• Bebyggelse, landskap og lokalklima 

      Nitter, Marianne (AmS-Varia;49, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      The purpose of the project is to investigate how the landscape and vegetation influenced the temperature and wind conditions at Tastarustå and ultimately the settlement and the growing conditions at the site, which was ...
    • Bøndene på Kvålehodlene : boplass-, jordbruks- og landskapsutvikling gjennom 6000 år på Jæren, SV Norge 

      Soltvedt, Eli-Christine; Løken, Trond; Prøsch-Danielsen, Lisbeth; Børsheim, Ragnar L.; Oma, Kristin (AmS-Varia;47, Book, 2007)
      In order to reconstruct the settlement-, agriculture- and land-use practises within the Kvåle-complex, Time municipality, in the Jæren region, an interdisciplinary project was organised in 2001-02. The approach involved ...
    • De første jegerne i Dyraheio 

      Bang-Andersen, Sveinung (AmS-Varia;48, Book, 2008)
      The subject of this paper is human adaptation to the southern Norwegian mountains within a long-term perspective, from the late Middle Mesolithic into the Late Neolithic period, based on the results of archaeological ...
    • Eksempler på klassifisering av atmosfæriske sirkulasjonsmønsstre over Nord-Atlanteren og Europa 1881-1993 etter en statistisk metode 

      Nitter, Marianne (AmS-Varia;24, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1995)
      Marked variations in temperature and precipitation, associated with variations in the atmospheric circulation, have occurred over the North Atlantic and Europe during the last hundred years. This paper presents examples ...
    • Evig eies kun det tapte - med alle sine hemmeligheter. Refleksjoner rundt en gjenstand av kleberstein funnet ved Håelva på Jæren 

      Bang-Andersen, Sveinung (AmS-Varia;49, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      A polished, dark-green soapstone artefact, found by accident at Njærheim beside the estuary of the River Hå in the Jæren district of Southwest Norway in the 1980-ies, is described and discussed. It is 128 mm long, weighs ...
    • Formuende, middelmådige og fattige : den sosiale sammensetningen i Stavanger 1661 - 1801 

      Daasvand, Tone (AmS-Varia;54, Book, 2013)
      There have been no detailed studies of a Norwegian urban population covering the whole period of absolute monarchy in Denmark-Norway, from 1660 to 1814. This thesis examines the social structure of the population of ...
    • Fra hall til stove 

      Sørheim, Helge (AmS-Varia;43, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      With the introduction of cross-timbered dwelling houses around 1000 AD, a several thousand years old building tradition in Norway was broken. The cross-timbering technique that in fact was well known at this time, being ...
    • Gausel-utgravingene 1997-2000 

      Børsheim, Ragnar L.; Soltvedt, Eli-Christine; Bårdseth, Gro Anita; Bogarp, Catinka (AmS-Varia;39, Book, 2001)
      Spor etter til sammen 18 bygninger og 10 graver er undersøkt på gården Gausel i Stavanger. De arkeologiske sporene fordeler seg innenfor en tidshorisont fra slutten av bronsealder til vikingtid. Bygningssporene er undersøkt ...
    • Hafrsfjord og nokre andre stadnamn kring fjorden på Nord-Jæren 

      Særheim, Inge (AmS-Varia;53, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      This article deals with the fjord name Hafrsfjord and other place-names from the Hafrsfjord area in northern Jæren (Southwest- Norway). The author discusses the etymology and the semantics of the fjord name and related ...
    • Haugen som gravfelt 

      Dahl, Barbro (AmS-Varia;58, Chapter, 2016-12)
      Preconceptions about the construction and function of burial mounds can heavily influence the degree of complexity one is apt to see in the field. Rather than seeing a burial mound as the result of a single moment in time, ...
    • Historieformidling og historiebevissthet : den utfordrende fortellingen om den fjerne fortiden 

      Lillehammer, Grete (AmS-Varia;49, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Museums are non-places for teaching pupils/students history. Digital information and communication technology have given museums challenges that were not foreseen only a couple of decades ago to the art of presenting ...
    • Historisk riss av utvikling og integrering av arkeologiske og naturvitenskapelige metoder. Eksempler fra Forsand og Rogaland forøvrig 

      Prøsch-Danielsen, Lisbeth (AmS-Varia;43, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2005)
      This manuscript is a shortened version of an oral lecture held at the symposium «Structures and building tradition. Mechanical topsoil stripping – methods, interpretations and management». The lecture was meant to be an ...
    • Hustyper og sosialstruktur gjennom bronsealder på Forsandmoen, Rogaland, sørvest-Norge 

      Løken, Trond (AmS-Varia;33, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)
      The house-material from Forsandmoen, which consists of 22 longhouses and 16 smaller dwelling houses, dated to the Bronze Age primarily by 14C-dates, is analysed. Special attention is paid to the 69 houses consisting of ...
    • Innledning til seminaret "Kilder for klimadata i Norden fortrinnsvis i perioden 1860-1993" 

      Myhre, Bjørn (AmS-Varia;24, Chapter, 1995)
      The Museum of Archaeology , Stavanger (AmS) and its climate projects are briefly presented. Although the projects are fundamentally historical, their aim is not only to study the climatic history of the past but to ...
    • Jernvinna : spontant eller organisert opptak? 

      Hofseth, Ellen Høigård (AmS-Varia;4, Chapter, 1979-02)
      Litteraturen om jernvinna har ofte en deskriptiv karakter. Den er preget av tekniske spørsmål. Det er få som har forsøkt å gi svar på hvorfor og hvordan kunnskap om jernfremstilling har spredd seg. Det er forståelig utifra ...
    • Jæren og verden : bronsekar og glass fra Hauge og Tu 

      Hauken, Åsa Dahlin (AmS-Varia;55, Chapter, 2014-11)
      The article presents the four burial finds with imported goods from the farms Hauge and Tu in Jæren, Southwest Norway. The discussion focuses primarily on glass and bronze vessels, comprising two trailed glass (Snartemo) ...
    • Jærens Akropolis : landskap og fornminner på Anda-/Tuhøyden 

      Lillehammer, Grete (AmS-Varia;55, Chapter, 2014-11)
      The article looks into the grammar of cultural memory as manifested in the patterns of a landscape cosmology and represented in the types and variations of ancient monuments situated on a protuberant mountain ridge in the ...
    • Jærstrendene : Namn og stader 

      Særheim, Inge (AmS-Varia;57, Book, 2015)
      This monograph presents linguistic analysis of more than 3000 coastal toponyms from Jæren (southwestern Norway), from the sea and the seashores. The etymology of the names is discussed as well as the context and the ...
    • Klimaets plass i norsk historie : En forskningshistorisk oversikt 

      Pedersen, Einar Solheim (AmS-Varia;58, Chapter, 2016-12)
      Based on the threatening climatic situation confronting the world and the fact that Norway’s geographical position makes the country vulnerable to climate change, this article addresses the paradox that climate has only ...
    • Klimarom : klimaets avhengighet av skala og landskap 

      Nitter, Marianne (AmS-Varia;49, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
      Variations in temperature, precipitation and wind depend on variations in topography, vegetation, surface properties and topographic lines in a given landscape. Various weather phenomena exist within well-defined areas, ...