Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IGIS) by Title
Now showing items 99-118 of 264
“I do not want to shatter their dreams of becoming teachers.” Mentors’ use of professional judgement in suitability assessments
(Chapter, 2022)The practicum is a significant contributor to the qualification of teachers; however, mentors experience uncertainties due to the use of professional judgement in the process of assessing pre-service teachers’ suitability. ... -
Identity Formation and Career Prospects of Bilingual Professionals: Blending Language Skills to Create Novel Applications to Career Pursuits
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The most widely believed misconception about bilingualism purports that exposure to a second language within the community will automatically yield bilingual children, who can apply their balanced language skills in every ... -
Identity tensions of in-service teacher educators: A narrative inquiry
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-12)Despite the growing research on teachers’ identity tensions, the tensions experienced by teacher educators, especially that of in-service teacher educators, remain underexplored. To address this issue, this narrative inquiry ... -
The impact of translanguaging-driven training on in-service EFL teachers: Complexity theory prism
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-07)This study examines the impact of a translanguaging-driven in-service training on English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers’ professional identity re-construction. Grounded in complexity theory, the study is based on ... -
Impediments to learning problem-solving in Malawian lower secondary mathematics textbooks
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: In a culture where teachers follow the textbook prescriptively, Malawian students perform low in mathematics, and no students reach the problem-solving levels. Aim: To explore reasons for students’ low ... -
Implementation of physically active lessons: a 2-year follow-up
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Combining physical activity and academic content is a promising way to improve health and academic learning in schoolchildren. This paper examined the continuation of physically active lessons (PAL) in five Norwegian ... -
The Importance of School Leadership Support when Working with Students with Smith-Magenis Syndrome–A Q Methodology Study
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-02)Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS) is a rare genetic syndrome. Students with SMS have a neurobehavioural phenotype which has been characterised as challenging for both parents and teachers. Challenging behaviour often has a ... -
In-Service EFL teachers’ engagement in reflexive practice via video enhanced observation
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Building upon the interrelationship between learning and changing, this study investigates how cyclical engagement in reflexive practice influences the teachers’ professional development. We implemented our video-enhanced ... -
Inclusive Education for Students With Special Education Needs in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-07)This narrative review aims to present and discuss the Norwegian school system as a context for inclusive education. Despite its clear political intentions, Norway lacks a common definition of inclusion and has limited ... -
Increasing inclusion through differentiated instruction in a technology-rich primary school classroom in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)In this case study, the aim was to investigate how primary school teachers in a leading-edge Norwegian primary school use digital technologies to differentiate instruction in order to promote a more inclusive learning ... -
Inkluderende ledelse : rektorers forståelse og arbeid med inkludering i skolen
(Chapter, 2022)Dette kapittelet handler om inkluderende ledelse og ledelse for sosial rettferdighet i grunnskolen i Norge. Det er mye kunnskap om hva skoleledere bør eller må gjøre for å lykkes med inkludering. Hvordan rektorene legger ... -
Inkludering i en mangfoldig skole : fra teori til praksis
(Chapter, 2022)Norsk skolepolitikk gjør at Norge på mange måter kan regnes som et foregangsland i arbeidet med å utvikle en inkluderende skole der læring står i fokus. Like fullt synes det å være et gap mellom skolepolitikkens teoretiske ... -
Innholdsanalysens muligheter i utdanningsforskning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Innholdsanalyse er en systematisk undersøkelse og fortolkning av et datamateriale (Berg & Lune 2012), og denne analysemetoden kan brukes for å studere meninger i tekstdata både kvalitativt og kvantitativt. Utgangspunktet ... -
Intercultural learning and images in ELT: Exploring cultural imaginaries through photographs
(Chapter, 2022)This chapter presents an argument for the relevance of using photographs for intercultural learning in English Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. More specifically, we suggest that by activating, expanding, and challenging ... -
Interdisciplinary teaching and learning experiences in the subjects food and health, and outdoor life
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-11)Background: The current curriculum for Norwegian primary and early secondary schools (grades 1–10) encourages teachers to work in an interdisciplinary environment. Purpose: This study examines how interdisciplinary peer ... -
The International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education: content and authorship analysis 2010–2024
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In celebrating the 20th anniversary of the International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (IJETHE), previously known as the Revista de Universidad y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), it is timely to ... -
Intervention Development for People with Muscle Dysmorphia Symptoms: Best Practice and Future Recommendations
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Symptoms of muscle dysmorphia carry significant risks for people’s health and wellbeing. A key priority is therefore to support this group in reducing their symptoms and distorted behaviors to mitigate against the development ... -
Introduction to the thematic working group 18 : International perspectives on mathematics teacher education and professional development : Current and emerging research
(Chapter, 2022)In this paper, we review all of the contributions to TWG18, focusing on the range of research interests, theoretical perspectives and frameworks, and methodological approaches. From this review, the presentations, and ... -
Introduction to the work of TWG19 : Mathematics teaching and teacher practice(s)
(Chapter, 2022)This introduction for TWG19 offers a brief history of the group and describes past challenges the group has experienced when discussing papers-seeing papers as related and as contributing to a common effort. These challenges ...