Browsing Vitenskapelige publikasjoner (HF-IGIS) by Document Types "Chapter"
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : a review of the papers presented at the NORMA20 conference
(Chapter, 2022)The NORMA conferences held triennially gather academics from the Nordic area and beyond. The conferences offer a window into the key topics and outcomes of Nordic mathematics education research. This paper presents an ... -
Chad. Realpolitik and Aspirational Deprivation
(Chapter, 2021)Chadians have experienced harsh governance and personal rule since colonization. Between independence in 1960 and the coup d’état in 1990 that brought President Déby to power, violent conflicts, and civil war continuously ... -
Depth as a key issue for implementing DEM: The case of a teacher
(Chapter, 2022)This case study examines one Norwegian teacher's enactment of an innovative system for mathematics teaching called developmental education in mathematics (DEM). The findings show that despite appropriate textbooks, high ... -
Dilemmas of teaching arithmetical notation to young learners
(Chapter, 2022)This study takes the analysis of a Malawian Grade 1 teacher’s mediation of mathematics as a starting point for discussing dilemmas that might be entailed in the teaching of arithmetical notation to young learners. Two ... -
Entailments of questions and questioning practices in ambitious mathematics teaching
(Chapter, 2022)The work of teaching mathematics is complex and involves numerous problems and challenges for teachers to handle. Questioning is a slice of mathematics teaching that is both common and challenging. In this paper, we use ... -
An exploration of how mathematics teacher educators invite pre-service teachers to participate in lessons about the teaching of number concepts and operations in early years.
(Chapter, 2022)This study explores the nature of pre-service teachers participation in their lessons on how to teach number concepts and operations to learners in early years of primary school. The paper is part of a qualitative case ... -
Exploring opportunities to learn mathematics in practice-based teacher education : a Norwegian case study
(Chapter, 2021)This study critically examines the opportunities a group of prospective teachers—participating in learning cycles of enactment and investigation as part of their teacher education—has for developing their mathematical ... -
Felles mentale modeller i elitelagballspill: En kvalitativ analyse av spilleres opplevelse av medspillerkunnskap i fotball og håndball
(Chapter, 2018-07)Hensikten med denne undersøkelsen er å utforske medspillerkunnskap (team member knowledge) på elitenivå i lagballspill – teoretisk forankret i felles mentale modeller. Medspillerkunnskapen er teamspesifikk og ikke en type ... -
Fordommer, krenking og mobbing som problem i religionsundervisningen
(Chapter, 2021)Hvordan kan religionsundervisningen åpne for ulike syn uten at dette behøver å innebære risiko for krenkelser og mobbing? Hvilken rolle spiller fordommer i denne sammenheng? Artikkelen diskuterer dette på bakgrunn av skolens ... -
Good mathematics teaching as constructed in Norwegian teachers’ discourses
(Chapter, 2018)This paper explores the notion of good mathematics teaching as constructed in the discourses of practicing Norwegian mathematics teachers. Analyses of data from group interviews show that the teachers tend to conceptualize ... -
“I do not want to shatter their dreams of becoming teachers.” Mentors’ use of professional judgement in suitability assessments
(Chapter, 2022)The practicum is a significant contributor to the qualification of teachers; however, mentors experience uncertainties due to the use of professional judgement in the process of assessing pre-service teachers’ suitability. ... -
Inkluderende ledelse : rektorers forståelse og arbeid med inkludering i skolen
(Chapter, 2022)Dette kapittelet handler om inkluderende ledelse og ledelse for sosial rettferdighet i grunnskolen i Norge. Det er mye kunnskap om hva skoleledere bør eller må gjøre for å lykkes med inkludering. Hvordan rektorene legger ... -
Inkludering i en mangfoldig skole : fra teori til praksis
(Chapter, 2022)Norsk skolepolitikk gjør at Norge på mange måter kan regnes som et foregangsland i arbeidet med å utvikle en inkluderende skole der læring står i fokus. Like fullt synes det å være et gap mellom skolepolitikkens teoretiske ... -
Intercultural learning and images in ELT: Exploring cultural imaginaries through photographs
(Chapter, 2022)This chapter presents an argument for the relevance of using photographs for intercultural learning in English Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms. More specifically, we suggest that by activating, expanding, and challenging ... -
Introduction to the thematic working group 18 : International perspectives on mathematics teacher education and professional development : Current and emerging research
(Chapter, 2022)In this paper, we review all of the contributions to TWG18, focusing on the range of research interests, theoretical perspectives and frameworks, and methodological approaches. From this review, the presentations, and ... -
Introduction to the work of TWG19 : Mathematics teaching and teacher practice(s)
(Chapter, 2022)This introduction for TWG19 offers a brief history of the group and describes past challenges the group has experienced when discussing papers-seeing papers as related and as contributing to a common effort. These challenges ... -
An investigation of teacher’s practices when teaching mass measurement in grade 4 in Malawi
(Chapter, 2022)This paper reports on a study on teachers’ practices when teaching mass measurement in grade 4 in Malawi. Data was collected from video recordings of three grade 4 teachers (two lessons each) who were purposively sampled ... -
Kommunal styring og ledelse av en forskningsstøttet innovasjon for utvikling av inkluderende praksis
(Chapter, 2023)As the owner of kindergarten, school, and educational and psychological counselling service (PPT), the municipality is responsible for the quality of all these units, which, among other things, means that these units have ... -
Kompetanseutviklende samarbeid mellom skole og PP-tjeneste : et spørsmål om møtekoreografi?
(Chapter, 2023)In this chapter, the light is directed at collaborative meetings as an innovation, in which both school and PPT (educational and psychological counselling service) participate. The meetings are understood as an arena for ...