Browsing Universitetet i Stavanger by Title
Now showing items 10322-10341 of 20551
Investigations of Transient Behaviour for non-Newtonian Fluid in a Vertical Well
(Master thesis, 2024)One of the most important factors in well-drilling operations is the accurate calculation of friction pressure loss. The accuracy of calculating this factor directly affects the management of bottom hole pressure and erosion ... -
Investigering av skumsements oppførsel og foradring i logge respons fra tidlig til sen fase.
(Bachelor thesis, 2024)Cementing an oil and gas well can pose significant challenges, particularly due to the static and dynamic pressures exerted by the heavy cement slurry when circulated into the wellbore. A narrow operational window for ... -
Investment analysis under uncertainty: a case study of investment in fish farming technology
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)The Norwegian Aquaculture industry is facing great environmental problems, where the Norwegian Government have limited the production potential in the industry until these challenges can be resolved. New technology and ... -
Investment and revenue cap under incentive regulation: The case study of the Norwegian electricity distributors
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-11)Electricity distribution operators are regulated as monopolies around the world. Incentive regulation is further applied to relate their allowed revenues (revenue cap) to cost efficiency and investment. Incentive regulation ... -
Investment behaviour in the international oil and gas industry : essays in empirical petroleum economics
(PhD thesis UiS;51, Doctoral thesis, 2008)High growth and welfare aspirations will require massive energy investment in the years ahead of us, especially in the non-OECD area. With more than 60 per cent of primary energy supply, oil and natural gas play a dominant ... -
Investment Catering in the Oil and Gas Industry
(Master thesis, 2018-07-15)This thesis study investment decisions in the oil and gas industry, assuming market inefficiency and the potential presence of less-than rational investors that may influence the stock price. That is, testing the theory ... -
Investment Companies' Performance Maintenance Under the Greenhouse Gas protocol
(Master thesis, 2023)The amount of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions has seen a substantial increase the past decades resulting in record-high CO2-levels in the atmosphere. In an effort to reduce emissions, several organizations established ... -
Investment in Wind Power Development - A Comparative Study Between Norway, Denmark, and Sweden
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-15)This study analyses and compares the historical foundation of how governmental policies and policy instruments have shaped the development of onshore wind power in the three Nordic countries Norway, Denmark, and Sweden. ... -
Investment requirement for extraction of the remaining oil & gas resources in the Norwegian Continental Shelf
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)The oil and gas industry is a major contributor to Norway’s economy and the country as a whole. In the last 50 years, 6.6 billion standard cubic metres of oil equivalents have been extracted from the Norwegian continental ... -
Investments in natural gas - an empirical analysis with emphasis on the shale gas revolution
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IØRP/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)The main objective in this thesis is to investigate how various factors are influencing investments in the US natural gas industry. The thesis puts a special emphasis on the “Shale Gas Revolution” that struck the US natural ... -
"Investor og gründers ærlige venn" : en case studie av kommersialiseringsprosessen i 3 norske inkubatorer
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMKS/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)Denne masteroppgaven har blitt utført som del av en mastergrad i Endringsledelse ved Universitetet i Stavanger, og gir et innblikk i hvordan 3 norske inkubatorer forholder seg til utviklingsløpet til sine gründerbedrifter. ... -
Investorenes timingevne i norske aksjefond
(Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IØL/2010;, Master thesis, 2010)I denne oppgaven har vi undersøkt forholdet mellom avkastningen til alle kundene i norske aksjefond samlet, og avkastningen til norske aksjefond i perioden 1995 – 2009. Dette har vi gjort ved å beregne to månedlige ... -
Investorers spare- og investeringsadferd under urolige tider
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven har vi fordypet oss i hvordan investorers adferd blir påvirket av urolige tider i ulike deler av verden. Mesteparten av datainnsamlingen til dataanalysen kommer fra Verdipapirfondenes forening og ... -
Investorers spare- og investeringsadferd under urolige tider
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)I denne oppgaven har vi fordypet oss i hvordan investorers adferd blir påvirket av urolige tider i ulike deler av verden. Mesteparten av datainnsamlingen til dataanalysen kommer fra Verdipapirfondenes forening og ... -
Invisible children, untouchable cases? States’ legal obligation to protect diplomat children
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This article discusses the scope of legal obligation for contracting states to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child to realise children’s right to protection from all forms of violence in diplomat families, while ... -
Involuntary pregnancy loss and nursing care: A meta-ethnography
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-02)Healthcare professionals find the care of parents following an involuntary pregnancy loss stressful and challenging. They also feel unprepared to support bereaved parents. The challenging nature of this support may have a ... -
Involutions of Quadrics
(Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-09)In the introductory chapter, we will explain briefly what all this work is about. First is worthy to mention that the most included area is algebraic geometry, which of course is a combination of algebra and linear algebra. ... -
Involvement of adolescent representatives and coresearchers in mental health research: Experiences from a research project
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Introduction In spite of adolescents' rights to be involved in decisions that concern their health and life, limited research has been published reporting on their involvement in mental health research. Therefore, we aim ... -
Involvering av foreldre i kampen mot mobbing: Ein kvalitativ studie av lærarar og rektorar sine tankar og erfaringar med å involvere foreldre i kampen mot mobbing.
(Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)Problemstillinga for oppgåva var: Kva tankar og refleksjonar gjer lærarar og rektorar seg om betydninga av foreldre for barnet si involvering i mobbing, og korleis arbeidar dei for å involvere foreldre i kampen mot mobbing? ... -
Involving patients and next of kin to mitigate adverse events related to systemic anticancer treatment
(Chapter, 2022)Medication safety in cancer care is an inherently complex field, with a potentially high risk for adverse events. Medication harm is the most common type of adverse event in cancer patients, and is often related to both ...