety work in the Norwegian home care and nursing home settings? A qualitative study about managers’ experiences
Ree, Eline; Johannessen, Terese; Wiig, Siri (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06)Objective Although many contextual factors can facilitate or impede primary care managers’ work with quality and safety, research on how these factors influences the managers’ continuous improvement efforts is scarce. ... -
How do occupational rehabilitation clinicians approach participants on long-term sick leave in order to facilitate return to work? - A focus-group study
Eftedal, Monica; Kvaal, Astrid Marie; Ree, Eline; Øyeflaten, Irene Larsen; Mæland, Silje (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-11)Background The objective of this study was to explore occupational rehabilitation clinicians’ experiences on how to approach their participants on long-term sick leave in order to facilitate return to work (RTW). ... -
How is patient involvement measured in patient centeredness scales for health professionals? A systematic review of their measurement properties and content
Ree, Eline; Wiig, Siri; Manser, Tanja Nicole; Storm, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-01)Background Patient centeredness is an important component of patient care and healthcare quality. Several scales exist to measure patient centeredness, and previous literature provides a critical appraisal of their ... -
How to deal with context? A context-mapping tool for quality and safety in nursing homes and homecare (SAFE-LEAD Context)
Wiig, Siri; Aase, Karina; Johannessen, Terese; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Hurup-Thomsen, Line; van de Bovenkamp, Hester; Bal, Roland; Ree, Eline (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05)Objective The objective of this paper is to develop a context-mapping tool (SAFE-LEAD Context) adapted to the nursing home and homecare setting. These two contexts represent a substantial variability, but studies focusing ... -
How to deal with context? Evaluation of the SAFE-LEAD Context Tool for quality and safety in nursing home and homecare services
Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Ullebust, Berit; Ree, Eline; Schibevaag, Lene; Hurup-Thomsen, Line; Strømme, Torunn; Aase, Karina; Aase, Ingunn; Ellis, Louise; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Background: The SAFE-LEAD Context Tool was developed for identifying contextual factors to help guide the implementation of healthcare quality and safety interventions. The SAFE-LEAD Context Tool has been tested during a ... -
Identifying, categorising, and napping actors involved in resilience in healthcare: a qualitative stakeholder analysis
Guise, Veslemøy; Chambers, Mary; Lyng, Hilda Bø; Haraldseid-Driftland, Cecilie; Schibevaag, Lene; Fagerdal, Birte; Dombestein, Heidi; Ree, Eline; Wiig, Siri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-02)Background Resilience in healthcare is the capacity to adapt to challenges and changes to maintain high-quality care across system levels. While healthcare system stakeholders such as patients, informal carers, healthcare ... -
Improving quality and safety in nursing homes and home care: the study protocol of a mixed-methods research design to implement a leadership intervention
Wiig, Siri; Ree, Eline; Johannessen, Terese; Strømme, Torunn; Storm, Marianne; Aase, Ingunn; Ullebust, Berit; Holen-Rabbersvik, Elisabeth; Hurup Thomsen, Line; Sandvik Pedersen, Anne Torhild; van de Bovenkamp, Hester; Bal, Roland; Aase, Karina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02)Introduction Nursing homes and home care face challenges across different countries as people are living longer, often with chronic conditions. There is a lack of knowledge regarding implementation and impact of quality ...