Browsing Studentoppgaver (SV-NHS) by Title
Now showing items 44-63 of 625
Climate for Innovation - The Case of TINE Innovasjon og Marked
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2018;, Master thesis, 2018)The purpose of this study was to explore the concept of climate for innovation in a mature organization: TINE Innovasjon og Marked (TINE I&M). The study is funded by Virkemidler for Regional Innovasjon (VRI), and is written ... -
Collaboration as means for sustainable tourism destination – A case study of Hardanger
(Master thesis, 2023)The purpose of this study is to investigate collaboration´s role towards sustainable development at a tourist destination. To help identifying this, three research questions were identified, and the Hardanger region in the ... -
Collaboration between Culinary Chefs and Agro-Food Industry and the influence that it can have on the impact of the Food Consumer perception
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)Nowadays, the agro-food sector represents 21% of the industrial market in France, and is one of the main players in the French and World economic role. The growth of this sector therefore implies that the majority of ... -
Comparative influence of e-word of mouth and professional reviews of restaurants on perceived quality: Focus on TripAdvisor and the Michelin guide
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)The following experiment will explain in detail how a causal exploratory research can be conducted to assess matters related to the food and beverage industry. This research will try to show the impact of recommendation ... -
Comparing festival management - An exploratory study of established festivals in Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)This exploratory thesis seeks to explore whether established festivals have any common denominators in their management that would lead the festival to be a successful and stable festival year after year. Project management ... -
Comparing pro-environmental behavior between hotel guests and airbnb guests
(Master thesis, 2021)This paper makes use of exploratory research design to determine factors effecting pro-environmental behavior. The aim of the present thesis is to compare the effects of socio-demographic variable and accommodation atmosphere ... -
Conference destination selection in the corporate sector
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012-06)The study has an overall focus on the selection of conference destinations for the corporate sector. The main research question is: What factors influence the conference destination selection and how do they relate? Under ... -
The Considerable Factors in Hiring Practices of the Upscale Restaurant Industry: An Explorative Study of Michelin Restaurants in Oslo, Norway.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-08-31)This master thesis focused in understanding what managers take into consideration during a resumé screening process and how they address a candidate appropriateness for a high-status and a low-status job in a Michelin ... -
Constant Fit Risk Management and the (Daily) Management in the Hospitality Industry - a Systematic Literature Review and Semi-Structured In-Depth Expert Interviews Concerning Risk Identification, Treatment and Monitoring Processes
(Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis focuses on conducting a systematic literature review in the Hospitality and Tourism Complete database and semi-structured in-depth expert interviews with experts with experience in risk management and ... -
Consumer emotional response as a predictor of preferences: A case of hotel style design
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06)As the hospitality industry grows, so does the number of consumers booking hotels online. These consumers choose hotels based on webpage information such as hotel pictures and other promotional media. Given the importance ... -
Core characteristics of Muslim-friendly accommodation service quality in Norway: international visitor’s opinions
(Master thesis, 2022)Purpose: In the worldwide context, Muslim-friendly accommodation services have suddenly increased competition. This study aims to research the core characteristics of Muslim-friendly accommodation service quality present ... -
Corporate Social Responsibility: den fremtidige nøkkelen innenfor strategisk rekruttering?
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)CSR har i senere tid blitt et sentralt og omdiskutert tema innenfor bedriftsverden. Fenomenet endrer seg i takt med samfunnet, og vi kan se en økende trend i engasjementet blant de yngre generasjoner. Dette kan være en ... -
Corporate Social Responsibility: den fremtidige nøkkelen innenfor strategiske rekruttering?
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Sammendrag: CSR har i senere tid blitt et sentralt og omdiskutert tema innenfor bedriftsverden. Fenomenet endrer seg i takt med samfunnet, og vi kan se en økende trend i engasjementet blant de yngre generasjoner. Dette kan ... -
The correlation between Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Style(s) in hospitality leaders: A comparative study between Macedonia and Norway
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)The aim of this mixed method study was to investigate the correlation between emotional intelligence and the leadership style(s) of the hospitality leaders both in Macedonia and in Norway. A number of five hotels were a ... -
Covid-19 pandemiens påvirkning på reiselivet
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Denne studien tar for seg de problemstillinger reiselivets bedrifter og virksomheter har møtt på iløpetav covid-19 pandemien. Tema for oppgaven er pandemien og den innvirkningen den har hatt på reiselivet. Metoden oppgaven ... -
Covid-19 sin påvirking av kundesegment på norske campingplasser.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I denne bacheloroppgaven tar vi for oss følgende problemstilling: «Har kundesegmentet på norske campingplasser blitt endret som følge av Covid-19 i forhold til tidligere år?». I et forsøk på å besvare denne problemstillingen ... -
Covid-19 sin påvirkning av kundesegmentet på norske campingplasser.
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)I denne bacheloroppgaven tar vi for oss følgende problemstilling: «Har kundesegmentet på norske campingplasser blitt endret som følge av Covid-19 i forhold til tidligere år?». I et forsøk på å besvare denne problemstillingen ... -
Crowding vs. Skiing: When and How Does Crowding Influence Experience Evaluations in a Ski Resort Setting?
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)Background Although crowding has been recognized as an important indicator of experience quality and its impact on tourists’ and locals’ experiences and behaviours are important topics for visitor management to understand, ... -
CSR som kilde til jobbengasjement blant millennials
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Sammendrag I dagens kunnskapsdrevne økonomi, er det viktig å stimulere til jobbengasjement for å beholde og utvikle viktig kompetanse på arbeidsplassen. Den voksende arbeidstyrken, millennials, karakteriseres som mer ... -
Customer co-creation: The role of perceived social support and the effects on satisfaction
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-NHS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013-06-03)Formål: Ved å undersøke sammenhenger mellom fenomenene samskaping og kundetilfredshet ønsker jeg å bidra til en bedre forståelse av fenomenet samskaping. Teoretisk bakgrunn: Forståelsen av fenomenet samskaping er basert ...