Now showing items 151-170 of 251

    • Pakistani children's lived experiences of relationships in the context of child protection services in Norway: An interpretative phenomenological analysis 

      Wilson, Samita; Hean, Sarah Catherine Patricia Duff; Abebe, Tatek; Heaslip, Vanessa (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-10)
      This paper examines how children from immigrant background experience and negotiate power relations with family and social workers in the context of child protection services (CPS) in Norway. Using the interpretative ...
    • Parents at war: A positioning analysis of how parents negotiate their loss after experiencing child removal by the state 

      Otterlei, Marte Tonning; Engebretsen, Eivind (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)
      This study explores how parents involved in care order processes in Norway perceive being positioned by Child Welfare Services (CWS) in this process, how they negotiate these positions and whether their loss is perceived ...
    • Parent–child shared reading of scratch-and-sniff books: the communicative affordance of olfaction 

      Kucirkova, Natalia; Bruheim-Escobar, Ida (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      This study extends the research on shared book reading (SBR) by specifically examining the role of smell in parent–child SBR sessions observed at home. Drawing on qualitative methods, we analysed the verbal engagement of ...
    • Passion a key for success: Exploring motivational factors in football players 

      Sigmundsson, Hermundur; Dybendal, Benjamin Holen; Loftesnes, Jan Morten; Olafsson, Brynjar; Grassini, Simone (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02)
      The principal aim of the present study was to investigate whether passion, grit and mindset differ between distinct levels of football competence in two football teams - elite and junior teams. We compared the 30% highest ...
    • A Patient and Public Involvement Study to Explore the Need for Further Research into the Experience of Younger Patients Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty 

      Mew, L.; Heaslip, Vanessa; Immins, T.; Wainwright, T.W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Background: Total Hip Arthroplasty (THA) is one of the most commonly performed operations in orthopaedics. It is an operation usually performed in older patients, however the need for THA in younger patients is increasing. ...
    • Patients with cognitive deficits and substance use disorders, a clinical population in need of focused attention 

      Erga, Aleksander Hagen; Hetland, Jens; Braatveit, Kirsten Johanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Through multidisciplinary research efforts, our understanding of substance use disorders (SUDs) is ever increasing. In a recent review by Volkow and Blanko, the importance of addressing the needs of special populations in ...
    • Perceived discrimination based on the symptoms of covid-19, mental health, and emotional responses–the international online COVISTRESS survey 

      Dambrun, Michaël; Bonetto, Eric; Motak, Ladislav; Baker, Julien S.; Bagheri, Reza; Saadaoui, Foued; Rabbouch, Hana; Zak, Marek; Nasir, Hijrah; Mermillod, Martial; Gao, Yang; Antunes, Samuel; Ugbolue, Ukadike Chris; Pereira, Bruno; Bouillon-Minois, Jean-Baptiste; Nugier, Armelle; Clinchamps, Maëlys; Dutheil, Frédéric; Mestres, Stéphanie; Miele, Cécile; Navel, Valentin; Parreira, Lénise; Rouffiac, Karine; Boirie, Yves; Duclos, Martine; Fantini, Maria Livia; Schmidt, Jeannot; Tubert-Jeannin, Stéphanie; Berthon, Mickael; Chausse, Pierre; Droit-Volet, Sylvie; Guegan, Julien; Guimond, Serge; Mondillon, Laurie; Huguet, Pascal; Dewavrin, Samuel; Couarraze, Sébastien; Delamarre, Louis; Marhar, Fouad; Naughton, Geraldine; Benson, Amanda; Lamm, Claus; Gbaglo, Karen; Drapeau, Vicky; Dorlhiac, Raimundo Avilés; Bustos, Benjamin; Yaodong, Gu; Zhang, Haifeng; Dieckmann, Gerhard Peter; Duan, Yanping; Gao, Yang Gemma; Huang, Yajun Wendy; Jiao, Jiao; Quach, Binh; Zhang, Chunqing; Cocco, Per-Luigi; Lecca, Rosamaria; Puligheddu, Monica; Figorilli, Michela; Charkhabi, Morteza; Pfabigan, Daniela Melitta; Sikorski, Tomasz; Wasik-Jan Kochanowski, Magdalena; Neto, David; Almeida, Pedro; Gouveia, Maria João; Quinteiro, Pedro; Urzeala, Constanta; Dubuis, Benoit; Lemaignen, Juliette; Chen, Kuan-Chou; Su-I Liu, Andy; Kulik, Keri (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background Despite the potential detrimental consequences for individuals’ health and discrimination from covid-19 symptoms, the outcomes have received little attention. This study examines the relationships between having ...
    • Perceptions of peers as socialization agents and adjustment in upper secondary school 

