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dc.contributor.authorAléance, Kaji Severin
dc.descriptionMaster's thesis in Migration and Intercultural Relationsno_NO
dc.description.abstractThis thesis is a sociological account of students’ experiences of living abroad. Using the case of African students in Stavanger it describes their daily life, in connection with their migratory projects. Based on the postulate that moving is an endless process, the research analyses the factors influencing decisions that lead to the adjustment of the mobility trajectory. This thesis also exposes the strategies adopted by African students in order to achieve their mobility schemes. The research also deals with African students’ daily activities, their night life and the adaptation challenges they experience. As daily activities include economic activities, the thesis focuses on the economic dimension of African students’ migratory projects and critically examines the role of migrant networks in the process of job seeking. The methodological approach adopted was essentially qualitative and information presented along the thesis was collected from a sample of twelve people through interviews. Methods of data collection also included informal conversations and direct observations. Content analysis has been used for the exploitation of field material.no_NO
dc.publisherUniversity of Stavanger, Norwayno_NO
dc.subjecteveryday lifeno_NO
dc.subjectmigratory projectsno_NO
dc.subjectinterkulturelle relasjonerno_NO
dc.titleAfrican students in Stavanger : Everyday life and migratory projectsno_NO
dc.typeMaster thesisno_NO
dc.subject.nsiVDP::Social science: 200::Sociology: 220no_NO

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  • Studentoppgaver (HF-IGIS) [1159]
    Master- og bacheloroppgaver i Spesialpedagogikk / Migrasjoner og interkulturelle relasjoner / Matematikkdidaktikk

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