Contextual Conversational Recommendation in the Movie Domain
The purpose of a Context-aware Conversational Recommender System is to address thelimitations of traditional recommender systems, which often overlook the broader contextin favor of past user preferences and movie qualities. The current landscape shows thatusers express their preferences more explicitly through contextual information, adding anew dimension to recommendation accuracy. Our research combines the strong sides ofboth the Conversational Recommender System and the Context-aware RecommenderSystem for a movie recommendation, which can be used for research purposes.
The main objective is to incorporate contextual information into a movie recommendersystem. Our goal is to enhance an already existing Conversational RecommenderSystem with contextual information to improve the recommendation process and create acontextual dataset for movies from movie reviews. To achieve this goal we pre-processedthe movie reviews dataset and analyzed how users talk about contexts. Extractedcontextual information, generated candidate sentences, and controlled candidate phraseswith few-shot prompting. Enhanced NLU and User Model modules with contextualinformation and finally updated the movies database with contextual information.
To evaluate the success of our system, we used a dataset containing movie recommenda-tion dialogues, enriched with contextual information. We analyzed the strengths andweaknesses of natural language understanding (NLU) in two different approaches (NLUbased on BERT and keyword extraction).
The results demonstrated that extracting contextual information from the movie reviewsdataset was successful, with large language models (LLMs) significantly aiding thecontext detection process. The enhanced system successfully detects context related totime, companion, and location, recommends movies accordingly from the enriched moviedatabase, and provides explanations based on this contextual information.