Browsing Studentoppgaver (SV-IMS) by Author "Sareen, Siddharth"
Now showing items 1-15 of 15
Biodiversity and the Smart City: How can citizen science increase co-operation
Clarke, Hugh (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2020;, Master thesis, 2021-01)Biodiversity has suffered huge declines in recent decades. Meanwhile, smart city initiatives have become very popular in urban settings as a way of tackling society’s problems. The purpose of this study is to look at the ... -
Can Automated Smart-Homes increase Energy Efficiency and Grid Flexibility? - A Case Study of Stavanger, Norway investigating barriers and justice implications -
Stumpf, Rebekka (Master thesis, 2021)Artificial intelligence (AI) advocates deem it essential for the energy transition. Such a complex and penetrative set of technologies that impact everyday lives must be implemented cautiously. This thesis examines barriers ... -
Decarbonising light-weight urban transport: A case study of Stavanger, Norway
Hansen, Tormod Evensen (Master thesis, 2021)The scope of this study is to analyse and discuss measures from Stavanger´s Climate- and environment plan 2018-2030 to gain insight into how the national urban growth agreement is implemented on a regional level. Contemporary ... -
Development of shore power for cruise ships: Case study of the Port of Stavanger, Norway.
Røyneberg, Sunniva (Master thesis, 2021)The growing cruise industry has impacted harbouring cities through noise and air pollution causing distress and harm to citizens. Shore power technology is a promising solution for these issues and is being implemented in ... -
E-scooter regulation in urban spaces: Intersecting inequalities in low-carbon mobility transitions
Davis, Karisma (Master thesis, 2023)What ways are e-scooters regulated as they penetrate urban space? Which actors have decision-making power in practice, and with what implications for the interests of diverse social groups that undertake mobility in cities? ... -
Hydrogen, Kultur og Nord-Norge: kulturell bærekraft av hydrogenutvikling i det Norske Arktis
Ponthieu, Caroline (Master thesis, 2024)Overgangen til bærekraftige energisystemer er en global nødvendighet, drevet av behovet for å dempe klimaendringer og sikre energisikkerhet. Hydrogen har dukket opp som en lovende energibærer, spesielt grønt hydrogen ... -
Individual agency in the social construction of Green Public Procurement: Emergence and implications in Stavanger Municipality
Edland, Andrea (Master thesis, 2023)Given the urgent global climate challenges we face today, it is imperative for actors at all levels - international, national, and local - to take decisive action. In this context, green public procurement (GPP) emerges ... -
Inkluderende nabolagssentrum - Medvirkningsmetoder i kommunale planprosesser
Espelid, Natasha (Master thesis, 2022)Medvirkningsmetoder i kommunale planprosesser er sentrale for å skape et inkluderende og bærekraftig samfunn. Strand kommune er i gang med kommunesplanens arealdel for 2023-2035, der de har satt som mål å utvikle et ... -
Livssyklusanalyser og bærekraftige omstillinger
Kvitrud, Erlend Kulander (Master thesis, 2022)The social and political barriers to sustainability are often presumed to boil down to misalignments of power and motivation. If only those who have the power to initiate sustainability transitions could be motivated to ... -
Nature trails and urban inclusion: The integration of city spaces into Sweden's long trekking trails
King, Katrina (Master thesis, 2023)Cities have long been poorly integrated into nature trails, which are popularly associated with rural areas. Yet these trails can be seen as places of connection between the urban and the rural, constituting a mélange of ... -
Public transportation in Sandnes - A mobility justice perspective
Sæther, Karen Haaland (Master thesis, 2021)Urban mobility is changing. The broad agreement on the need for sustainable mobility transitions has resulted in transport- and mobility-related measures locally and nationally worldwide. New trends in mobility call for ... -
Scope 3 accounting and corporate sustainability reporting: Change management towards SDG 12
Bigelow, Jasmine (Master thesis, 2023)As reaching the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C limit by 2050 draws near, there has been speculation that this target will be missed. Within this, Scope 3 emissions reduction is key, yet complex, and poorly integrated into firms’ ... -
Sikring av kritiske råmaterialer for en rettferdig energiomstilling: En rettferdighets-sentrert analyse av norske strategier
Degobertière, Mathilde Léa (Master thesis, 2024)As technologies such as batteries, wind turbines or solar panels are increasingly produced in the context of the energy transition, the demand for critical minerals needed for these technologies is rising accordingly. The ... -
Sirkulær økonomi innen havvind turbinblader: Nasjonale og industrielle reguleringer og planer for sluttfase
Kakar-Afzali, Mia Masiha (Master thesis, 2024)With national and global objectives for expanding the offshore wind industry comes a wave of growth in decommissioning and waste of turbine blades. Waste management options such as landfills have risen widely, which are ... -
The impact of green industrial policy on the renewable energy transition: Solar and wind power In Norway
Øverås, John Rejor (Master thesis, 2022)Abstract In this master’s thesis I was interested in researching the role the state has in promoting renewable energy, and accelerating a transition to more renewable energy. Particularly I was interested in the ...