Now showing items 1542-1561 of 20646

    • Automatic Event Detection in Videos using Deep Neural Networks 

      Dhiman, Anil Kumar (Master thesis, 2021)
      Within a large range of applications in computer vision, Human Action Recognition has become one of the most attractive research fields.This thesis investigates possibilities of applying automatic event detection on large ...
    • Automatic Generation of Presentations for Research Papers 

      Stava, Tor Olav (Master thesis, 2024)
      This thesis presents a method for automatically generating presentations from academic research papers using Large Language Models (LLMs). The goal is to present a method that will help academics save time in generating ...
    • Automatic generation of quiz questions using Freebase 

      Marashi, Maryam Sadat (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06)
      In this thesis an algorithm is designed to generate questions and answers au- tomatically and randomly using Freebase to be used in an online knowledge game, called Game of Gums. In this game, a player chooses a topic ...
    • Automatic Management of Rate of Penetration in Heterogeneous Formation Rocks 

      Akisanmi, Olaleke Anthony (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IPT/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06-15)
      Rate of penetration (ROP) is dependent on several factors and it is essential to properly manage and control this in order to save cost of drilling operations. Drillbotics test skid is an automated machine that is expected ...
    • Automatic MPD & downhole temperature estimation and temperature effect on density 

      Liu, Jieyin (Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Hydraulic model is the ‘brain’ of an automated managed pressure drilling (MPD) control system. It requires knowledgeable people to set up and tune before operation starts. Glenn-Ole Kaasa’s simplified dynamic wellbore model ...
    • Automatic Population of Personal Knowledge Graphs from Social Media and Streaming Platforms 

      Eirik Wilhelmsen; Ottar Jensen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      In today's world, people have little knowledge of what personal data is stored about them and where this data can be explored. In addition, if they find the data, it is difficult for someone without a technical background ...
    • Automatic segmentation of bone, skin and synovitis in ultrasound images of finger joints 

      Marås, Christian (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-15)
      Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is estimated to affect between 0.3 to 1.5 % of the population. It tends to strike individuals between the ages of 35-50, which is their working age, with every third individual diagnosed with RA ...
    • Automatic Supervisory Controller for Deadlock Control in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems with Dynamic Changes 

      Kaid, Husam; Al-Ahmari, Abdulrahman; Li, Zhiwu; Davidrajuh, Reggie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07)
      In reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs), the architecture of a system can be modified during its operation. This reconfiguration can be caused by many motivations: processing rework and failures, adding new products, ...
    • Automatic test-system for resolver measurement used in robots 

      Ånestad, Lasse (Master thesis, 2023)
      The Serial Measuring Unit (SMU) is a component used to measure motor angles in robot joints at ABB. Currently, the SMU is under development, and ABB has to manually test the SMU to ensure that changes to the software or ...
    • Automatic Video Analysis in Resuscitation 

      Meinich-Bache, Øyvind (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2020-01)
      This thesis investigates possibilities for applying automatic video analysis in the medical context of resuscitation of a patient. Two situations are investigated: 1) Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) where there is a ...
    • Automating and deploying fast light pollution mapping software using VIIRS DNB satellite data and the rust programming language 

      Rexhaj, Ardijan (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      A fast light pollution map generation software package has been developed, written entirely in Rust, to compute and deliver up-to-date light pollution maps as and when required. The project aims to be open source and ...
    • Automating Security in a Continuous Integration Pipeline 

      Chalishhafshejani, Sohrab; Pham, Bao Khanh; JAATUN, Martin Gilje (Chapter, 2022)
      Traditional approaches to software security are based on manual methods, which tend to stall development, leading to inefficiency. To speed up a software development lifecycle, security needs to be integrated and automated ...
    • Automatisere en produksjonslinje for fylling av 5-liters flasker 

      Benjaminsen, Edvin Bergstrand; Bø-Sande, Marie; Holmestuen, Sondre (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Norwegian Oil Supply er en bedrift lokalisert på Forus. De leverer utstyr,tjenester og kjemikalier til oljeleverandører i Norge. I dag har bedriften fireoperative produksjonslinjer for fylling av kjemikalier. Linjene er ...
    • Automatisere en produksjonslinje for fylling av 5-liters flasker 

      Marie Bø-Sande; Edvin Bergstrand Benjaminsen; Sondre Holmestuen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Norwegian Oil Supply er en bedrift lokalisert på Forus. De leverer utstyr,tjenester og kjemikalier til oljeleverandører i Norge. I dag har bedriften fireoperative produksjonslinjer for fylling av kjemikalier. Linjene er ...
    • Automatisere en produksjonslinje for fylling av 5-liters flasker 

      Marie Bø-Sande; Edvin Bergstrand Benjaminsen; Sondre Holmestuen (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Norwegian Oil Supply er en bedrift lokalisert på Forus. De leverer utstyr,tjenester og kjemikalier til oljeleverandører i Norge. I dag har bedriften fireoperative produksjonslinjer for fylling av kjemikalier. Linjene er ...
    • Automatisering av standardiserte yrker - Kan automatisering redusere sosial mobilitet? 

      Hauger, Trym (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      Den teknologiske tidsepoken vi står ovenfor beskrives ofte som den fjerde industrielle revolusjonen. Her fremlegges det at automatiseringsprosessen er satt i høygir som en følge av rapid teknologiutvikling, og at det ifølge ...
    • Automatiseringsalternativer til dyseplateskifte på ekstruderingspresse 

      Haaland, Tore J. (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IKM/2009, Master thesis, 2009)
      Skretting A/S er Norges største fiskefôrprodusent. Produksjonen av fôrpellets foregår i en ekstruderingsprosess. Fôret blir presset ut som strimler gjennom en dyseplate som er montert i fronten på en kvern. Bak dyseplaten ...
    • Automatisk segmentering av LGE-CMR bilder ved bruk av graphcut 

      Nedrelid, Marius (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-15)
      Etter at en person har hatt hjerteinfarkt, blir det tatt Late Gadolinium Enhanced Cardiac Magnetic Resconance (LGE-CMR) bilder av pasientens hjerte. I disse bildene vil friskt muskelvev tilhørende hjertet fremstå som ...
    • Automatisk segmentering av mri-avbildninger av hjertet hos pasienter som har hatt hjerteinfarkt. 

      Kopperud, Magnus (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2011;, Master thesis, 2011)
      I denne oppgaven presenteres en helautomatisk segmenteringsmetode til bruk på MRI-avbildninger av hjertet. Metoden som er utviklet benytter seg av morfologisk watershed til å de nere segmenter for frisk muskulatur, samt ...
    • Autonom Dokking 

      Delgado, Karina-Tamara Moscoso. Jotun, Anne Isabel Rivero (Bachelor thesis, 2024)