Browsing Student papers (HF-IKS) by Title
Now showing items 664-683 of 926
Politisk demagogi i moderne tid. En studie av Donald Trumps taler og politisk mobilisering
(Master thesis, 2021)Oppgaven er skrevet ut fra ideen om å gjøre en retorisk analyse av Donald Trump. Ut fra analysen vil oppgaven undersøke hvorvidt man kan si at Trump er en demagog. Første del dekker det teoretiske grunnlaget og ser på ... -
Politisk korrekt språk
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne oppgaven tar for seg politisk korrekt språk og hvordan dette påvirker språkbruken hos unge folk. Hovedmålet i denne studien er å finne ut hvilke assosiasjoner og meninger som eksisterer angående politisk korrekt ... -
Politisk minne og forsoning: En komparativ studie av Norge og Australias inkludering av urbefolkningen minner i det politiske minnet
(Master thesis, 2024)Mange nasjoner står overfor utfordringene med å reparere fortidens urettferdigheter mot sine urbefolkninger. Denne oppgaven undersøker hvordan Norge og Australia inkluderes urbefolkningens minner i det offisielle politiske ... -
Populism in in the Weimar Republic and in the USA today with a focus on Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-05)The main objective of this thesis is to investigate if Adolf Hitler used a populist style in his campaign for power during in the Weimar Republic. A contemporary understanding of populism has been used in this investigation. ... -
Postkoloniale stemmer: Tidligere koloniers reaksjoner på dronning Elizabeth IIs dødsfall
(Master thesis, 2024)Masteravhandlingen undersøker hvordan aktører i Kenya og Nigeria som er kritiske til det britiske imperiet, stiller seg til dronning Elizabeth IIs dødsfall høsten 2022. Problemstillingen lyder: "Hvordan påvirker dronning ... -
Presenting the self in social media
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)This thesis is concerned with the representation of self in new and social media such as blogs. The research question is: How do bloggers express the self in multi modal representations? The thesis objects of study are ... -
Priming effects in early readers. A quantitative study of children's response times in visual lexical decision-making in their first and second language.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05)This thesis investigates the effects of various conditions of open priming on children in a series of lexical decision tasks in their first and second language. The primes are related through meaning and/or form to the ... -
Prisms of Perception - Speech, Silence, and Racial Identity in “Wide Sargasso Sea”
(Bachelor thesis, 2022)In this essay I aim to answer two questions. Firstly, whether Wide Sargasso Sea’s portrayal of black Creoles allows them to exhibit strength within the narrative. And secondly, its portrayal can be considered an authentic ... -
Procedural representation of marginalized groups: playing disabled, playing queer
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2014;, Master thesis, 2014-05-16)In AAA games, minority representation is still scarce and often misrepresentative, but the indie games scene has many examples of inclusion of marginalized groups and minority experiences. How can videogame mechanics be ... -
Promoting EFL oral skills in and outside school: Norwegian lower secondary students’ and their EFL teachers’ experiences and beliefs
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05-05)This thesis focused on the topic of Norwegian lower secondary students’ promotion of English as a foreign language (EFL) oral skills, namely listening and speaking, in and outside the EFL classroom and in particular ... -
PSYCHIC SURVIVAL: Sovereignty, Madness and Anxiety in Alexis Wright's The Swan Book
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-05)I argue that through representations of ‘madness’ in The Swan Book, Alexis Wright reclaims and (re-)defines Indigenous sovereignty as embodied, that is, something which for Indigenous people is felt and realised through ... -
Pupils' and teachers' reflections in the wake of the 2020, 2021 and 2022 cancellation of written exams: The benefits and drawbacks of written examination in the English subject at Norwegian upper secondary schools
(Master thesis, 2022)This study concerns how cancelation of centralized exams in the English subject in 2020 and 2021 affected teachers and pupils at Norwegian upper secondary schools. The aim of the study is to describe and reflect on how the ... -
Purposeful Plainness: The Politics of George Orwell’s Prose Style
(Master thesis, 2021)This master’s thesis aims to explain how to read George Orwell as a writer and prose stylist who strived to make political writing into an art. It studies how textual effects of his prose style connect with his political ... -
Rammer for kreativitet: En studie av hvordan elever i en klasse på Vg3 opplever rammer for kreativ skriving
(Masteroppgave/UIS-UH-IKS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-05-11)Å utvikle elevenes kreative ferdigheter er sentralt i fremtidens skole. Denne masteroppgaven retter fokus mot elevenes kreative skriving i norskfaget. Den overordnede problemstillingen er: Hvordan opplever elever i en ... -
Raplyrikkens potensial i norskfaget
(Master thesis, 2021)Lyrikken har alltid hatt en sentral plass i norskfaget. Likevel tyder forskning på at dagens litteraturundervisning er lærebokstyrt og at den preges av en skjult litterær kanon. Forskning viser også at norskundervisningen ... -
Reading and writing workshops in the EFL classroom: A longitudinal study of the workshop-based method in a Norwegian 8th grade EFL class.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05-12)The current study is based on the implementation of a reading and writing workshop-based program in the English as a foreign language (EFL) lessons of a Norwegian 8th grade class of nine pupils. Seven of these pupils ... -
Reading pictograms and signs - the need for visual literacy
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)Reading pictograms and signs – the need for visual literacy is a study of the impact pictorial signs have on the social and physical environment, and, by extension, on media and visual culture. From the many possibilities ... -
Reaksjoner på Svalbardtraktaten fra den norske pressen
(Bachelor thesis, 2021)Svalbardtrakteten, som sikrer Norge kontroll over Svalbard, ble underskrevet i 1920 og trådte i kraft i 1925. Formålet med denne oppgaven er å svare på hvilke reaksjoner traktaten skapte i norsk presse. Dette vil gjøres ... -
Reflections on multicultural education: Teachers’ experiences of teaching multicultural classes
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-05)This thesis investigates teachers’ experiences of and attitudes towards multicultural education and its implementation in Norwegian schools. A further aspiration of this paper is to examine the extent to which teachers ... -
Representations of French linguistic borrowing in early modern England
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IKS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-05)This thesis examines the early modern debates surrounding the incorporation of French loanwords into the English vocabulary through an analysis of the prefaces of a variety of early modern English dictionaries and a selection ...