Browsing Studentoppgaver (SV-IMS) by Author "Sattich, Thomas Michael"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A look at Norway's Energy Future: Can jobs be retained during the green transition?
Mikalsen, Petter (Master thesis, 2021)Norway along with the rest of the world is moving towards more low-carbon and renewable energy technologies. A large part of Norway's economy and job market relies on the oil and gas industry. This thesis investigates where ... -
Barriers to the development of carbon farming technologies in Europe: The case of Liquid Natural Clay (LNC)
Asbjørnsen, Marie (Master thesis, 2023)Human-related activities are impacting the Earth at a large scale, and the global mean surface temperature increased by 1.1oC above pre-industrial levels between 2011 and 2020. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions ... -
Enhancing the Power Grid: Conservatism, innovation, and technical challenges for the Norwegian DSOs
Jarstø, Jo Henrik Egeland (Master thesis, 2022)Society needs to reduce its carbon footprint, and many consider electrification one of the most effective solutions. Buses, airplanes, cars, and industries want to electrify to reduce their emissions. The enormous demand ... -
Hvilke sosioøkonomik dynamikk vil havvind påvirke? En regional casestudie av Utsira Nord
Tjøsvoll, Solveig Elisabeth Gjersvik (Master thesis, 2022)Utbyggingen av vindparker på land har blitt møtt med kritikk fra ulike interessenter i Norge og har gjort det vanskelig å planlegge for ytterligere utvidelser av landvind. Det heter også at Norge har en ledelse innen ... -
Managing transitions - integration of higher educational institutions in sustainability education in Norway
Ås, Birgitte (Master thesis, 2023)Context. This thesis audits the development of sustainability competencies in higher educational institutions (HEIs) within sustainability education. It examines how HEIs effectively cultivate competencies aligned with ... -
One oil hub, two imaginaries - Do changing values affect the transition within Aarbakke AS, a supplier toward Oil & gas embedded in the oil hub region of Rogaland
Lassen, Cato (Master thesis, 2021)The oil and gas industry has a significant role within the Norwegian state. Within Norway, the region of Rogaland has positioned itself as an important area for operation toward the Oil industry, becoming a main operational ... -
The political feasibility of disruptive policies: Fossil fuel divestment and the 'Norwegian Paradox'
Bærheim, Anette (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-08)The purpose of this paper is to get a better understanding of how norms affect the political feasibility of disruptive policies. It does by analyzing two cases of fossil fuel divestment from the Norwegian Government Pension ...