Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IGIS) by Title
Now showing items 142-161 of 264
Maintenance of weight loss and aerobic capacity one year aft er the end of a lifestyle intervention focusing on nutritional guidance and/or exercise
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aims of this study were to: 1) investigate to what extent participants in a lifestyle intervention program, including nutritional guidance and two weekly intensive running sessions, maintain improvements in aerobic ... -
Majority rights and minority responsibilities: young people’s negotiations with human rights
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)This paper is a case study of student discussions of rights and responsibilities, which contributes to filling the existing knowledge gap on the topic. Tenth grade majority students who participated in three group discussions ... -
Mangfold, inkludering og utdanning : gode intensjoner og komplekse realiteter
(Chapter, 2022)Denne boka springer ut av overbevisningen om at elevmangfold er både en realitet, en ressurs og en utfordring. Elevmangfoldet i norsk skole gjør seg gjeldende i alle fag, på tvers av fag og i skolehverdagen. De som arbeider ... -
Masterforum som arena for veiledning og profesjonsfaglig samarbeid : erfaringer fra SUKIP
(Chapter, 2023)This chapter describe how the SUKIP-project has involved master’s students in the research. It explains how the students have gained access to SUKIP-data from kindergarten and school and how guidance and collaboration ... -
Matematikklæreres oppfatninger om ingrediensene i god matematikkundervisning
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Studier av matematikklæreres oppfatninger om god matematikkundervisning, og om kunnskap viktig for å kunne legge til rette for og gjennomføre matematikkundervisning av høy kvalitet, fremheves som et viktig for kunnskapsbygging ... -
Matematikklæreres refleksjoner om egne undervisningsutfordringer
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03)Matematikkundervisning stiller krav til matematikkfaglig og matematikkdidaktisk kunnskap. Mens mange forskere har studert kunnskapen lærere har, eller den kunnskapen de bruker i undervisningen, retter denne studien fokuset ... -
Material interpolations: Youth engagement with inclusive and exclusionary citizenship discourses
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Citizenship education, in its varying forms, seeks to address challenges of diversity and promote inclusion, while a discourse of othering within public debate implies exclusion for racialised minority citizens and ... -
Mathematical knowledge for teaching in Africa 2014–2021: A review of literature
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: A previous review of literature on mathematical knowledge for teaching in Africa indicated that most studies were small, qualitative studies that did not apply existing measures. The present literature review ... -
Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching: How do Primary Pre-service Teachers in Malawi Understand it?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-03)While a consensus within the field exists that pre-service teachers need adequate knowledge and skills to become effective teachers in mathematics, less is known about how they understand the mathematical knowledge needed ... -
Mathematics discourse in instruction : How it helps us think about research on mathematics teaching
(Chapter, 2022)Mathematics Discourse in Instruction (MDI) is a framework developed to describe, interpret, and support development of mathematics teaching. Since its inception, it has been successfully used as a tool for research and ... -
Mathematics teacher educators' thinking about mutuality in teaching
(Chapter, 2022)Stakeholders agree that the mathematical education of teachers needs to focus on mathematical knowledge for teaching, but the practice-based nature of this knowledge poses challenges for mathematics teacher educatorsfor ... -
«Mayday mayday Kielland velter …» : Redning og arbeidersolidaritet
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03)Kielland-ulykken, eller katastrofen, i 1980 er den største industrielle ulykken vi har hatt i Norge. Kantringen av plattformen er også den største maritime ulykken som har vært i Norge etter krigen og den som utløste den ... -
Månedsmøtet som arena for gjensidig profesjonslæring for barnehage og PP-tjeneste
(Chapter, 2023)Both research and national governing documents call for knowledge about how the kindergarten should facilitate inclusive practice. There is a demand for models for competence development that capture the kindergarten’s ... -
Mental toughness in elite and sub-elite female soccer players
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Mental toughness (MT) is seen as an important psychological factor in the athletic success of elite athletes. Research on the subject has usually concerned male athletes. Our purpose was to investigate whether there are ... -
Mentoring Novice Teachers in a Norwegian Context of Inclusive Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)There is global agreement that schools should be inclusive, however both experienced and inexperienced teachers find this challenging. In this study we explore how experienced teachers working as local mentors for newly ... -
A methodological approach to the development of prospective teachers’ interpretative knowledge
(Chapter, 2022)In this paper, we propose a methodological approach-the SCS cycle-suitable to develop prospective teachers Interpretative Knowledge (IK). In particular, this study focus on a group of 19 prospective secondary teachers ... -
Migration and the Historical Population Register of Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2018)The Historical Population Register (hpr) of Norway gives rise to new research opportunities on a large array of topics spanning medicine, social sciences and humanities. This introductory article outlines the contents of ... -
«Min grav den er som natten mørk» : om det uhyggelige og traumatiske i Maurits C. Hansens «Novellen» (1827)
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)«My grave it is as dark as the night» – the uncanny and the traumatic in Maurits C. Hansen’s short story «Novellen» (1827). This article is a reading of Maurits C. Hansen’s short story «Novellen» with emphasis on how ... -
The Mission of Early Childhood Education in the Anthropocene
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)During the last century, the human way of life has begun to transgress many of the Earth’s biophysical boundaries in an alarming way. The consequences of this are more dramatic and long lasting than ever before. Many ... -
Muscle dysmorphia and associated psychological features of males in the Middle East: A systematic review
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Muscle dysmorphia (MD) is a mental health disorder characterized by a preoccupation with muscularity and is linked to excessive exercise and dieting, and using anabolic steroids. There is a global interest in the study of ...