• Does Early Introduction of Algebra in Schools Make any Difference? A Causal-Comparative Study of Algebra Skills of Upper Secondary School Students in Norway and Nepal. 

      Gautam, Ramesh (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-11)
      The main goal of this causal-comparative study is to investigate if the introduction of algebra in an early stage in schools enhance students' understanding of basic high school algebra. Algebra with variables appears in ...
    • En kommognitiv analyse av matematikkundervisning 

      Blomgren, Ole (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06)
      Studien (artikkel og monografi) har satt søkelyset på den krevende overgangen mellom aritmetikk og algebra. Internasjonale studier viser at norske ungdommers prestasjoner i algebra er svake, og studien har indikert årsaker ...
    • Generating sets for Beurling algebras 

      Blank, Natalia (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2006-05)
      Generating sets for Beurling algebras
    • Impediments to learning problem-solving in Malawian lower secondary mathematics textbooks 

      Masina, Felix; Mosvold, Reidar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Background: In a culture where teachers follow the textbook prescriptively, Malawian students perform low in mathematics, and no students reach the problem-solving levels. Aim: To explore reasons for students’ low ...
    • Involutions of Quadrics 

      Kukalaj, Endrit (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMF/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-07-09)
      In the introductory chapter, we will explain briefly what all this work is about. First is worthy to mention that the most included area is algebraic geometry, which of course is a combination of algebra and linear algebra. ...
    • Lærerstudenters fokus på kunnskap og -elever i praksisperioden 

      Sørskår, Anette (Masteroppgave/UIS-HF-IGIS/2013;, Master thesis, 2013)
      Min masteroppgave er knyttet til et større flerfaglig prosjekt ved Universitetet i Stavanger med tittel Teachers as Students (TasS) som retter søkelyset mot forskning på lærerutdanning og er spesielt opptatt av forbindelsen ...
    • Semisimple Lie Group theory with application in geometric invariant theory 

      Helleland, Christer (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IMN/2015;, Master thesis, 2015-06-01)
      The goal of this thesis was to learn about the theory of Lie algebras, Lie groups and some real geometric invariant theory, with emphasis on semisimple Lie group theory. The material in this thesis was not known to me ...
    • Wick-rotations of pseudo-Riemannian Lie groups 

      Helleland, Christer (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      We study Wick-rotations of left-invariant metrics on Lie groups, using results from real GIT (Helleland and Hervik, 2018; Helleland and Hervik, 2019). An invariant for Wick-rotation of Lie groups is given, and we describe ...