Blar i Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (TN-ISØP) på tittel
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Factors influencing production loss in salmonid farming
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02)Using a unique dataset, this paper investigates factors influencing production loss in Norwegian salmonid farming. The factors can be grouped into fish-specific factors (e.g. species, genetics, and generation), input factors ... -
Feasibility study of PRA for critical infrastructure risk analysis
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) has been commonly used by NASA and the nuclear power industry to assess risk since the 1970s. However, PRA is not commonly used to assess risk in networked infrastructure systems such as ... -
Fifty Years of Operations Research in Defense
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The OR (Operations Research) in defense literature is reviewed. Various OR methodologies are outlined, e.g. decision theory, game theory, mergers of differential equations and game theory, and adversarial risk analysis. ... -
Fish Pool priser - Hva forteller de oss fremtidige laksepriser?
(Journal article, 2016)I denne artikkelen diskuterer vi hva FishPools futurespriser sier om fremtidige laksepriser. En forutsetning for at en futureskontrakt skal gi en god sikring er at futuresprisen er et godt estimat på fremtidig spotpris. ... -
The Force Continuum: Prevalence and Characteristics of Police Use of Coercive Force
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)This study is among the first to investigate police use of coercive force in Norway; its purpose is to provide a general overview of the prevalence and particularly the characteristics of Norwegian police emergency response ... -
Forvaltningsskikk og byråkratisk håndverk i krisehåndtering. Offentlige virksomheter i vekslingen mellom kontroll og strategi
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06)For offentlige virksomheter innebar krisen som inntraff med Covid-19 i mars 2020 en akutt, ikke-planlagt og inngripende virksomhetsomlegging uten kjent tidshorisont. I denne artikkelen spør vi hva som skjer med statlig, ... -
A framework for understanding risk based on the concepts of ontology and epistemology
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Two fundamental philosophical concepts of social science are ontology (idealism and realism), relating to what reality is, and epistemology (epistemological realism, epistemological idealism), relating to how one can obtain ... -
From Stone to Norwegian Wood
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Throughout the centuries, nearly all signal buildings on the European continent have been built in masonry or concrete – in harsh, ‘stone-like’ materials. Norway differs remarkably from this main trend. We see that the ... -
The future looks like the past: Introgression of domesticated Atlantic salmon escapees in a risk assessment framework
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06)Escapes of domesticated fish from aquaculture, followed by interbreeding with wild conspecifics, represent a threat to the genetic integrity and evolutionary trajectory of natural populations. Approximately fifty years of ... -
A Game Between Central Banks and Households Involving Central Bank Digital Currencies, Other Digital Currencies and Negative Interest Rates
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-09-08)Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) enable negative interest rates. A game is analyzed between a central bank (accounting for the government’s interest) and a representative household choosing to consume, hold CBDC, ... -
Game Theoretic Analysis of Clickbait or Fake News and Real News
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)A decision and game theoretic model is developed for how one and two news organisations strike balances between producing clickbait or fake news, and real news. Each news organisation seeks to attract gullible consumers ... -
A Game Theoretic Analysis of Competition Between Vaccine and Drug Developers During Disease Contraction and Recovery
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)Background Infectious diseases such as COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS are behaviorally challenging for persons, vaccine and drug companies, and donors. Methods In 3 linked games in which a disease may or may not be contracted, ... -
Game Theoretic Analysis of Persons, the Pharmaceutical Industry, and Donors in Disease Contraction and Recovery
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Disease contraction and recovery depend on complex interaction between persons potentially contracting and recovering from the disease, the pharmaceutical industry potentially developing drugs, and donors potentially ... -
A Game Theoretic Model of Adversaries and Media Manipulation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)A model is developed for two players exerting media manipulation efforts to support each of two actors who interact controversially. Early evidence may support one actor, while the full evidence emerging later may support ... -
A Generalized Interest Rates Model with Scaling
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The article introduces scaling and generalizes the Taylor (1993) interest rate rule from four terms to seven terms. The three additional terms are the deviation in money supply, the deviation in money velocity, and the ... -
Generalizing the Black and Scholes Equation Assuming Differentiable Noise
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)This article develops probability equations for an asset value through time, assuming continuous correlated differentiable Gaussian distributed noise. Ito’s (1944) stochastic integral and a generalized Novikov’s (1919) ... -
Global markets and the commons: The role of imports in the US wild-caught shrimp market
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The commons literature focuses heavily on rules and the behavior of resource users but places less emphasis on the returns to individual effort. However, for most resource settings, market conditions and associated resource ... -
The Global Positioning System and Military Jamming: The geographies of electronic warfare
(Journal article, 2019)GPS supports infrastructure assets that are essential to the functioning of national and international banking operations, power grid, transportation, and communication systems, therefore its reliability and accuracy is ... -
Governmental Combat of Migration Between Competing Terrorist Organisations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Each terrorist organisation is modelled with four coupled differential time equations for the evolution of ideologues, criminal mercenaries, captive participants, and capital sponsoring. Emigration of ideologues may cause ... -
Governmental Taxation of Households Choosing Between a National Currency and a Cryptocurrency
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04)A game between a representative household and a government was analyzed. The household chose which fractions of two currencies to hold, e.g., a national currency such as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) and a global ...