Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IGIS) by Title
Now showing items 189-208 of 260
Rammefaktorenes betydning for mat- og helseundervisningen på 1.–4. trinn
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Mat og helse har kompetansemål etter 4. trinn i norsk grunnskole, men få studier har sett på betydningen av rammefaktorer for undervisningen i mat og helse på barnetrinnet. I denne studien undersøker vi læreres og skolelederes ... -
Real-life connections in Japan and the Netherlands : National teaching patterns and cultural beliefs
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The TIMSS 1999 Video Study revealed that Japan had the lowest (of the seven participating countries) amount of real-life connections in the eight grade mathematics classrooms, whereas the Netherlands had the highest ... -
Realisering av kjerneelementet handverksferdigheiter i kunst og handverk - Relevansen av læraren sin making knowledge i arbeid med djupnelæring
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Gjennom rammeverket konseptuell læreplanteori frå Goodlad ser denne artikkelen på korleis handverksferdigheiter vert framstilt i den formelle læreplanen. Artikkelen ser også på arbeidet med å støtte elevane si utvikling ... -
Realization of the mathematical signifier 25 × 12
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This paper identifies how a mathematical signifier “25 × 12” is realized through the practice of multiple solution strategies when teaching multiplication. This case study is conducted in a fifthgrade classroom where the ... -
Regular consumption of cod liver oil is associated with reduced basal and exercise-induced C-reactive protein levels; a prospective observational trial
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06)Background Dietary supplement use among recreational athletes is common, with the intention of reducing inflammation and improving recovery. We aimed to describe the relationship between omega-3 fatty acid supplement use ... -
Research on discussion in mathematics teaching : A review of literature from 2000 to 2020
(Conference object, 2024)For decades, reformers have emphasized discussion over recitation and lecture. Yet, traditional communication patterns are still dominant in mathematics classrooms internationally. In an effort to better understand this ... -
Researching classroom processes of inclusion and exclusion
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2005-04)The aim of this paper is to discuss processes of inclusion and exclusion in compulsory classrooms where both Norwegian and Norwegian Sign Language (NSL) are used. The Norwegian Education Act 1998, section 2–6, gives deaf ... -
The Role of Perceived Competence in Determining Teacher Support in Upper Secondary School Physical Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Physical education remains one of the most liked school subjects, irrespective of grade level or geography. Nevertheless, sections of the student body dislike the subject immensely and even more think it should be organized ... -
The Role of Physical Activity in Opioid Substitution Therapy: A Systematic Review of Interventional and Observational Studies
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2022-07-12)Background: Use of physical activity in the treatment and follow-up of people receiving opioid substitution therapy is an understudied area of research. Therefore, the objective of this systematic review was to synthesize ... -
Scandinavian Experiments in Democratic Education
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article is the first of four articles exploring democratic schools co-founded by teenage students in Norway and Sweden. Our larger project explores the relationship between democracy in education and educational ... -
School-based interventions modestly increase physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness but are least effective for youth who need them most: an individual participant pooled analysis of 20 controlled trials
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Objectives To determine if subpopulations of students benefit equally from school-based physical activity interventions in terms of cardiorespiratory fitness and physical activity. To examine if physical activity intensity ... -
School-based physical activity in relation to active travel – a cluster randomized controlled trial among adolescents enrolled in the school in motion study in Norway
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Active travel and school settings are considered ideal for promoting physical activity. However, previous research suggests limited effect of school-based interventions on overall physical activity levels among ... -
Scientific concepts as meaning-making resources for young EFL learners in the learning of pragmatics
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08)This article reports on a study investigating the role of scientific concepts in the metapragmatic awareness of Norwegian primary EFL learners’ following a four-week instructional intervention on requesting informed by ... -
Second graders’ reflections about the number 24
(Chapter, 2018)Students’ written responses to an open task were examined to identify potential indications of emerging number sense. Content analysis indicates that the number of responses given by students varied, with addition tasks ... -
Self-regulated Learning in Physical Education: An Analysis of Perceived Teacher Learning Support and Perceived Motivational Climate as Context Dependent Predictors in Upper Secondary School
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019)The aim of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the relationship between teacher learning support, motivational climate and self-regulated learning in upper-secondary school physical education. A sample consisting ... -
Self-reported playing time and justice as predictors of coach satisfaction: An analysis of elite ice-hockey and handball players
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12)Intrateam competition for specific roles and playing time is a continuous imperative process in elite sport teams. The assessment of this competition is done by the coach and the outcome of this process has a significant ... -
Separate counselling services in Norwegian upper secondary schools. A possibility for a collective holistic approach?
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-09)Guidance counsellors hold an important role in youth’s educational and vocational choices, well-being and future careers. Central Norwegian policy documents recommend dividing counselling practices in schools into two ... -
Shared Mental Models: National Representative Coaches’ Thinking on Importance, Characteristics, and Development
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The aims of the study were to explore how national representative handball coaches reflect on the cognitive properties of the team and how these attributes are developed through team practice. A theoretical (shared mental ... -
Shared Situational Awareness in a Professional Soccer Team: An Explorative Analysis of Post-Performance Interviews
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12)Sport science research has done little to elaborate on the cognitive factors that turn a collection of individual players into a coordinated elite team. The purpose of this paper is to clarify if the players and coach of ... -
Signposting in upper secondary essay writing in different educational contexts and genres: Exploring pupil usage and teacher practices
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06)Essay writing is a central part of upper secondary education, where pupils often face the challenge of composing texts in different genres ranging from scientific investigations to political essays. In their essays, pupils ...