Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IGIS) by Title
Now showing items 41-60 of 260
“Decolonizing academia” in Norway after #RhodesMustFall
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Compared with the student initiated #RhodesMustFall in South Africa, the public debate on “decolonizing academia” in Norway was mainly a debate among faculty. Most voices opposed the need of such a movement in an anti-colonial ... -
Deconstruction of the Discourse of Femininity: A Case of Thai Girls’ Schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)The study investigates the construction of femininity ideologies of girls-only school websites in Thailand and deconstructs them for analysis at the lexical level. Ideological beliefs underlying the custom of upbringing ... -
Democracy in practice? The Norwegian public inquiry of the Alexander L. Kielland North-Sea oil platform disaster
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11)In March 1980, the oil-platform Alexander L. Kielland capsized in the North Sea resulting in the death of 123 workers. The Norwegian inquiry into the disaster was closed to the public and the survivors' accounts of the ... -
Den umulige kommunikasjonen i Lene Asks "Det du ikke sier, er sant"
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Lene Asks roman Det du ikke sier, er sant (2017) handler om Kamran, en gutt i ungdoms skolealder som tyr til løgn når han ikke er sikker på hva han skal si. Romanen handler om hvordan protagonisten gradvis gjør språket til ... -
Den viktige og vanskelige skikkethetsvurderingen; hvilke utfordringer gir den universiteter og høgskoler?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Skikkethetsvurdering av studenter ble i 2006 utvidet til å omfatte 26 helse-, lærer- og sosialarbeiderutdanninger i Norge. Begrunnelsen for ordningen er hensynet til «den svake part»; en ønsker å hindre at barn, elever, ... -
Depth as a key issue for implementing DEM: The case of a teacher
(Chapter, 2022)This case study examines one Norwegian teacher's enactment of an innovative system for mathematics teaching called developmental education in mathematics (DEM). The findings show that despite appropriate textbooks, high ... -
"Det blir ofte vanskelig å få til de tverrfaglige greiene". Et lærerperspektiv på tverrfaglighet.
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Den nye forskriften overordnet del – verdier og prinsipper for grunnopplæringen knytter begrepet tverrfaglighet til tre ulike temaer og fremhever det som et pedagogisk prinsipp for undervisningen i Norge. Artikkelen belyser ... -
«Det er en fremmed tanke å skulle ha studentene for seg selv» : Om veilederteam i lærerutdanningens praksisstudium
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Supervisionin practicum in teacher education is a task that is often taken care of by the individualsupervisor, and previous research shows large variations in quality of supervision, follow-up and learning outcomes for ... -
Developing multiple perspectives with EFL learners through facilitated dialogue about images
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This article reports on a case study investigating how Norwegian upper secondary EFL learners develop multiple perspectives in facilitated dialogue about images before and after being familiarized with critical visual ... -
Development of motor-life-skills: variations in children at risk for motor difficulties from the toddler age to preschool age
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03)This article explores variations in development of everyday motor-life-skills in 661 children (329 girls and 332 boys) in Norwegian kindergartens of ages 2:9 (T1) and 4:9 (T2) years:months. The particular focus is on ... -
Development of verbal creativity by bilingual and English as foreign language learners in kindergarten to 8th grade schools
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Bilingualism has long been within the scope of creativity studies that investigate creativity and problem solving. This study aims to explore the possible effect of bilingualism on the verbal creativity of English language ... -
Dialogue about “learning” across the Northern Norway-Russia border: An analysis of textbooks in kindergarten teacher education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)This paper is the first in a series of three studies that explore the pedagogy used in the Norwegian and Russian early childhood settings by examining texts that are part of the syllabus in two early childhood teacher ... -
Dialogue and defamiliarization: The conceptual framing of an intervention for challenging readers and improving the quality of literature discussions
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)To lead discussions about complex literary texts in a classroom of teenagers is no doubt a challenging task for many teachers. It is therefore meaningful to explore how teachers’ management of literature discussions can ... -
Differentiation in education: a configurative review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Differentiation in education can be seen as a means of responding to student diversity in order to meet the vision of a school for all. Differentiation has been widely addressed within a western context, and it appears to ... -
Digital assessment – how does it challenge local practices and national law? A Norwegian case study
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11)The traditional exam has a strong holding within Norwegian higher education and is very often the preferred way of assessing students. Digital technology opens up for alternatives to the traditional exam, but so far focus ... -
Dikt som opning mot «meir-enn-mennesket». Olav H. Hauges dikting og eleven si omverd
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Artikkelen tek utgangspunkt i Olav H. Hauge si poetiske søking etter samkjensle med andre menneske og naturen som «meir-enn-mennesket». Med grunnlag i økokritisk, kognitiv og litteraturdidaktisk teori, diskuterer forfattaren ... -
Dilemmas of teaching arithmetical notation to young learners
(Chapter, 2022)This study takes the analysis of a Malawian Grade 1 teacher’s mediation of mathematics as a starting point for discussing dilemmas that might be entailed in the teaching of arithmetical notation to young learners. Two ... -
Do Book Giveaway Programs Promote the Home Literacy Environment and Children’s Literacy-Related Behavior and Skills?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-05)Book giveaway programs provide free books to families with infants to encourage caregivers to begin reading to their children during infancy. This meta-analysis of 44 studies retrieved from 43 articles tests the effects ... -
Does Lactate-Guided Threshold Interval Training within a High-Volume Low-Intensity Approach Represent the “Next Step” in the Evolution of Distance Running Training?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The aim of the present study was to describe a novel training model based on lactate-guided threshold interval training (LGTIT) within a high-volume, low-intensity approach, which characterizes the training pattern in some ... -
Drama som estetisk læringsform for å utvikle leseforståelse
(Journal article, 2010)Aksjonsforskningsprosjektet «Drama, kreativitet og estetiske læreprosesser» tar utgangspunkt i klasserommets didaktiske utfordringer og dramafagets mulighet til å skape engasjement og motivere til innsats i det faglige ...