Browsing Studentoppgaver (Business) by Author "Kipperberg, Gorm"
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
A Case Study of Toll Implementation in Northern Jæren
Elkasevic, inela; Eriksen, Gina (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-16)The purpose for this thesis is to elucidate on the effects of toll pricing schemes. The new toll implementation in Northern Jæren have been investigated to measure the effect cordon and peak-period pricing have on car use ... -
Analyzing the determinants of sensitivity to scope in WTP to new wind turbines on land
Bjorland, Ingeborg (Master thesis, 2021)Although the topic of sensitivity to scope has grown considerably over the past 40 years, it is still a widespread debate about its validity towards stated preference methods (SP). This paper undertakes a quantitative ... -
Assessing Consumer Preferences for Circularity in Mobile Phones: A Discrete Choice Experiment with Attribute Framing
Dybwad, Trym Ferdinand Folgerø (Master thesis, 2023)Although much research has been done on the circular economy, only a few studies have utilized discrete choice experiments to estimate consumers’ preferences toward circularity in their purchase decisions. I employ a ... -
Awareness of and Preferences for Reducing Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Product Pollution
Jåsund, Maren Lovise (Master thesis, 2024)This thesis is a part of the European research project PHARMASEA, which focuses on exploring the presence, behavior, and risk assessment of pharmaceuticals in marine ecosystems. The goal of this thesis is to develop an ... -
Can a Nudge Perform a Miracle? A quasi-experimental field study on employees’ stated and revealed preferences towards plastic recycling at Haukeland university hospital
Tursun, Dilnur; Basefer, Rofaida Fahmi (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-15)Plastic pollution has become a major global problem and recycling is one step to take to solve the issue. A lot of research on nudge theory have focused on consumers, but very few have investigated the effect of nudges on ... -
Circular Economy and Sustainable Development: A Systematic Literature Review
Kunwar, Santosh (Master thesis, 2023)Circular Economy put forth as an alternative to traditional linear model of extract-use-dispose along with the concept of Sustainable Development encompassing economic, environmental, and social aspects have garnered ... -
Cryptic bubbles by behavioural biases?
Hare, Martin (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)The subject for this is elaborates around the new economic phenomenon of cryptocurrencies. The main objective will be to shed light on whether the market of cryptocurrencies is in fact an economic market bubble or not. The ... -
Den norske befolkningens holdninger og preferanser tilknyttet kriminalitet
Kirubamoorthy, Sharanga (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-07-15)Hensikten med denne oppgaven er å undersøke og analysere holdninger og preferanser knyttet til kriminalitet i Norge, ved å se på fire ulike politiske partier som representerer norsk politikk, og derav den norske ... -
Distance decay in marine ecosystem valuation: A discrete choice analysis of an Arctic fjord under consideration of attribute framing
Kohn, Rieke Sophie (Master thesis, 2022)This thesis studies the valuation of an Arctic fjord ecosystem and possible distance decay effects, as well as attribute framing effects. MNL models are applied to stated preference data by Kipperberg and Aanesen (2020), ... -
Dulting mot bærekraftige transportvalg - en studie om oppfordring til mer bruk av kollektivtransport gjennom ulike dultemekanismer
Solland Wermundsen, Aleksander; Sunnanå, Sander (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-17)Det er en stadig befolkningsøkning på Nord-Jæren, samtidig vedvarer den globale klimatrusselen. Norge har forpliktet seg gjennom Parisavtalen til å redusere klimagassutslippet og det ønskes derfor at en større del av ... -
Ex ante versus ex post wind power attitudes and preferences
Haga, Vilde Marlen; Norheim, Mari Kristiane (Master thesis, 2021)Production of wind power installations have increased in the recent years, leading several people to be exposed to wind turbines. The aim of this thesis is to trace possible change in peoples’ attitudes and preferences ... -
Ex ante versus ex post wind power attitudes and preferences
Haga, Vilde Marlen; Norheim, Mari Kristiane (Master thesis, 2021)Production of wind power installations have increased in the recent years, leading several people to be exposed to wind turbines. The aim of this thesis is to trace possible change in peoples’ attitudes and preferences ... -
Exploring the acceptance of Wind turbines in Norway and the impact of climate change attitudes on wind turbines preferences.
Changkakoti, Himakshi; Chekusheva, Olesia (Master thesis, 2022)The overall aim of this study is to examine people's preferences for the further development of onshore wind turbines in Norway, with a particular focus on whether people's concerns about climate change influence the ... -
Factors affecting the willingness to use car sharing service: A case study of Stavanger.
Quyen, Nguyen (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-15)Car sharing, an emerging phenomenal innovation, has received increasing attention from both academia and business in recent decades. While car sharing is considered a potential lever for the shift towards sustainable ... -
Flying toward sustainability: A meta-analysis of consumer willingness to pay for emission reduction in air travel
Wendt, Nicole (Master thesis, 2023)Air travel contributes a substantial share of global greenhouse gas emissions and is projected to rise further in the coming years. Given the urgency of climate change mitigation, reducing or offsetting emissions within ... -
Generational Differences in Environmental Preferences: The Case of Reducing Emissions from Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products.
Haugen, Hedda (Master thesis, 2024)In this study the generational differences in environmental preferences for pharmaceutical and personal care (PPCP) emission reduction is estimated. The overall research question is: “Do generational differences exist in ... -
How do ESG investments affect financial performance? A meta-analysis
Erga, Helga Beate; Tandrevold, Christina (Master thesis, 2022)The relationship between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and financial performance receives a great deal of attention in research literature. Previous studies mostly find that environmental performance ... -
How do ESG investments affect financial performance? A meta-analysis
Erga, Helga Beate; Tandrevold, Christina (Master thesis, 2022)The relationship between environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing and financial performance receives a great deal of attention in research literature. Previous studies mostly find that environmental performance ... -
How would the Norwegian Aviation Industry be affected by an Empty Seat Tax?
Rupp, Kayla; Spanne, Rasmus (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)The goal of this thesis is to explore the short- and long-term ramifications of various taxation regimes on the Norwegian aviation industry. The bulk of the research is focused on the probable effects of a tax placed on ... -
Konkurransedyktighet for dype geotermiske energibrønner - En casestudie basert på pilotprosjektet ved Oslo Lufthavn - Gardermoen
Våge, Jørgen; Myren, Rasmus (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)Denne utredningen har som formål å analysere konkurransekraften for bruk av dype geotermiske energibrønner til oppvarmingsformål i Norge. Dette blir vurdert ved bruk av modellen kjent som Energikostnad over levetid (LCOE). ...