Browsing Department of Education and Special Education by Title
Now showing items 670-689 of 1444
Innsats som en del av grunnlaget for vurdering i kroppsøving
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06)Sammendrag Denne oppgaven er skrevet innenfor seksjonen utdanningsvitenskap, profil idrett og kroppsøving, ved Universitetet i Stavanger (UiS). Bakgrunn: Kroppsøvingsfaglig forskningslitteratur om innsatsbegrepet i ... -
Integration or assimilation: do Norwegian barnehager preserve immigrant children’s native-culture according to their parents?
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)This paper presents a framework for understanding culture differences and immigrant parents’ points of view and experience with barnehager. The purpose of this study was to understand and have an overview over a few immigrant ... -
Intensitet og belastning i ishockey målt gjennom sporingsteknologi
(Master thesis, 2021)Utvikling av sporingsteknologi har gitt større innsikt i de fysiske kravene for lagsport, inkludert innendørs idretter hvor globale satellitter ikke kan brukes. Ishockey er en idrett hvor forskning har vært preget av ... -
Intensitet og reproduserbarhet for en høyintensiv treningsprotokoll tilpasset NEEDED Diagnostics studien
(Master thesis, 2022)Bakgrunn: Hjerteproteinet troponin (cTn) er den viktigste biomarkøren for å diagnostisere skader på muskelceller i hjertet. Økning av cTn er også observert etter anstrengende fysisk trening. Et av hovedmålene til The North ... -
Intensiv opplæring - forståelse og praksis
(Master thesis, 2022)I denne masteroppgaven presenteres en kvalitativ intervjustudie hvor formålet var å undersøke hvordan lærere som jobber på 3. og 4. trinn forstår begrepet intensiv opplæring, og hvordan de operasjonaliserer begrepet innen ... -
Intercultural learning and images in ELT: Exploring cultural imaginaries through photographs
(Chapter, 2022)This chapter presents an argument for the relevance of using photographs for intercultural learning in English Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. More specifically, we suggest that by activating, expanding, and challenging ... -
Interkulturell kompetanse: En kvalitativ studie av samfunnsfaglæreres perspektiver
(Master thesis, 2023)Denne studien har som mål å gi innsikt i samfunnsfaglæreres erfaringer og opplevelser med interkulturell kompetanse. Forskningsprosjektet er strukturert rundt en kvalitativ tilnærming; med empiriske funn fra fem dybdeintervju ... -
International students at a norwegian university : their experiences
(Master thesis, 2011)While International student is a general denomination for students all over the world who study abroad, their experience is specific and their very own. Unlike most of the other research that has focused on International ... -
Intervention Development for People with Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms: Best Practice and Future Recommendations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Symptoms of muscle dysmorphia carry significant risks for people’s health and wellbeing. A key priority is therefore to support this group in reducing their symptoms and distorted behaviors to mitigate against the development ... -
Introduction to the thematic working group 18 : International perspectives on mathematics teacher education and professional development : Current and emerging research
(Chapter, 2022)In this paper, we review all of the contributions to TWG18, focusing on the range of research interests, theoretical perspectives and frameworks, and methodological approaches. From this review, the presentations, and ... -
Introduction to the work of TWG19 : Mathematics teaching and teacher practice(s)
(Chapter, 2022)This introduction for TWG19 offers a brief history of the group and describes past challenges the group has experienced when discussing papers-seeing papers as related and as contributing to a common effort. These challenges ... -
Investigating opportunities for learning number concepts and operations in mathematics that are provided in upper primary textbooks in Malawi.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-12)Abstract This study investigated the opportunities for learning number concepts and operations in mathematics that are available to learners in upper primary classes in Malawi. Learners’ textbooks for grade 5 to grade 8 ... -
Investigating opportunities for teacher learning in Lesson Study when promoting geometric reasoning in a Malawi secondary school classroom
(Master thesis, 2023)Teacher learning in lesson study has been the focus of recent research by many authors. The current study considered teacher learning as a change in teachers’ noticing of their teaching-both on their students' learning and ... -
(Master thesis, 2023)In Malawi, the current performance of students in early-grade mathematics is low due to lack of focus on developing number concepts, as well as the reliance on rote learning in the existing OBE curriculum. To address these ... -
Investigating Teacher's Feedback on Creative Writing: A Qualitative Synthesis Study of feedback on two student cases
(Master thesis, 2024)Creative writing instruction in classrooms can bring numerous benefits to students. However, for students to develop their potential as creative writers in educational settings, evaluation of their work is necessary. One ... -
Investigating the introduction of algebra in primary schools in Malawi: A case study of three teachers in standard 5
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-12)Students in Malawi perform very poorly in secondary school mathematics, and algebra in particular. This has prompted the government of Malawi to introduce algebra as topics in the upper primary school curriculum. The aim ... -
An investigation of teacher’s practices when teaching mass measurement in grade 4 in Malawi
(Chapter, 2022)This paper reports on a study on teachers’ practices when teaching mass measurement in grade 4 in Malawi. Data was collected from video recordings of three grade 4 teachers (two lessons each) who were purposively sampled ... -
Involvering av foreldre i kampen mot mobbing: Ein kvalitativ studie av lærarar og rektorar sine tankar og erfaringar med å involvere foreldre i kampen mot mobbing.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)Problemstillinga for oppgåva var: Kva tankar og refleksjonar gjer lærarar og rektorar seg om betydninga av foreldre for barnet si involvering i mobbing, og korleis arbeidar dei for å involvere foreldre i kampen mot mobbing? ... -
IOP i utvidet praksis : elev og lærererfaringer
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IAS/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)For å demme opp for at elever avslutter videregående skole uten å fullføre, har Rogaland fylkeskommune opprettet et tilbud kalt Utvidet praksis (alternativ opplæring i grupper med redusert elevtall). Dette er et tilbud ... -
Irregular migrants’ structural vulnerability and survival strategies - a case study in Bergen area
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2012;, Master thesis, 2012)This study is about irregular migrants’ experiences and how they deal with exclusionary practices they face as they attempt to access the Norwegian health care system as well as the labor and housing markets. The thesis ...