Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IKS) by Title
Now showing items 124-143 of 178
Olav H. Hauge og nynorsk omsetjingskunst
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Norske litteraturkritikarar har hevda at Olav H. Hauge (1908–1994) tidlegare enn nokon annan omsetjar skal ha interessert seg for den nye modernistiske kanon. Denne artikkelen argumenterer for at dette biletet baserer seg ... -
Om Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)Artikkelen søker å bidra til å eksplisere forpliktelsene til Husserls syn på perseptuell begrunnelse. Husserl karakteriserer persepsjon som erfaring av «legemlig gitte» fysiske ting. Grunnprinsippet i hans persepsjonsepistemologi ... -
On a uniqueness property of second convolutions
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)Let M∞ denote the space of all finite nontrivial complex Borel measures on the real line whose variation has a fast decay at −∞. -
ON THE COVER Invasive Sparrows and the American Bird Box
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The cover image for this issue of Technology and Culture depicts how bird boxes became contested technologies in the United States. The early twentieth-century image shows a pair of house sparrows (Passer domesticus)— an ... -
Orresnora, Falkehytta, Mågahuset og Ørnhus: nokre stadnamn som har bakgrunn i fuglefangst
(Journal article, 2013)A number of local place-names (microtoponyms) from southwestern Norway, along the coast as well as in the mountains, denote locations where birds have been caught. The semantic content of some toponyms provides specific ... -
A Parochial Approach: Colonial Entomology on the Plantations of Nineteenth-Century Sri Lanka
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-07)The coffee plantations of late nineteenth-century Ceylon (modern-day Sri Lanka) were rocked by a series of crises, including the appearance of numerous insect pests. Scholars have demonstrated that nineteenth-century ... -
På jobb i Alicante
(Chapter, 2017)Spania er et populært ferieland både for nordmenn og mange andre europeere, og det har dessuten blitt stadig mer vanlig å eie bolig der. Nordmenn forbinder steder som Alicante og Malaga med turisme og pensjonisttilværelse, ... -
Perspectives on biotechnology: Public and corporate narratives in the GM archives
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Societal Impact Statement The contentious debate over genetically modified (GM) crops in Britain has entered a new era following Brexit and the development of gene editing. At the same time, the events of the 1980s and ... -
PhD revisited: Future teachers of English. A study of competence in the teaching of writing
(Chapter, 2019-06)This chapter reports a doctoral study (Drew, 1997) which explored factors linked to student teachers’ competence to teach written English in Norwegian compulsory schools. The teaching of writing was perceived from the ... -
A plague of weasels and ticks: animal introduction, ecological disaster, and the balance of nature in Jamaica, 1870-1900
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Towards the end of the nineteenth century, British colonists in Jamaica became increasingly exasperated by the damage caused to their sugar plantations by rats. In 1872, a British planter attempted to solve this problem ... -
Podkast som produkt: Litterær kompetanse i elevproduserte podkaster i litteraturundervisningen på videregående skole
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04)Artikkelen utforsker elevproduksjon av podkaster i videregående skole ved å undersøke hvilken litterær kompetanse vg1-elever ved det studiespesialiserende programområdet uttrykker når de lager podkaster om samtidslyrikk i ... -
Population figures, gender distribution, patterns of settlement and migration in area of the Karmsund strait and Stavanger in the second half of the nineteenth century
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01-12)This paper concerns population development in the coastal districts near Stavanger County (from 1919, the County of Rogaland) in the second half of the nineteenth century. Its objective is to throw light on relationships ... -
The Potential of Podcasts for Exploratory Talk in High School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-04)Educational podcasting may support student collaboration and learning. However, little is known about how students talk with each other when developing podcasts in groups. In this study, eight groups of Norwegian high ... -
Prolegomena til en studie om den danske litteraturen i DDR med et sideblikk til Peter Seeberg
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Die DDR definierte sich gerne als Leseland und die Publikation ausländischer Literatur wurde häufig kulturpolitisch instrumentalisiert. Der folgende Beitrag gibt einen kurzen Überblick über die wichtigsten Funktionsmechanismen ... -
Promoting EFL literacy through shared and individual classroom reading experiences of literature.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)I denna artikel undersöks hur gemensam och individuell litteraturupplevelse i klassrumet kan hjälpa elever i låg-, mellan- och högstadiet att utveckla sin engelska literacy, det vill säga sin förmåga att läsa och skriva ... -
Psykologi - et flernivåperspektiv
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Psychology – a multi-level perspective Traditional models of theory reduction and explanation (the deductive-nomological model) may be adequate models for understanding what characterizes physics, but they don’t seem to ... -
The Rationality of Science and the Inevitability of Defining Prior Beliefs in Empirical Research
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The recent “campaign” in Nature against the concept of “significance testing” (Amrhein et al., 2019), with more than 800 supporting signatories of leading scientists, can be considered as an important milestone and somewhat ... -
Re-Naming Jerusalem: A Note on Associative Etymology in the Vernacular North
(Chapter, 2021)As is the case with several cities and places that they came in contact with, the Norsemen had their own name for Jerusalem: Jórsalir, sometimes expanded and amplified to Jórsalaborg “the city of Jerusalem” or Jórsalaland ... -
Rhetorics of Species Revivalism and Biotechnology – A Roundtable Dialogue
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This informal dialogue contextualises and explores contemporary practices of nonhuman animal gene modification in de-extinction projects. Looking at recent developments in biotechnology’s role in de extinction sciences and ... -
Sakrale stadnamn
(Journal article, 2012)The study of sacral place-names is the subject of some sixty articles in the first ninety-nine volumes of Namn och bygd. The authors discuss toponyms supposedly referring to earlier cult and religious conceptions, e.g. ...