Now showing items 304-313 of 313

    • Valg av utbyggingskonsept - platform eller undervannsløsning 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
    • The Value of Urban Density 

      Hernandez-Palacio, Fabio Alberto; Scherzer, Sabrina; Frøyen, Yngve Karl (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)
      Urban density is considered a cornerstone of sustainable urban form, enhancing the potential for more sustainable lifestyles and fewer greenhouse gas emissions. To explore the relationship between urban density and residential ...
    • Verdsetting og bokføring av petroleumsreserver? 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)
      De internasjonale oljeselskapene sliter med å erstatte olje‐ og gassreservene gjennom egen lete‐ og utbyggingsaktivitet. Dette har gitt høy aktivitet innen kjøp og salg av reserver. Knapphet på reserver samtidig med rekordhøy ...
    • Vulnerability and vulnerable groups from an intersectionality perspective 

      Kuran, Christian Henrik Alexander; Morsut, Claudia; Kruke, Bjørn Ivar; Krüger, Marco; Segnestam, Lisa; Orru, Kati; Nævestad, Tor-Olav; Airola, Merja; Keränen, Jaana; Gabel, Friedrich; Hansson, Sten; Torpan, Sten (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11)
      In general, the identification and protection of vulnerable groups in the case of hazards or when a crisis unfolds is an issue that any crisis and disaster risk management should address, since people have different levels ...
    • When Counterterrorism Enters the Curriculum: How the Global War on Terror Risks Impairing Good Education 

      Sjøen, Martin Meggele (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09)
      This article outlines and critically discusses the securitisation of the counterradicalisation efforts in Norwegian schools. More specifically, it explores perceptions offered by educators and youth social workers through ...
    • When to dismiss an alternative hypothesis or theory? A risk and uncertainty perspective 

      Aven, Terje (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-12)
      In society, there is often an ‘official view’ – a mainstream account – and alternatives to this view are seen as representing a disturbance and hampering this view’s policy implementation. There is often considerable ...
    • Who Said What: A Multi-Country Content Analysis of European Health Organisations’ COVID-19 Social Media Communication 

      Kompani, Kamyar; Deml, Michael J.; Mahdavian, Farnaz; Koval, Olena Mykolajivna; Arora, Sanjana; Broqvist, Hilda (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Objectives: As a risk communication tool, social media was mobilised at an unprecedented level during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study examined health authorities’ risk communication on social media in response to the ...
    • Will GPS Jammers Proliferate in the Smart City? 

      Westbrook, Tegg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The Smart City will rely extensively on consented and unconsented information about people’s location and movements in order to fulfil its many ambitions. Utilising the Global Positioning System (GPS) is necessary and ...
    • Will GPS Jammers Proliferate in the Smart City? 

      Westbrook, Tegg (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      The Smart City will rely extensively on consented and unconsented information about people’s location and movements in order to fulfil its many ambitions. Utilising the Global Positioning System (GPS) is necessary and ...
    • Økt oljeutvinning fra eksisterende felt 

      Osmundsen, Petter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)
      Fallende produksjonsrate og sterk kostnadsvekst fremskynder nedstengningstidspunktet for mange felt på norsk sokkel. Det haster derfor med tiltak for å forlenge levetiden på feltene og for å øke utvinningsgraden. Det er ...