Now showing items 242-260 of 260

    • Veiledning på egne eller andres vilkår? 

      Østrem, Sissel (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011)
    • Vilkår for muntlig deltakelse på mellomtrinnet 

      Sæbø, Johanne Ur; Skaftun, Atle; Nygard, Arne Olav (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12)
      I denne artikkelen søker vi å gi svar på følgende spørsmål: Hvilke muntlige dialogiske rom finnes i klasseromshverdagen på mellomtrinnet? Det gjøres ved å studere mulighetene elevene får til å bruke stemmen sin og språket ...
    • Waist circumference thresholds and cardiorespiratory fitness 

      Dyrstad, Sindre Mikal; Edvardsen, Elisabeth; Hansen, Bjørge Hermann; Anderssen, Sigmund Alfred (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-04)
      Purpose This study's purpose was to examine whether established risk categories of waist circumference (WC)—normal, high risk, and very high health risk—reflected significant differences in cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) ...
    • What are skills? Some fundamental reflections 

      Tønnessen, Finn Egil (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      When the concept of ‘skill’ is used in reading and writing research or more generally in linguis-tic research, it is rarely made the subject of detailed and precise definitions or reflections. The present article is a ...
    • What Characterizes Nordic Research on Initial Teacher Education: A Systematic Scoping Review 

      Forsström, Sanna Erika; Munthe, Elaine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      The main objective of this systematic scoping review is to shed light on ITE research in the Nordic countries during the past decade. The review includes 830 studies, following established procedures. Based on our analyses ...
    • What happens if …? Uncertainty in games and climate change education 

      van Schaik, Fiona (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Uncertainty complicates the issue of climate change. Climate change education should therefore help students to address uncertainty. The question, then, is how to educate students about that which is ‘in the dark’. Here, ...
    • What takes ‘us’ so long? The philosophical poverty of childhood studies and education 

      Biswas, Tanu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-07)
      My argument addresses a significant history of philosophical racism–a term borrowed from Mogobe Ramose. The argument is: philosophical racism makes the racist philosophically poor, too. I propose that two philosophical ...
    • When a woman replaces a man: evaluating coach dismissal in professional tennis 

      Gasparetto, Thadeu; Nesseler, Cornel Maria; Muñiz Artime, Cristina; Dietl, Helmut (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-07)
      Purpose Previous research indicates gender discrimination in leadership positions. However, performance and not gender should be the key indicator when evaluating a leader. We examine the performance effect of changing ...
    • Who becomes a teacher and why? 

      See, Beng Huat; Munthe, Elaine; Ross, Sarah A.; Hitt, Loraine; El Soufi, Nada (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      This paper reports on a comprehensive review of international evidence, synthesising the findings of some of the strongest empirical work on the main factors influencing people's decisions to be teachers or not. Four search ...
    • Who needs sensory education? 

      Biswas, Tanu (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03)
      Customarily, reflections on the need to educate sensory and bodily enactments with the world, take for granted that it is the child who must be educated. However, the educational passage of becoming 'rational' and 'grown ...
    • Without a Word: Bonding with Northern Nature in Lene Ask’s "Du" 

      Christensen, Sofija (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Lene Ask’s wordless picturebook Du (2016) renders the story of a day in the life of a little girl who has recently moved with her mother and baby sibling into a wooden house in the middle of a birch forest. The forest is ...
    • The work of leading mathematical discussion in kindergarten : A Norwegian case study 

      Justnes, Camilla Normann; Mosvold, Reidar (Chapter, 2021)
      The core practice of leading mathematical discussions has received considerable attention in the school context, but few studies have investigated this practice in a kindergarten context. This study investigates what tasks ...
    • Work-related stress of elementary school principals in Finland: Coping strategies and support 

      Elomaa, Mailis; Eskelä-Haapanen, Sirpa; Pakarinen, Eija Kristiina; Halttunen, Leena; Lerkkanen, Marja-Kristiina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05)
      The present study aimed to investigate elementary school principals’ self-reported causes of work-related stress, their coping strategies to deal with stress and the support they need for their leadership. Seventy-six ...
    • ‘You could win Masterchef with this soup. Can I get some more?’ Request production and the impact of instruction on young EFL learners 

      Myrset, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04)
      This paper presents a study exploring the impact of concept-based instruction of requests with two intact classes of young learners of English (aged 12–13) in a Norwegian primary school. Based on sociocultural theory, the ...
    • Young Greek Cypriot and Norwegian EFL learners: Pragmalinguistic development in request production 

      Savic, Milica; Economidou-Kogetsidis, Maria; Myrset, Anders (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Situated within the field of developmental interlanguage pragmatics, this cross-sectional study examines pragmalinguistic development in the request production of two groups of young English learners: Greek Cypriot and ...
    • Young students' perception of the health perspective in the Norwegian school subject Food and Health 

      Helland, Merete Hagen; Sandvik, Camilla; Ask, Anne Merete Selvik; Aadland, Eli Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      In Norway, Food and Health (FH) is taught throughout compulsory school. Data acquisition for this study consists of 15 interviews with teachers and 26 focus group interviews (FGI) with 4th grade students (9-10 years), from ...
    • Å legge til rette for kompetanseutvikling i faglige fellesskap - et samarbeid mellom barnehage og PP-tjenesten 

      Ohna, Stein Erik Solbø; Hillesøy, Siv (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Artikkelen redegjør for prosessen med utvikling av design for to tverrfaglige innovasjonsprosjekt i barnehager. Forfatterne tar utgangspunkt i forskning som etterlyser modeller for samarbeid om kompetanseutvikling som ...
    • Å øke foreldres ansvar for barns måloppnåelse i skolen : gode intensjoner, utilsiktede konsekvenser? 

      Bruin, Marieke Gerdien (Chapter, 2022)
      Kapitlet skrives inn i rammen av en norsk utdanningspolitikk som er opptatt av både skole-hjem-samarbeid og foreldres rolle i barns opp­læring. Teksten fremhever betydningen av foreldres involvering i barns skole­gang, noe ...
    • Økonomien i landbruket i Trøndelag. Utviklingstrekk 2000– 2009. Tabellsamling 2005–2009 

      Staven, Kjell; Sjelmo, Otto; Krokann, Knut; Bonesmo, Helge Sverre; Holien, Svein Olav; Paulsen Rye, Siv Karin; Frislid, Liv Grethe Berge; Knutsen, Inger Sofie Murvold (Notat (Norsk institutt for landbruksøkonomisk forskning : trykt utg.);, Research report, 2011)
      «Driftsgranskinger i jord- og skogbruk» er en årlig regnskapsundersøkelse, der det på landsbasis er med omlag 850 gardsregnskap hvert år. Trøndelag har de siste årene vært representert med 130 bruk. I tillegg til ...