Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IGIS) by Title
Now showing items 15-34 of 260
Back on track: Approaches to managing highly disruptive school classes
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-10)Teaching and learning are at stake when classrooms become highly disruptive and pupils ignore the teacher’s instructions and leadership. Re-establishing teacher authority in a highly disruptive school class is an understudied ... -
Bayesian Estimation of Correlation between Measures of Blood Pressure Indices, Aerobic Capacity and Resting Heart Rate Variability Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation and 95% High Density Interval in Female School Teachers
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-09)Background: Several explanations regarding the disparity observed in the literature with regard to heart rate variability (HRV) and its association with performance parameters have been proposed: the time of day when the ... -
Bayesian Estimation of the Variation in Strength and Aerobic Physical Performances in Young Eumenorrheic Female College Students during a Menstrual Cycle.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)Background: The purpose of the present investigation was to examine changes in strength and aerobic physical performances in young eumenorrheic female college students during the menstruation phase and different testing ... -
Being a mother of children with special needs during educational transitions: positioning when ‘fighting against a superpower’
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)The aim of this article is to study how mothers of children with special needs understand themselves in educational contexts. Using the analytical concepts of positional identities and figured worlds, we study the different ... -
Beyond class size reduction: Towards more flexible ways of implementing a reduced pupil-teacher ratio.
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10)The effect of a reduced pupil–teacher ratio has mainly been investigated as that of reduced class size. Hence we know little about alternative methods of reducing the pupil–teacher ratio. Deploying additional teachers in ... -
Beyond Screen Time: A Synergistic Approach to a More Comprehensive Assessment of Family Media Exposure During Early Childhood
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Digital media availability has surged over the past decade. Because of a lack of comprehensive measurement tools, this rapid growth in access to digital media is accompanied by a scarcity of research examining the family ... -
Bilingual education teachers and learners in a preschool context: Instructional and interactional translanguaging spaces
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study explores how bilingual education teachers' flexible delivery of instructional translanguaging within a bilingual preschool in the predominately monolingual context of Turkey could provide children with a space ... -
Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : a review of the papers presented at the NORMA20 conference
(Chapter, 2022)The NORMA conferences held triennially gather academics from the Nordic area and beyond. The conferences offer a window into the key topics and outcomes of Nordic mathematics education research. This paper presents an ... -
Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021
(Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning;, Book, 2021)This volume presents Nordic mathematics education research, which will be presented at the Ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 20, in Oslo, Norway, in June 2021. The theme of NORMA 20 regards what it ... -
Building Social and Emotional Competencies for Coping with Academic Stress among Students in Lower Secondary School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06)This qualitative study explores lower secondary school students’ experiences with components of a universal school-based social and emotional learning (SEL) intervention in relation to coping with academic stress. The ... -
Can we read letters? Reflections on fundamental issues in reading and dyslexia research
(Book, 2015-01)Internationally there has been a major increase in activity within reading and dyslexia research over the past three or four decades. This is a reasonable development given that the importance of having good reading ... -
Capturing epistemic reflexivity for teacher educators teaching about/to/for diversity in teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Internationally, there is a growing body of evidence which shows that newly graduated teachers do not feel prepared to teach the increasingly diverse student body in contemporary classrooms. However, to date, we have limited ... -
Chad. Realpolitik and Aspirational Deprivation
(Chapter, 2021)Chadians have experienced harsh governance and personal rule since colonization. Between independence in 1960 and the coup d’état in 1990 that brought President Déby to power, violent conflicts, and civil war continuously ... -
Challenges and possibilities in Norwegian classroom drama practice
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009)My specific teaching and research interest is drama in the classroom drama as a teaching and learning medium to fulfil a curriculum demand for student-active, creative and aesthetic learning processes. In this article ... -
Challenges of teaching with challenging tasks: Teaching dilemmas arising from implementing a reform-oriented approach to primary mathematics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The research reported in this paper analyses teaching dilemmas experienced by four in-service teachers in the context of a reform-oriented teaching approach for primary mathematics called Developmental Education in Mathematics ... -
Changes in Educational Planning for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Scandinavia over the Last Three Decades
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04)Approaches to deaf education in Scandinavia have been shaped and buffeted by controversies and debates about language, educational policy, and new technology. By way of thematic analysis of the content of national policy ... -
Childism and philosophy: A conceptual co-exploration
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article is a conceptual co-exploration of the relationship between philosophy and childism. It draws upon a colloquium in December 2021 at the Childism Institute at Rutgers University. Nine co-authors lay out and ... -
Children as eco-citizens?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Education for sustainability in early childhood tends to focus on practices and advocacy, rather than on the aims of this education. We suggest that the aim should be to consider children as being and becoming eco-citizens. ... -
Class size and its influence on examination results in higher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-09)In this article, we analyze the relationship between class sizes and examination results in higher education. Data from the University of Stavanger, collected in the Common Student System (FS) in the period from 2011 to ... -
Coaches' Perceptions of how Coaching Behavior affects Athletes: An Analysis of their Position on Basic Assumptions in the Coaching Role
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-04)This study explores coaches‟ beliefs about what they think their athletes expect from them as coaches in sport. A sample of 36 different statements representing different opinions about coach behaviours and how coach ...