• Lederrelasjon og indre motivasjon 

      Apeland, Katrine; Håheim, Trine Øglænd; Kireva, Eliana (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      En verden hvor alle ressurser effektiviseres og optimaliseres har fremdeles en stor mulighet til å optimalisere den menneskelige ressursen. Formålet til studien er å undersøke hvilken betydning relasjonskvaliteten mellom ...
    • Organisatorisk læring og konkurranseevne - Eit case-studium i Bremnes Seashore 

      Meling, Anne Marie (Master thesis, 2021)
      Norsk havbruk har hatt ein eksepsjonell vekst dei siste tiåra, og enno har bransjen stort vekstpotensiale, men næringa står samtidig ovanfor vesentlege utfordringar for at den skal kunne vekse på ein produktiv og berekraftig ...
    • Potential of Integrating Blockchain Technology into Smart City of Stavanger 

      Hockett, Avery (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IMS/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-08-31)
      Our world today is experiencing a period of intense pressure to make the transition to renewable energies and reduce our footprint on our home planet. The Paris Agreement is one way in which dedication has been made to ...
    • Premises for a 40% Reduction in CO2 Emissions by the Norwegian Petroleum Industry 

      Gundersen, Camilla Lillebø; Karlsen, Elise Hovland (Master thesis, 2022)
      The purpose of this master thesis is to elaborate on the premises for a 40% reduction in CO2 emission by the Norwegian petroleum company. Four candidates representing two petroleum companies, Equinor and Vår Energi, share ...
    • Premises for a 40% Reduction in CO2 Emissions by the Norwegian Petroleum Industry 

      Gundersen, Camilla Lillebø; Karlsen, Elise Hovland (Master thesis, 2022)
      The purpose of this master thesis is to elaborate on the premises for a 40% reduction in CO2 emission by the Norwegian petroleum company. Four candidates representing two petroleum companies, Equinor and Vår Energi, share ...
    • Risikokapital og bærekraftige samfunn 

      Hankol, Hasan (Bachelor thesis, 2021)
      Verden er i stadig utvikling og har behov for nye ideer og smarte systemer som vokser med mål om bærekraft og smarte løsninger. Derfor er bærekraftig utvikling og innovasjon viktig for at bedrifter og samfunn skal kunne ...
    • Rising externality costs and corporate social responsibility. Case: EU legislation on Electric and Electronic Equipment 

      Laudal, Thomas (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Purpose – The purpose of this article is to study how we may identify the link between rising externality costs and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) by using a market centric approach to CSR. Design/methodology/approach ...
    • Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Integrated Contracts on the Norwegian Continental Shelf 

      Skjelde, Malin Skotoff; Birkedal, Ingrid (Master thesis, 2021)
      Projects in the Norwegian oil and gas industry are immense and generate a large number of working hours and income for the supplier industry as well as the society. In recent years, integrated contracts have become more ...
    • Snevert om plastgjenvinning 

      Laudal, Thomas (Journal article, 2010-04)
      Økonomer går seg av og til vill i et mønster der markedssvikt søkes løst i en optimalisering av politiske virkemidler som forholdes til et kvantifiserbart mål. Et godt eksempel er artikkelen til Annegrete Bruvoll og Sana ...
    • Strategisk ledelse og samarbeid i Equinor 

      Skjelbreid, Morten; Vold, Kristin (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-14)
      I denne oppgaven er formålet å se nærmere på Equinor Forpleining sin satsing på kompetanse gjennom opprettelsen av et eget Ressurs- og Kompetansesenter (RKS). Oppgavens problemstilling er: Fungerer Ressurs- og Kompetansesenter ...
    • Sustainability in the business school syllabus : mind the gap 

      Laudal, Thomas (Chapter, 2023)
      This chapter concerns challenges that most professors in business schools experience when they are planning a new course, or revising an existing course, and in particular when the syllabus is highly suceptible to changes ...
    • Taking the lead on leadership: reimagining the responsible business school of the future 

      By, Rune Todnem; Clegg, Stewart Roger; Burnes, Bernard (Chapter, 2023)
      Considering that the world’s oldest university in continuous operation – the University of Bologna – was established in 1088, business schools, historically, are a relatively new institution, as exemplified by the establishment ...
    • The Role of Blockchain in Commodity Trading 

      Berge, Erik (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)
      The commodity industry, the transaction lifecycle of commodities, its value chain and supply chain are complex systems with many parties involved. Ownership of cargoes are determined by who is holding the physical paper, ...
    • Using Business Model Canvas to Enhance Company Sustainability and Innovativeness, Case Study: A Coffee Shop Chain 

      Aallontie, Jasmin Ida Maria (Master thesis, 2021)
      Increased consumption of goods and resources and problems with the environment has creat-ed a need for sustainable business operations. The global food system is responsible for ap-proximately 26% of global greenhouse gas ...
    • What is the extent to which mobile payment systems are changing the banking industry in Norway? 

      Muzondo, Tatenda Vincent (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-14)
      Disruptive innovation has gained popularity over the past two decades. Globally, the banking sector having been affected by the financial depression in 2008 and has started implementing innovation in its systems. In Norway, ...
    • Å være eller ikke være - å lære eller ikke lære? En organisasjons vei mot status som en lærende organisasjon 

      Amundsen Miriam; Engebretsen Stine (Master thesis, 2022)
      Hensikten med studien er å undersøke i hvilken grad Wärsilä er en lærende organisasjon og hvilke forutsetninger Wärtsilä har for å bli en lærende organisasjon. Studien stiller fire forskningsspørsmål som drøftes for å ...