Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard"
Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Emotional creaming: Street-level bureaucrats’ prioritisation of migrant clients ‘likely to succeed’ in labour market integration
Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard; Vassenden, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)Achieving equity in welfare provision depends on accurate understandings of the work of street-level bureaucrats. We explore the role of emotions when caseworkers prioritise cases. While creaming of clients whom street-level ... -
En abduktiv tilnærming til institusjonell etnografi – et bidrag til sosiologisk kunnskapsutvikling
Mathiesen, Ida Holth; Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02)Utviklingen av institusjonell etnografi som forskningstradisjon har vært preget av et arbeid med å utvikle og klargjøre grenser for hva som er institusjonell etnografi, og hva som ikke er det. Dette grensearbeidet har ... -
Et flipperspill i velferdsstaten: Innlåsing av innvandrere med «språkutfordringer» i NAV
Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard; Vassenden, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Mange innvandrerbrukere «låses» inne i NAV-systemet som varig avhengige av økonomisk sosialhjelp. Slike innlåsingsmekanismer beskrives ofte som resultatet av at brukere blir «kasteballer» mellom tjenester og ikke får den ... -
“I don't know what to do—Could it be cultural?” The operationalization of cultural sensitivity among street‐level workers in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration
Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Faced with increased global migration and a more ethnically diverse clientele, several studies stress the need for more culturally sensitive welfare services. Others warn that the focus on culture might lead to the ... -
The making of immigrant clients: An ethnographic study of categorisation work in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration (NAV)
Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-12)In this study, I contribute to our understanding of the welfare services provided to immigrants. How street-level bureaucrats make sense of and categorise immigrant clients determines the services provided to them. This ... -
Navigating the multifaceted landscape of culture and social work A qualitative evidence synthesis of cultural competence and cultural sensitivity in practice
Volckmar-Eeg, Maria Gussgard; Enoksen, Elisabeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11)Faced with increased global migration, there is a growing concern that social workers need more training in- and knowledge of culture and ethnicity. These understandings have come to influence research, education, practice, ...