Engineering Safety : With applications to fire safety design of buildings and road tunnels
Doctoral thesis
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- PhD theses (TN-ISØP) [32]
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Engineering Safety : With applications to fire safety design of buildings and road tunnels by Henrik Bjelland, Stavanger : University of Stavanger, 2013 (PhD thesis UiS, no. 207)Abstract
A continuously changing and increasingly complex society leads to new
challenges in safety design. Modern buildings and road tunnels are being
packed with new technology that creates new failure modes, multiple subsystem
interactions and tight couplings between different socio-technical
systems. Meanwhile, safety is largely designed into these systems using
prescriptive design rules that have evolved through reactions to accidents in
systems with limited resemblance to modern systems.
The traditional prescriptive approach to safety design was developed to avoid
the re-occurrence of previously experienced accidents. New types of systems
and accidents need a different design philosophy. The focus should be on the
future instead of the past. Hence, the following question was outlined as the
major issue of this thesis: what promotes and inhibits performance-based
safety management of design processes?
Performance-based design principles and regulations are nothing new. In
Norway, performance-based fire safety legislations were introduced in the
onshore building industry in 1997, and the international fire safety science
community had a great focus on promoting these issues during the 1990s.
However, experience with the performance-based legislation regime shows
that the majority of fire safety designing activity is still based on prescriptive
design rules, even in the most novel and complex cases. This is an unfortunate
practice, considering that the prescriptive design rules have a boundary of
validity associated with historically appropriate designs. Another matter is the
restricted empirical foundation for the prescriptive design rules. Accidents are
relatively rare events in socio-technical systems. Hence, the ‘test of time’ is a
rather weak test in terms of determining the appropriateness of the
prescriptive design rules. Strengthening the performance-based alternative to
safety management of design process is thus of major importance.
Four research questions were developed to support the major issue. The
research questions were associated with: (1) understanding current fire safety
engineering practice, (2) investigating the scientific foundation of the
concepts of fire safety level and safety margin, (3) investigating
methodological challenges associated with current practice, and (4)
transforming the understanding associated with current challenges into
proposals for improvement. The research was limited to issues associated with
engineering practice, safety science and safety regulation, explored through
six case studies:
A. A study of fire safety engineering practice in Norway in the period
from 1997 to 2012.
B. A study of fire safety science’s treatment of major concepts
associated with the measurement of safety levels and safety margins.
C. A study of 40 different technical fire safety strategies (combinations
of safety measures) for multi-story residential apartment buildings.
D. A study of the application of an engineering methodology to a
specific design example: a concert hall.
E. A study of the risk analyses and uncertainty management process in
the Rogfast road tunnel project.
F. A study of the application of a Bayesian Network model for risk
analysis in road tunnels generally and in the Rogfast tunnel
The data the case studies dealt with has mainly been written documents, either
collected from the different projects or through literature surveys associated
with the topic. Documents have been analyzed using qualitative text analyses,
except for case studies C, D and F, which also include quantitative risk and
fire modeling approaches.
The major finding of the project is that there is a mismatch between current
fire safety engineering practices and fire safety science. Fire safety
engineering practice builds largely on the application of prescriptive design
rules. Deviations from these design rules are often made, and the
consequences of these deviations are often documented qualitatively using
engineering judgment and argumentation. Fire safety science, on the other
hand, builds on a rather narrow scientific framework, greatly inspired by the
natural sciences. Fire safety is preferably measured by the application of
quantitative relationships and models. The type of qualitative knowledge
reflected by the fire safety engineering practice is poorly reflected in fire
safety science, and the type of quantitative rigor reflected in fire safety
science is poorly reflected in fire safety engineering practice. Obviously there
is a need to increase the common understanding.
I argue that the scientific framework for fire safety science is too narrow to
capture the essence of the concept of fire safety. The traditional framework
builds on scientific reductionism, which leads to great simplifications in the
treatment of systems and environmental complexity and excludes critical
issues that are difficult to quantify dependably. Examples of the latter are
human and organizational behavior. Similar conclusions are drawn with
regards to the risk concept from the Rogfast cases. Overemphasis on model
concepts, such as relative frequencies or universal causal structures, excludes
the individual knowledge safety experts may bring to the table in novel
An alternative scientific framework is suggested, which builds on a
constructivist systems thinking perspective. A fundamental assumption is that
complex socio-technical systems, such as certain modern buildings and road
tunnels, are modeled as social hierarchies. The macro-level includes social
institutions, such as national safety authorities and fire departments, while the
micro-levels include the building’s components, sub-systems, and nuts and
bolts. Fire safety, then, is a property of the system as a whole and cannot be
associated with any lower layer in the hierarchy, for instance by only
considering the technical infrastructure or the reliability of an automatic
sprinkler system. Moreover, complex socio-technical systems are constantly
adapting to changes within themselves and in the environment. Hence, safety
design is a matter of creating a control structure that enables the system to
change in a safe manner.
Application of the proposed framework would lead to a more holistic
approach to safety design, regardless if one applies a risk-based methodology
or a systems safety methodology. For instance, it would broaden the view on
what knowledge is relevant in design processes and what measures could be
used to achieve safety. Knowledge associated with the individual engineer’s
experience would become more important. This knowledge may be tacitly
known, and works, for instance, in terms of how the engineer creatively
frames and reframes design problems to the stakeholders’ needs. A holistic
perspective on safety measures includes, in principle, all thinkable measures,
and not only those measures associated with quantitative knowledge. A
consequence of this would be that mathematical rigor would have to give way
to more qualitative and discursive decision processes. Alternative processes
and supplementing methods to traditional quantitative modeling and analysis
for determining quality and coherence of the documentation would have to be
PhD thesis in Risk management and societal safety
Has parts
Bjelland, H., & Njå, O. (2012a). Fourteen years of experience with performance-based fire safety engineering in Norway – lessons learned. Paper presented at the 9th International Conference on Performance-Based Code and Fire Safety Design Methods.Bjelland, H., & Njå, O. (2012b). Interpretation of safety margin in ASET/RSET assessments in the Norwegian building industry. Paper presented at the 11th International Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management Conference (PSAM11) and The Annual European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL2012)
Bjelland, H., & Njå, O. (2012d). Safety factors in fire safety engineering. Paper presented at the Advances in safety, reliability and risk management: proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2011, Troyes, France, 18-22 September 2011
Bjelland, H., Njå, O., Braut, G. S., & Heskestad, A. W.: A Discussion of the Concepts of Safety Level and Safety Margin: Applications in Fire Safety Design for Occupants in Buildings
Bjelland, H., & Njå, O. (2012c). Performance-based fire safety: risk associated with different designs. Paper presented at the Advances in safety, reliability and risk management: proceedings of the European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2011, Troyes, France, 18- 22 September 2011
Bjelland, H., & Borg, A. (2013). On the use of scenario analysis in combination with prescriptive fire safety design requirements. Environment, Systems & Decisions, 33(1):33-42. DOI: 10.1007/s10669-012-9425-2
Bjelland, H., & Aven, T. (2013). Treatment of Uncertainty in Risk Assessments in the Rogfast Road Tunnel Project. Safety Science, 55:34-44. URL:
Borg, A., Bjelland, H., & Njå, O.: Reflections on Bayesian Network models for road tunnel safety design: A case study from Norway.