Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IKS) by Title
Now showing items 43-62 of 179
Envisioning North from a Premodern Perspective
(Chapter, 2018)In The Making of Europe, the medieval historian Robert Bartlett argues that ‘Europe is both a region and an idea’. The same can be said of the North. The North is both a geographical region and an imaginative concept that ... -
Epistemic beliefs of Norwegian history student teachers: Testing and assessing two measurement instruments
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Since teachers’ and students’ epistemic beliefs about history are believed to significantly impact teachers’ practices, students’ performance and the ability to think historically of both, investigating such beliefs is ... -
Er KRLE-faget et ordinært skolefag? Hva betyr det i så fall for undervisningens mål?
(Chapter, 2022)This chapter discusses changes in and research about the Norwegian primary and secondary school religious education subject from 1997 until today. What does it mean for religious education to be ‘an ordinary school subject’ ... -
Erasing the extinct: the hunt for Caribbean monk seals and museum collection practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12)The Caribbean monk seal (Monachus tropicalis), the only seal species native to Central America, was declared extinct in 2008, with the last confirmed sighting in 1952. This species historically had a broad range throughout ... -
Etiske verdier og eksistensiell utforskning: Hvordan kan skolens religions- og livssynsundervisning arbeide med bærekraftig utvikling som tverrfaglig tema?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In Norway, sustainable development is one of three interdisciplinary topics in the new curriculum from 2020. This means that sustainability is presented as a key societal challenge and an important issue to address in and ... -
Everyday Interpretations of Transitions to Electricity in Colonial Calcutta c. 1875–1940s
(Journal article, 2024)This paper explores some of the ways in which a range of elite and non-elite individuals and social groups in late-nineteenth and early twentieth cetury colonial Calcutta mapped their conceptions of everyday life, material ... -
An explosive landscape: Arranging the barnacle goose on the Solway Firth
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)By the end of the Second World War, the Svalbard barnacle goose population had dwindled to a couple of hundred birds. Flying in from the Arctic to spend the winters on the Solway Firth (the estuary that separates England ... -
Extinction and the End of Futures
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06)Extinction, in biological terms, is the end of an evolutionary line, a potential future cutoff.It involves a transition between the historical past in which a species was biologically alive and a future in which it isn’t, ... -
Facing suffering and death : Alternative therapy as post-secular religious practice
(Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis;24, Conference object, 2012) -
Fanst det eit eige namn Solli i Noreg i millomalderen?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article discusses the alleged existence of a medieval Norwegian personal name Solli, which E. H. Lind lists in his monumental Norsk-isländska dopnamn ock ï¬ngerade namn från medeltiden (1905-15, 1931) and derives ... -
Film as a gateway to teaching about slavery through historical empathy: a case study using 12 Years a Slave (McQueen, 2013)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06)We have studied how eliciting historical empathy in a class of 13th grade students through using the film 12 Years a Slave (McQueen, 2013) supported their in-depth understanding of slavery in nineteenth-century USA. ... -
Finnes den afrikanske middelklassen?
(Journal article, 2016-08)Verdensbankens definisjon av «middelklassen» i Afrika forvrenger vår forståelse av kontinentets økonomiske utvikling de siste årene. Ved å undersøke typiske middelklassegoder som å ha råd til mobiltelefon, bil og besøk på ... -
Fjogstad, Nyvlest, *Ævest. Sørvestnorske øydegardsnamn på -stad frå førhistorisk tid
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)A number of toponyms ending in -stad or -land in south-western Norway are linked to deserted farms from prehistoric times. Several of these names are identical to and seem to be of the same type and age as ancient Norwegian ... -
Fostering 21st Century Skills Through Autonomy Supportive Science Education Outside the Classroom
(Chapter, 2022)The development of 21st century skills in or rather through science teaching is on the agenda of many national and international school reforms aiming at creating so-called 21st century classrooms. In this context autonomous ... -
Fra Françafrique til Eurafrique? Endringer i fransk afrikapolitikk de siste 15 årene.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-07)Artikkelen presenterer og analyserer fransk afrikapolitikk de siste 15 årene. Innholdet i Françafrique beskrives og diskuteres. Praksis i fransk afrikapolitikk drøftes opp mot strategier og taler som fremhever menneskerettigheter, ... -
Fra vitenskapelig forskning til utforsking i skolefag Hvilke utfordringer står religionsdidaktikken overfor?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Den nye læreplanen for grunnskolen legger stor vekt på utforsking i alle fag, noe som kommer til uttrykk både i fagenes kjerneelementer og i kompetansemålene. Sammenkobling av dybdelæring, utforsking og et bredt kompetansebegrep ... -
Friendly fire: luftkrigen sett gjennom skandinaviske korrespondenters øyne.
(Journal article, 2007-12)I 2005 var det 60 år siden andre verdenskrig tok slutt, og skildringene av Den røde armés erobring av Berlin nådde et stort publikum i Norge gjennom filmen Der Untergang. Medie-oppmerksomheten omkring bøker som f.eks. ... -
Frihet og relasjonalitet (I) : Noen refleksjoner omkring sann humanitet i et (sen)moderne samfunn i lys av kristen teologi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)Within modern philosophy and theology there seems to be a common agreement that all humans need to live freely inside – and not outside – of good interpersonal relations. This need arouses the question of relational qualities ... -
Frihet og relasjonalitet (II) : Noen refleksjoner omkring sann humanitet i et (sen)moderne samfunn i lys av kristen teologi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)Within modern philosophy and theology there seems to be a common agreement that all humans need to live freely inside – and not outside – of good interpersonal relations. This need arouses the question of relational qualities ... -
From blind spot to hotspot: representations of the ‘immigrant others’ in Norwegian curriculum/schoolbooks (1905-2013)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02)Tracing the representation of the ‘immigrant others’ in Norwegian schoolbooks over the past century, the paper examines their exclusion/inclusion in national curriculum/learning materials. It finds that a shift has occurred ...