Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IKS) by Title
Now showing items 64-83 of 177
Gísli Súrsson as Egða andspillir. An Obscure Kenning and its Implications for Tribal Identities in Tenth-Century Iceland
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12)Gísla saga súrssonar (thirteenth century) is famous for the tragic destiny of its main character, the Norwegian settler and outlaw Gísli Súrsson, a destiny that to some extent is predicted by the many dream stanzas Gísli ... -
Gjestar som blir? Arbeidsinnvandring som utfordring for kommunar på Vestlandet
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12)This article addresses questions about local policies towards economic migrants in Western Norway. It refers to statistical data mapping the population of economic migrants over time, but the emphasis is on an analysis of ... -
Going deep: Excavation, collaboration and imagination at the Kola Superdeep Borehole
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)On the Kola Peninsula in the Russian Arctic lies an innocuous iron disc about the size of a dinner plate. If one were to prise this disc open, they would find the remains of the world’s deepest vertical hole. Reaching a ... -
The Great Leap Offshore: Sino-Norwegian Relations and Petro-Knowledge Transfers, 1976-97
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02)China’s re-emergence among the world’s leading economic and political powers have been one of the most defining changes in the international order since the end of the Cold War. Underpinning China’s ascent were the economic ... -
Green states in a dirty world : 1975 and the performance of Nordic green modern
(Chapter, 2022-10)This chapter examines the 1975 Nordic Council conference at Frostavallen in Sweden as a transnational media event which specifically sought to articulate a green modernity to the outside world. It argues that the Nordic ... -
Gud er kjærlighet : En introduksjon til et kjernepunkt i den trinitariske grunnkonsepsjonen i Wolfhart Pannenbergs teologi
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)During History of Theology the Biblical teaching of God’s love has not always been connected with the Christian dogma of God’s Trinity. Regretably, God’s love has quite often been perceived as a quality within God, ... -
Herlighet uten kors? «Trosbevegelsens» grunnlagstenkning i lys av Martin Luthers theologia crucis
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)During the last three or four decades the so-called «Faith Movement» has made great success in many Christian areas of the world. Traditional churches have been influenced by the «power» of this movement, and a lot of new ... -
Human–Bird Relations and Ethics of Care in Contemporary Norwegian Fiction
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)In literature as in life, the significance of birds for humans is contextual, subjective, and culturally constructed. Their role may be interpreted as ecological, spiritual, aesthetic, or symbolic, depending on one’s ... -
Hva betyder det at se en sporvogn i drømme : Om drømmenes betydning i Henrik Nordbrandts forfatterskap
(Nordisk samtidspoesi;, Chapter, 2021) -
Hva er eksistensielle spørsmål og svar – i skolen?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Læreplanene fra 2020 i Kristendom, religion, livssyn og etikk (KRLE) og Religion og etikk (RE) har «utforsking av eksistensielle spørsmål og svar» som et av kjerneelementene, og denne artikkelen diskuterer hvordan ... -
Hvem kan stå foran? Religionsmangfold og diskusjoner om kjønnslikestilling blant norske muslimer
(Chapter, 2022)At the onset of Ramadan in spring 2020, a debate on prayer leadership arose in social media. This was during the first societal shutdown due to COVID19, and consequently the common prayer during Ramadan had been moved from ... -
Hvordan bør historien fortelles?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011) -
Hvordan forske på religion og dataspill? En metodeveileder med Spirit of the North som eksempel
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Hvordan kan man forske på religion og dataspill? Intensjonen med denne artikkelen er å lage en metodeveileder på norsk til én fremgangsmåte blant mange mulige. Eksempelet som brukes er Spirit of the North (Infuse Studio ... -
"I Don’t Want to be Stereotypical, but…": Norwegian EFL Learners’ Awareness of and Willingness to Challenge Visual Stereotypes
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)This article reports on a study that investigated Norwegian upper secondary pupils' visual stereotypes, as well as their awareness of and willingness to challenge these stereotypes before and after participating in an ... -
Iconic solidarity with death: On Steffens Kvernelands A Voluntary Death
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In A voluntary death (2018), comics writer Steffen Kverneland thematizes the suicide of his father. This contribution examines the interaction between the verbal text and the visual design. It turns out that the compound ... -
In pursuit of intercultural competence: Exploring self-awareness of EFL pupils in a lower-secondary school in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12)This paper focuses on self-awareness as an integral component of intercultural competence (IC) in the English as a foreign language (EFL) context. For the purposes of this study, an EPortfolio of Intercultural Competence ... -
Initial position in the Middle English verse line
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-07)This paper establishes that spelling forms collected from initial position in the Middle English verse line have unique characteristics, and it discusses why this is so. The paper first addresses scribal copying practices, ... -
Inkluderende elevmangfold i religions- og livssynsundervisningen. Hva gjør vi med identitetsbaserte krenkelser?
(Chapter, 2022)Dette kapittelet tar utgangspunkt i religionsundervisningen for d diskutere utfordringer knyttet til læringsmiljø og mer spesifikt de spenninger som forholdet mellom majoritet og minoritetsgrupper kan innebære i skolen. ... -
Interactions between lexical and syntactic L1-L2 overlap: Effects of gender congruency on L2 sentence processing in L1 Spanish-L2 German speakers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Bringing together lines of research from sentence processing and lexical access, this empirical study investigates the interplay between lexical (grammatical gender) and syntactic (word order) cross-linguistic overlap in ...