      Studsrød, Ingunn; Bru, Edvin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      The purpose of present study was to explore the perceptions of peers as socialization agents in school adjustment among upper secondary school students. The associations were studied in a sample of 564 Norwegian students. ...
    • Performance-based policy in offender rehabilitation: Limitation or innovation for frontline workers in Liaison and Diversion services? 

      Rocha, Paulo; Holmen, Ann-Karin Tennås (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06)
      In recent years, the English government has been using competitive elements in the process of allocating public funds through policy. Front-line workers struggle with the limitations imposed by such a model. A qualitative ...
    • Personal Stories of Young Women in Residential Care: Health-Promoting Strategies and Wellbeing 

      Marlow, Mira Aurora; Sørly, Rita; Kaatrakoski, Heli Kyllikki (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Interdisciplinary social work practice produces and circulates narratives of young women in residential care. The dominant narratives often present negative descriptions of this group, and less attention has been paid to ...
    • Personal therapy and the personal therapist 

      Moe, Fredrik Dreyer; Thimm, Jens (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Personal therapy has been proposed as an aid in promoting the professional development of psychotherapists by increasing their self-awareness, self-reflexivity, and self-knowledge of the therapy process and of personal ...
    • Personality and substance use disorder: Characteristics as measured by NEO-personality inventory–revised 

      Grude Fodstad, Elise Constance; Ushakova, Anastasia; Pallesen, Ståle; Hagen, Egon; Erga, Aleksander Hagen; Erevik, Eilin K. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The present study investigates the personality characteristics of a cohort of patients with Substance Use Disorders. The included participants (n = 123) were recruited from specialized treatment for addictions in Norway. ...
    • Posthumanistiske muligheter og transhumanistiske blindspor i det antropocene 

      Berg, Anne-Jorunn; Bolsø, Agnes; Hellstrand, Ingvil Førland (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      Både posthumanisme og transhumanisme er innganger til å problematisere grensene mellom teknologi, natur og mennesker i en tid der menneskene påvirker planeten jorden på helt fundamentale måter. Den menneskelige påvirkningen ...
    • Praksisfellesskap i endring i norsk grunnskole? Læreres erfaringer med tverrfaglig samarbeid om elevers faglige og sosiale mestring 

      Fjetland, Kirsten Jæger; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina; Vikman, Miriam Dubland; Folkman, Anne Katrine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      SAMMENDRAG Med bakgrunn i politiske og faglige føringer for styrket tverrfaglig samarbeid i skolen, var studiens hensikt å utforske læreres erfaringer forankret i et konkret endringsprosjekt hvor alle barne- og ungdomsskoler ...
    • Predicting the replicability of social and behavioural science claims in COVID-19 preprints 

