Faculty of Social Sciences
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Department of Health Studies [398]
Helsevitenskapelig fakultet -
Gender Research Network (SV-NFK) [14]
Senter for kjønnsforskning -
Norwegian School of Hotel Management (SV-NHS) [840]
Norsk hotellhøgskole
Nye registreringer
Analyses of Physical and Psychological Characteristics of “Squid Game” Characters Using East Asian Biopsychosocial Personality Theories and Body Mass Index
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)Media characters’ physical and psychological traits are crucial for character development and audience engagement. This study examines East Asian perspectives on the audience’s perceptions of the physical appearance and ... -
Developing a novel tool for assessing olfactory dysfunction: The parosmia, phantosmia, and anosmia test (PARPHAIT)
(PhD thesis UiS; 818, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Background Symptoms of olfactory dysfunction (OD) apply to different conditions, one of which is COVID-19. OD may manifest as a loss or reduction of smell, called quantitative OD, or as a change in the perception of odours, ... -
Capture Beyond the Platforms: The Material and Infrastructural Conditions for Digital Journalism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-07)News organisations are growing increasingly dependent on digital infrastructures for the distribution of news, AI implementation, and management of data. In this article, we argue that this dependency goes beyond the level ... -
Elites and ordinariness in cross-status encounters: Adding Goffman's ritual interaction order to sociological interpretations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)Elites and higher-class people often downplay – even conceal – their status when interacting with people of lower class/status than themselves. This finding has been reported from several countries in the Global North. It ... -
Barriers to the Adoption of EVs in Africa: A Case Study on Nigeria
(Master thesis, 2024) -
A Socio-technical Perspective On Carbon Capture, Utilization, And Storage Technologies In China—Through The MLP And SNM Approaches
(Master thesis, 2024)In 2020, China committed to peaking its carbon dioxide emissions before or by 2030 and achieving carbon neutrality by 2060. Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) has been recognized as a crucial strategy for ... -
8 faser for å lykkes med rekrutteringsprosessen
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)I denne bacheloroppgaven har vi tatt for oss teori rundt rekrutteringsprosessen. Dette har skapt grunnlag for vår egen rekrutteringsmodell. Bakgrunnen for oppgaven er basert på vår egen interesse og nysgjerrighet rundt ... -
Watt sense of community? A human geography agenda on energy communities
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Energy communities can potentially advance just transitions towards low-carbon systems by devolving energy production and consumption to local scales. During vibrant debates on evolving energy geographies for more than a ... -
Take a hike: Spatializing allemannsretten and transportation accessibility for outdoor recreation in the Greater Stavanger Region, Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)A special connection between people and their environment is legally recognized in Norway as Allemannsretten, the right to enjoy a large part of Norwegian nature. Scholarship on leisure mobility, spatial planning, and ... -
Sikring av kritiske råmaterialer for en rettferdig energiomstilling: En rettferdighets-sentrert analyse av norske strategier
(Master thesis, 2024)As technologies such as batteries, wind turbines or solar panels are increasingly produced in the context of the energy transition, the demand for critical minerals needed for these technologies is rising accordingly. The ... -
Rollen til offentlig bevissthet, engasjement og fornybar energi i Norges karbonreduksjon.
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Hvordan opplever ungdom å få medvirke i valg av institusjon
(Master thesis, 2024) -
Challenging the hegemonic regime of the petroleum state? The governmental and public discourses on fossil-fuel production and climate risk in Norway
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)From 2011 to 2018, the Norwegian government justifies continued Norwegian oil and gas production based on resource efficiency. Low-carbon oil and gas production is perceived as an important competitive advantage and vital ... -
Why is China Advancing in Offshore Wind Development While Norway is Lagging?
(Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven undersøker de ulike utviklingsbanene for utbygging av havvind i Norge og Folkerepublikken Kina. Forskningen benytter et kvalitativt, induktivt og komparativt casestudiedesign, med utgangspunkt i litteratur ... -
Education for the Future: The Integration of Sustainability Education and the Sustainable Development Goals in the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program in Norway
(Master thesis, 2024)The International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP) offers an interdisciplinary educational framework that aims to shape students into empowered individuals who have the skills necessary to solve the wicked ... -
På evig vandring mellom to adresser - Endring i balansen mellom nær- og fjernledelse i Stavangerbarnehagen
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag Dette er en masteroppgave i endringsledelse som utforsker tematikken “Nær- og fjernledelse i barnehagen”. Studien benytter kvalitative metoder for å undersøke en strukturell endring av de kommunale barnehagene ... -
Lederkompetanse i barnevernet - Sett i lys av et implementeringsprosjekt i en kommunal barneverntjeneste
(Master thesis, 2024)Barnevernet i Norge blir stadig utsatt for kritikk, både nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Det siste tiåret har også ledelsen i de kommunale barneverntjenestene vært gjenstand for kritikk. Statlige utredninger og tilsynsrapporter ... -
En studie av organisasjoners tilpasningsstrategier i møte med grenseoverskridende kriser
(Master thesis, 2024)Sammendrag I oppgaven tar vi for oss forholdet mellom organisasjoner og grenseoverskridende kriser. Gjennom en kvalitativ casestudie har vi undersøkt hvordan organisasjoner tilpasser seg ulike grenseoverskridende kriser, ...