Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IKS) by Title
Now showing items 110-129 of 177
Nation of Mechanics: Automobility, Animality, and Indigeneity in John Joseph Mathews's Sundown (1934)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the early twentieth century, American national identity became increasingly associated with automobility and the move from “a nation of horsemen to a nation of mechanics,” as automotive periodical Horseless Age described ... -
Nature and Magic as Representation of “The Sami” — Sami Shamanistic Material in Popular Culture
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-09)This article examines how magic and nature become representations of both “the Sami” and “Sami shamanism” in animation films Frozen 2 and Klaus, in the television crime series Midnattssol (Midnight Sun) and in three ... -
New trends and old stereotypes in foreign aid : book essays
(Journal article, 2013-06)The three volumes reviewed here are dealing with challenging and problematic areas concerning foreign aid. All three discuss to a various degree, the powers and hidden agendas in the donor – recipient relationships, the ... -
Norsk litteratur bak muren: Publikasjons- og sensurhistorie fra DDR (1951–1990)
(Book, 2014)Benedikt Jager undersøker i denne boken hvordan norsk litteratur ble mottatt i det totalitære Øst-Tyskland. Mellom 1950 og 1990 ble i alt 91 norske titler oversatt og utgitt på det østtyske markedet. Forfatteren viser ... -
Norskfaget i grunnskulelærarutdanningane – nyare utviklingstrekk
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04)Lærarutdanningane i Noreg har gått igjennom hyppige reformer dei siste tiåra. Ein har fått mange strukturelle endringar, og det er forska lite på kva som skjer med innhaldssida i faga. I denne artikkelen blir faglege ... -
Northwards: How Norway became a destination for German car tourism, 1920s–1960s
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)The article traces the beginnings of the powerful liaison between automobile technology, tourism, and the ‘Land of the Fjords’. Focusing on the German automobile club ADAC in the period 1920s to 1960s, the article examines ... -
Norway’s Foreign Politics during the Union with Sweden, 1814-1905: A Reconsideration.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02)In the Norwegian-Swedish Union, Norway had home rule; the Swedish foreign minister conducted its foreign relations. This fact created the impression that Norway ‘played second fiddle’ in forging its relations with foreign ... -
A Norwegian Perspective: Student teachers` orientations towards cultural and linguistic diversity in schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07)This is a qualitative study about Norwegian preservice teachers’ orientations towards teaching in multilingual and multicultural classrooms – contributing to global research in this field. The theoretical approach, and ... -
Nygnostisk antropologi : menneskesynet i New Age i et teologihistorisk perspektiv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)During the last 30–40 years, «new» religious movements have invaded secular segments of our northern and western culture. Among these movements, the so-called New Age movement has played rather a dominant role. This article ... -
Obituary: Norman Francis Blake (1934–2012)
(Journal article, 2013-02)‘‘Norman F. Blake, University of Sheffield’’. Students of English around the world will have come across title pages and article headers with this name and affiliation, for Blake’s academic output was extensive and varied. ... -
Official naming in Hå, Klepp and Time
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Toponyms localize, reflect and give information about historical traditions and various phenomena in an area. They form part of the local heritage and culture. The relationship between place names, heritage and identity is ... -
Official urban naming : cultural heritage and identity
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2007)In modern cities naming forms part of urban planning. The naming principles often reflect cultural aspects like heritage, local tradition and identity. Official urban names are links to the past and signs of continuity and ... -
Ola Stemshaug 20/1 1936 – 27/8 2013
(Journal article, 2013)Med Ola Stemshaug er ein av dei fremste representantane for norsk og nordisk namneforsking gått bort. Det faglege interessefeltet hans femnde vidt, noko som ein omfattande vitskapleg og populærvitskapleg produksjon er ... -
Olav H. Hauge og nynorsk omsetjingskunst
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Norske litteraturkritikarar har hevda at Olav H. Hauge (1908–1994) tidlegare enn nokon annan omsetjar skal ha interessert seg for den nye modernistiske kanon. Denne artikkelen argumenterer for at dette biletet baserer seg ... -
Om Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen søker å bidra til å eksplisere forpliktelsene til Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse. Husserl karakteriserer persepsjon som erfaring av «legemlig gitte» fysiske ting. Grunnprinsippet i hans persepsjonsepistemologi ... -
On a uniqueness property of second convolutions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Let M∞ denote the space of all finite nontrivial complex Borel measures on the real line whose variation has a fast decay at −∞. -
ON THE COVER Invasive Sparrows and the American Bird Box
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The cover image for this issue of Technology and Culture depicts how bird boxes became contested technologies in the United States. The early twentieth-century image shows a pair of house sparrows (Passer domesticus)— an ... -
Orresnora, Falkehytta, Mågahuset og Ørnhus: nokre stadnamn som har bakgrunn i fuglefangst
(Journal article, 2013)A number of local place-names (microtoponyms) from southwestern Norway, along the coast as well as in the mountains, denote locations where birds have been caught. The semantic content of some toponyms provides specific ... -
A Parochial Approach: Colonial Entomology on the Plantations of Nineteenth-Century Sri Lanka
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-07)The coffee plantations of late nineteenth-century Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lanka) were rocked by a series of crises, including the appearance of numerous insect pests. Scholars have demonstrated that nineteenth-century ... -
På jobb i Alicante
(Chapter, 2017)Spania er et populært ferieland både for nordmenn og mange andre europeere, og det har dessuten blitt stadig mer vanlig å eie bolig der. Nordmenn forbinder steder som Alicante og Malaga med turisme og pensjonisttilværelse, ...