Behavioural theories used in Norwegian Traffic Safety campaigns
Traffic accidents have a significant cost, both for the individual and the Norwegian society. As such, the society has strong incentives to reduce the number of traffic incidents.
Many measures are used to reduce the number of traffic accidents, among the measures with the lowest cost are traffic safety campaigns (citizen awareness campaigns).
In this thesis I have made a review of the last decades larger Norwegian safety campaign with focus on their use of behavioural change theories. I started by a literature search to identify the behavioural theories that are most frequently referenced in traffic safety research. The next step was to evaluate to what extent the larger campaigns incorporate elements from the risk perception/ communication literature. To be more precise, the campaigns were analyzed with focus on their use of behaviour change theories.
In all the campaigns reviewed we see examples of the use of elements from risk perception literature. This is as expected since both sponsors of the campaigns, The Norwegian Public Roads Administration and The Norwegian Council for Road Safety, are making use of scientific principles/methods in their preparation and evaluation of the campaign.