Quasi-elastic Neutron Scattering to probe ionic conduction
This study of QENS analysis has been undertaken on a N a − β′′ − alumina. Two incidentenergies, 1.95 meV and 3.55 meV have been used in a range of -1.5,+1.5 and -2,+2 anddata were collected at 140K and 400K. Two components have been found by fitting thedata with Lorentzian model. It has been observed that a broader component correspondsto fast diffusion because of the presence of large number of vacancies in the structure,while, a narrow component shows a slower and more localized jumps. The wider compo-nent displayed a Q-dependence which suggest that the Q.E signal is mainly because oflong range diffusion of N a+, while the narrow width component showed Q-independence.A Chudley-Elliot model has been utilized using residence time of 1 ps and jump lengthof 3 Å. The agreement has been observed between the broader width parameters over Qand the model, which verified that N a+ exhibits jump diffusion.