Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (SV-IS) by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 251
A conceptual model on reintegration after prison in Norway.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Many offenders struggle when attempting to reintegrate into society after release from prison, and the conditions they face after release often lead to reoffending. Internationally, there is limited understanding about how ... -
“A life more ordinary” Processes of 5-year recovery from substance abuse. Experiences of 30 recovered service users
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09)Background: Studies investigating the subjective experiences of long-term recovery from substance use disorder are scarce. Particularly, functional and social factors have received little attention. Objectives: To investigate ... -
A national survey on how sexual activity is perceived to be associated with sleep
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12)There is a paucity of studies investigating how sexual activity is perceived to influence sleep, despite conceptions about significant gender differences regarding this issue. In all, 4000 persons, aged between 18 and 55 ... -
Academia Letters Fake, Facts, and Conspiracy – Kant revised and Beyond
(Journal article, 2022)This Academia Letter addresses three subjects: a) A presentation of controversial topics such as fake, facts, and conspiracy that has been frequently debated. Last US election is illustrative. So is the current war in ... -
Addressing the construct validity of the “individual problems and strengths” scale
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) systems have been used to monitor how a client’s life changes over the course of therapy. However, if a ROM system is to be used, the system should have sufficient construct ... -
Age-Related Differences in Moral Judgment: The Role of Probability Judgments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-09)Research suggests that moral evaluations change during adulthood. Older adults (75+) tend to judge accidentally harmful acts more severely than younger adults do, and this age-related difference is in part due to the greater ... -
Age-Related Differences in Moral Judgment: The Role of Probability Judgments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Research suggests that moral evaluations change during adulthood. Older adults (75+) tend to judge accidentally harmful acts more severely than younger adults do, and this age-related difference is in part due to the greater ... -
Age‑dependent changes in intuitive and deliberative cooperation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Cooperation is one of the most advantageous strategies to have evolved in small- and large-scale human societies, often considered essential to their success or survival. We investigated how cooperation and the mechanisms ... -
Ambivalence in activation encounters
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)It continues to be unclear what opportunities and challenges that lie in the activation encounter as a communicative and relational situation. This study assumes that ambivalence is present in such encounters since ambivalence ... -
Ambivalent recognition: young unaccompanied refugees’ encounters with Norwegian society
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-07)Receiving the right to stay in Norway might seem a critical factor for refugees’ well-being and belonging. Yet, this research shows that young unaccompanied refugees experience ambivalent feelings towards Norwegian society ... -
Analyses of Physical and Psychological Characteristics of “Squid Game” Characters Using East Asian Biopsychosocial Personality Theories and Body Mass Index
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-10)Media characters’ physical and psychological traits are crucial for character development and audience engagement. This study examines East Asian perspectives on the audience’s perceptions of the physical appearance and ... -
“And then the rest happened”— A qualitative exploration of the role that meaningful activities play in recovery processes for people with a diagnosis of substance use disorder
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background: In this qualitative exploration, we report on a thematic analysis of the key role that engaging in meaningful activities may play in recovery processes for people with a diagnosis of substance use disorder ... -
Animal Umwelten in a Changing World. Zoosemiotic Perspectives
(Tartu semiotics library;, Book, 2016)The book raises semiotic questions of human–animal relations: what is the semiotic character of different species, how humans endow animals with meaning, and how animal sign exchange and communication has coped with ... -
Anticipating the societal transformation required to solve the environmental crisis in the 21st century
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01)This article introduces an ecosemiotic approach to the two great challenges facing humanity in the 21st century: solving an escalating environmental crisis, while also safeguarding and further improving human living ... -
Antimicrobial resistance challenging professional learning in three LMICs
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03)Purpose Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a huge global challenge calling for changes in learning and working in health-care settings. The purpose of this study is to examine tensions expressed by professionals involved ... -
The application of Norwegian humane ideals by front-line workers when collaboratively reintegrating inmates back into society
(Chapter, 2021)The purpose of this chapter is to explore how the humane Norwegian policy principles and values may impact the prison-based practices and the implications of these for the collaborative work undertaken by front-line ... -
Arbeidsmarkedstiltak som læringsarena: Nav-veiledere og unge arbeidsledige om 'læring i tiltak'.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Arbeidsmarkedstiltak har som mål å styrke tiltaksdeltakeres muligheter for inntektsgivende arbeid. I artikkelen retter vi søkelys på hvordan veiledere og unge arbeidsledige med nedsatt arbeidsevne (18-29 år) samtaler om ... -
Are Gypsy Roma Traveller communities indigenous and would identification as such better address their public health needs?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05)Introduction Across Europe, large numbers of Gypsy Roma Traveller communities experience significant health inequities such as higher morbidity, mortality and infant mortality. This health inequity is perpetuated by wider ... -
Armed and Explosive? An Explorative Statistical Analysis of Extremist Radicalization Cases with Military Background
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)Extremist infiltration of armed forces, and the spread of violent radicalization among service members and former soldiers, are a growing international concern. With an increased number of active duty and former soldiers ... -
‘The art of kindergarten drop off’: how young Norwegian-Somali parents perform ethnicity to avoid reports to Child Welfare Services
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-01)Denne artikkelen bygger på en etnografisk studie av somaliske foreldre i Oslo, om deres syn på det norske barnevernet. I denne artikkelen utforsker vi hvordan unge andregenerasjons foreldre fremstiller en norsk ...