      Marcoci, Alexandru; Wilkinson, David P.; Vercammen, Ans; Wintle, Bonnie C.; Abatayo, Anna Lou; Baskin, Ernest; Berkman, Henk; Buchanan, Erin M.; Capitán, Sara; Capitán, Tabaré; Chan, Ginny; Cheng, Kent Jason G.; Coupé, Tom; Dryhurst, Sarah; Duan, Jianhua; Edlund, John E.; Errington, Timothy M.; Fedor, Anna; Fidler, Fiona; Field, James G.; Fox, Nicholas; Fraser, Hannah; Freeman, Alexandra L. J.; Hanea, Anca; Holzmeister, Felix; Hong, Sanghyun; Huggins, Raquel; Huntington-Klein, Nick; Johannesson, Magnus; Jones, Angela M.; Kapoor, Hansika; Kerr, John; Kline Struhl, Melissa; Kołczyńska, Marta; Liu, Yang; Loomas, Zachary; Luis, Brianna; Méndez, Esteban; Miske, Olivia; Mody, Fallon; Nast, Carolin; Nosek, Brian A.; Simon Parsons, Parsons; Pfeiffer, Thomas; Reed, W. Robert; Roozenbeek, Jon; Schlyfestone, Alexa R.; Schneider, Claudia R.; Soh, Andrew; Song, Zhongchen; Tagat, Anirudh; Tutor, Melba; Tyner, Andrew H.; Urbanska, Karolina; van der Linden, Sander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Replications are important for assessing the reliability of published findings. However, they are costly, and it is infeasible to replicate everything. Accurate, fast, lower-cost alternatives such as eliciting predictions ...
    • Predictions in conversation 

      Magyari, Lilla (Chapter, 2021-12)
      In everyday interactions, natural conversations are often effortless and managing them seems to be easy. However, a closer look at the timing pattern of conversations implies a complex cognitive architecture underlying ...
    • Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries 

      Kowal, Marta; Sorokowski, Piotr; Pisanski, Katarzyna; Valentova, Jaroslava Varella; Varella, Marco A. C.; Frederick, David A.; Al-Shawaf, Laith; García, Felipe E.; Giammusso, Isabella; Gjoneska, Biljana; Kozma, Luca; Otterbring, Anders Emil Tobias; Papadatou-Pastou, Marietta; Pfuhl, Gerit; Stöckli, Sabrina; Studzinska, Anna; Toplu-Demirtas, Ezgi; Touloumakos, Anna K.; Bakos, Bence E.; Batres, Carlota; Bonneterre, Solenne; Czamanski-Cohen, Johanna; Dacanay, Jovi C.; Deschrijver, Eliane; Fisher, Maryanne L.; Grano, Caterina; Grigoryev, Dmitry; Kačmár, Pavol; Kozlov, Mikhail V.; Manunta, Efisio; Massar, Karlijn; McFall, Joseph P.; Mebarak, Moises; Miccoli, Maria Rosa; Milfont, Taciano L.; Prokop, Pavol; Aavik, Toivo; Arriaga, Patricia; Baiocco, Roberto; Cenek, Jiri; Cetinkaya, Hakan; Duyar, Izzet; Guemaz, Farida; Ishii, Tatsunori; Kamburidis, Julia A.; Khun-Inkeeree, Hareesol; Grassini, Simone; Nyhus, Ellen K.; Siepelmeyer, Henrik; Singh, Sangeeta (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating ...
    • Prevalence and determinants of care needs among older people in Ghana 

      Awuviry-Newton, Kofi; Ofori-Dua, Kwadwo; Deku, Charles Selorm; AbekahCarter, Kwamina; Awortwe, Victoria; Oti, George Ofosu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Introduction Given the longevity noticed among older people in Ghana, and the potential occurrence of functional disability in later years of life, it has become essential to understand their care needs. This study examined ...
    • Preventing and confronting school bullying : a comparative study of two national programmes in Norway. 

      Stephens, Paul (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-06)
      Efforts to prevent and curb school bullying have resulted in a proliferation of anti-school-bullying programmes, many based on intuitive appeal rather than systematic evidence. This article presents a comparative analysis ...
    • Private and public families: Social workers’ views on children’s and parents’ position in Chile, England, Lithuania and Norway 

      Oltedal, Siv; Nygren, Lennart (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)
      Social workers around the world work with families and family complexities in their everyday practice. In this cross-national study, we explore social workers’ family intervention practices related to family definitions ...