Challenges and possibilities in Norwegian classroom drama practice
Original version
Sæbø, A.B (2009) Challenges and possibilities in Norwegian classroom drama practice. Research in Drama Education, 14(2) pp.279-294 10.1080/13569780902868952Abstract
My specific teaching and research interest is drama in the
classroom drama as a teaching and learning medium to fulfil a
curriculum demand for student-active, creative and aesthetic
learning processes. In this article I will focus on the challenges
and possibilities that exist in Norwegian classroom drama. The
article is based on my latest research projects, ‘Drama and studentactive
learning’, and my 2008 unpublished PhD thesis which looked
at general teacher-training practice and teachers’ and students’
drama experiences in grades 1 10. My methods involved a review
of literature, group interviews, classroom research, reflective
individual interviews and a net-based questionnaire.
This is an electronic copy (author accepted manuscript) of an article previously published by Taylor & Francis, as follows; Sæbø, A. B. (2009) Challenges and possibilities in Norwegian classroom drama practice. Research in Drama Education ;Volum 14(2) pp.279-294