Browsing Department of Education and Special Education by Title
Now showing items 1274-1293 of 1444
“Take the plunge and give it a try” : Primary school teachers’ perceptions of their role and pedagogical practices in technology-rich classrooms
(PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)The goal of this study is to shed light on how primary school teachers perceive their role in technology-rich learning environments and how they enact this role in their pedagogical practices. This thesis consists of an ... -
Taking action through redesign: Norwegian EFL learners engaging in critical visual literacy practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)This article presents results from a case study which investigated how Norwegian English foreign language (EFL) learners, roughly aged 16–17, take action through redesigning a multimodal advertisement. Data was collected ... -
Talentidentifisering i fotball – en systematisk oversikt
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-10)Fotball er en idrett med komplekse og omfattende krav. Klubber og forbund har en interesse av å identifisere de mest lovende utøverne i ung alder for å kunne tilby optimale utviklingsmuligheter. Hensikten med denne studien ... -
”Tan jeg væe me å lete?” En studie om lekemestring hos barn med språkvansker
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IAS/2009, Master thesis, 2009)Formålet med studien var å se nærmere på hvordan førskolebarn med språkvansker mestret lek, og hvilke konsekvenser dårlig lekemestring kan føre til hos disse barna. Studien ble gjennomført via observasjon av barns lek, ved ... -
Tavlebruk i kroppsøvingsfaget
(Master thesis, 2022)Formålet med denne masteroppgaven har vært å fordype seg i noe som både kan være til nytte for oss og andre i arbeidslivet som grunnskolelærere. I dette ligger et håp om at oppgaven kan bidra til å løfte synet på kroppsøving ... -
Teacher Identity (re)Construction in Collaborative Bilingual Education: The Emergence of Dyadic Identity
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Teacher identity construction has long been investigated within the field of English language teaching. However, little is known about how particularities and demands of co-teaching language and content in bilingual education ... -
Teacher time out as a site for studying mathematical knowledge for teaching
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The special mathematical knowledge that is needed for teaching has been studied for decades but the methods for studying it have challenges. Some methods, such as measurement and cognitive interviews, are removed from the ... -
Teacher time outs in rehearsals: in‑service teachers learning ambitious mathematics teaching practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07)The article focuses on rehearsals as part of a practice-based approach to professional development. Fourteen Norwegian elementary in-service teachers (ISTs) collaborate in learning cycles of enactment and investigation, ... -
Teacher's Role During an Extensive Reading Program
(Master thesis, 2023)Abstract This thesis is based on a rapid review of previous studies on Extensive reading (ER), reading a lot of books at a level where the reader can understand 80-90% of the words on a given page. The studies were done ... -
Teachers’ Aspirations to Improve their Classroom Interaction
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06)This article explores teachers’ aspirations to improve their classroom interactions with students. The classroom interaction framework of Pianta and colleagues (2012) and the motivational factors approach were combined to ... -
Teachers’ beliefs about mathematical horizon content knowledge
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)In this article, we present and discuss an example of how teachers’ discussions of mathematical knowledge for teaching (MKT) items elicited their beliefs about the knowledge needed to teach mathematics. One category of ... -
Teachers’ perceptions and practices of working with democracy, citizenship, and intercultural competence in the English subject
(Master thesis, 2022)The present small-scale qualitative study explores teachers’ perceptions and practices of working with democracy, citizenship, and intercultural competence in the English subject. Five English teachers working in 4th-7th ... -
Teachers’ perceptions and practices related to foreign language speaking anxiety in the 7th grade EFL classroom.
(Master thesis, 2023)Even though Norwegian learners tend to have a high proficiency in English, they still tend to be anxious in English-speaking contexts. Hence, the present master’s thesis set out to investigate teachers’ perceptions and ... -
Teachers’ perceptions of their role and classroom management practices in a technology rich primary school classroom
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04)This case study investigates primary school teachers’ perceptions of their role and practices regarding classroom management in technology-rich classrooms. The data was collected through individual and focus group interviews, ... -
Teaching multiplication using representations : What works for primary pre-service teachers in Malawi?
(Chapter, 2021)This article addressed the question: How do pre-service teachers in Malawi understand the teachingtasks and the knowledge necessary to teach multiplication using multiple representations? A case studywas conducted with one ... -
Teaching the concept of zero in a Malawi primary school: illuminating the language and resource challenge
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-03)In this paper we discuss findings of a study that investigated the resources and language that teachers in Malawi use to teach the concept of zero. In Malawi primary schools, textual resources available to teachers are ... -
Teamets betydning for eliteutøvere i individuelle idretter. En kvalitativ analyse.
(Master thesis, 2021)Formål: Formålet med masteroppgaven har vært å undersøke hvordan det å være en del av et team kan påvirke prestasjonene til individuelle toppidrettsutøvere, hvor også profesjonelle trenere har uttalt seg om emnet. Oppgavens ... -
Teen Evaluations of a Game Targeting School Refusal
(Chapter, 2020)Serious games can be a supplement to early intervention and treatment of school refusal. In this work-in-progress, we report on findings from an evaluation session in which teenagers gave detailed feedback on Gnist (English: ... -
TEFL Methodology and Pre-Service Teacher Education at the English Department, University of Niš
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The paper outlines the development of the TEFL Methodology courses in the English Department curriculum over the past fifty years, from the foundation of the Department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš in 1971 to date, ...