Non-Linear Finite Element Analysis of Cracking Behaviour in Reinforced Concrete Beams under Bending
This research focuses on investigating the influence of tensile reinforcement arrangements oncrack width in reinforced concrete (RC) beams subjected to bending. It also assesses thecredibility of numerical modeling and simulation using ATENA software in comparison withEurocode 2 standards.The study employed a combination of numerical simulations and theoretical calculations.ATENA software was used to simulate the cracking behavior in 3D linear and nonlinear elementsof RC beams with varying tensile reinforcement configurations. These simulations were thencompared against numerical calculations and experimental data to evaluate the accuracy andreliability of the models.The findings revealed that ATENA software predicted an average maximum crack spacing of 147mm for three-layer beams and 136 mm for one-layer beams, with corresponding crack widths of0.029 mm and 0.0314 mm, respectively. Numerical calculations showed that crack spacing was119.75 mm for three-layer beams and 148.8 mm for one-layer beams, with crack widths of 0.093mm and 0.104 mm, respectively. Both ATENA software and numerical calculations showeda tendency to underestimate crack spacing in heavily reinforced beams and overestimate it inbeams with less reinforcement. Discrepancies were noted between the models’ predictions andthe experimental data, highlighting inconsistencies in the predictive accuracy of both approaches.The study recommends that both ATENA software and numerical models should be rigorouslyvalidated and calibrated against experimental data to improve their predictive accuracy. Itis suggested that further refinement of modeling techniques, particularly in how they handlestress distribution and crack spacing, is necessary. Future research should focus on enhancingthe algorithms used in ATENA software and refining numerical models to better capture thenuances of crack behavior in RC beams under various reinforcement arrangements. This willensure more reliable predictions and better alignment with real-world structural performance.