Browsing UiS Brage by Issue Date
Now showing items 21-40 of 20729
The archaeology of the early viking age in Norway
(Chapter, 1998) -
Værtypeklassifisering ved hjelp av en objektiv statistisk metode : Iver Lunds værtypeklassifisering
(AmS-Varia;34, Book, 1998)Marked variation in temperature and precipitation have occured over the North Atlantic and Europe during the last 100 years. Is this pattern associated with variations in the atmospheric circulation? The purpose of this ... -
Utvalgte år i en årringkurve fra Suldal, Rogaland, korrelert med historiske klimadata.
(AmS-Varia;32, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)A comparison was made between climate information obtained from tree rings of Pinus sylvestris L. from Suldal, SW Norway, and historical documents. In six occasions during the time span of AD 1700-1900 indices showed ... -
Hustyper og sosialstruktur gjennom bronsealder på Forsandmoen, Rogaland, sørvest-Norge
(AmS-Varia;33, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)The house-material from Forsandmoen, which consists of 22 longhouses and 16 smaller dwelling houses, dated to the Bronze Age primarily by 14C-dates, is analysed. Special attention is paid to the 69 houses consisting of ... -
Problemer i bronsealderens korndyrking på Forsandmoen, Rogaland, SV-Norge
(AmS-Varia;33, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 1998)During extensive excavations at Forsandmoen in the municipality of Forsand, Rogaland, SW-Norway, a prehistoric agricultural settlement has been discovered. According to 210 14C age determinations, the totally 250 ... -
Subfossils of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) from the mountain area of South Norway as the basis for a long tree-ring chronology
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 1998)In order to use the South Norwegian alpine pine subfossils as the basis for dendroclimatological purposes, information about samples collected earlier is presented. The potential to construct a complete Holocene tree-ring ... -
The deforestation patterns and the establishment of the coastal heathland of southwestern Norway
(AmS-skrifter;15, Book; Peer reviewed, 2000)Palynological data collected over a period of 60 years have been compiled and re-interpreted in order to reveal the deforestation patterns and heath establishment in the southwestern Norwegian coastal heathland. This ... -
Analysar av plantemakrofossilar i jordprøver frå Nedre Langgate 40, Tønsberg kommune, Vestfold (TAD40)
(Oppdragsrapport;2000/5, Research report, 2000)Det er utført analysar av plantemakrofossilar i 15 jordprøver frå strukturar og 18 jordprøver frå vertikale kasseprøver frå den arkeologiske utgravinga i Nedre Langgate 40, Tønsberg kommune som vart gjennomført i tida ... -
Analysar av plantemakrofossilar i jordprøver frå den arkeologiske utgravinga på Skeie gnr. 5, bnr. 10 og 36, Stavanger kommune, Rogaland i 1997 og 1998
(Oppdragsrapport;2000/2, Research report, 2000)Det er samla inn i alt 603 jordprøver til makrofossilanalysar, 572 er flottert og 197 av prøvene er analysert. Jordprøvene er samla inn frå anlegg både i husa og mellom husa: eldstad/kokegrop, stolpehol og kulturlag. ... -
Carbonised cereal from three late neolithic and two early bronze age sites in western Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000)Carbonised cereals were found in three Late Neolithic and two Early Bronze Age sites in western Norway. One site, Hjelle is located in northwestern Norway with no close connection to the sea. The Skrivarhelleren site is ... -
The vegetarian component of a late medieval diet. An example from Erkebispegården – the Archbishop’s palace in Trondheim, Norway
(AmS-Skrifter;16, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2000)Trondheim was the seat of an archbishop from 1152/53 until the reformation reached Norway in 1537. Erkebispegården, the archbishop’s residence, was established around AD 1170 and included living quarters and other ... -
A new flotation machine for macrofossils and archaeological objects
(AmS-Varia;37, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2000)At Museum of Archaeology, Stavanger, a new flotation machine has been constructed. The AMS-machine (Advanced Macrofossil Separation) is able to treat wet as well as dry soil samples and the machine is specially developed ... -
Stratigrafisk vurdering av borekjerner fra Stavanger torg - Tusenårsstedet
(Oppdragsrapport;2000/4, Research report, 2000)I forbindelse med Stavanger kommunes planer om Torget som Tusenårsstedet ble det utført en undersøkelse for å utrede eventuelle konflikter med middelaldergrunnlag i grunnen under Torget. Borekjerner fra syv borehull langs ... -
Analysar av makrofossilar i jordprøver og identifikasjon av ved frå Klosterøya (Gimsøy), Skien kommune, Telemark
(Oppdragsrapport;2000/6, Research report, 2000)Det er utført analysar av makrofossilar i to jordprøver og identifisert treslag frå ein konstruksjon frå Klosterøya (Gimsøy), Skien kommune, Telemark. To prøver av treverk er datert ved Nasjonallaboratoriet for 14C-datering, ... -
Soil micromorphology and it's contribution to the interpretation of archaeological sites
(AmS-Varia;37, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2000)The soils and the sediments of archaeological sites provide a context for the artefacts. They are a resource for essential information about stratigraphy, site formation processes and possible natural or artificial ... -
Cooperation and between-group competition
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000-07)Introducing competition between groups may induce cooperation to emerge in defection games despite considerable cost of cooperation. If the groups can confine themselves to a cooperative sector, either by providing incentives ... -
Migration and intergroup conflict
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2000-12)Two groups in conflict produce and appropriate internally generated consumable output in a two-stage game assuming equal within-group sharing and endogenous group sizes. It is shown how agents leave groups with high ... -
Analysar av plantemakrofossilar i jordprøver frå den arkeologiske undersøkinga på Krosshaug-Loen, Austbø gnr. 7, bnr 26 og 1049, Stavanger kommune, Rogaland
(Oppdragsrapport;2001/6, Research report, 2001)Det er samla inn i alt 207 jordprøver til makrofossilanalysar under den arkeologiske undersøkinga på Krosshaug og Loen i 1999. 199 av jordprøvene er flottert, og av desse er 92 sortert og i alt 86 analysert. Dei analyserte ... -
The environmental aspects and palynological signals of the “fairy circles” : ancient networks linked to coastal heathland in south-western Norway
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2001)The fairy-circles, a group of mysterious earthworks, are restricted to the coastal heathland of Jæren, south-western Norway. They are the result of a specialised farming practice adapted to local environmental conditions ... -
Tilrettelegging av prøver til 14C-datering frå Prinsensgate 30-32, Trondheim k., Sør-Trøndelag. (AmS naturvitskapleg journal nr. 2001/708)
(Oppdragsrapport 2001/5;, Research report, 2001)Det er samla inn jordprøver frå ardspora og andre strukturar i Prinsens gt. 30-32 i Trondheim. 8 av jordprøvene er preparert for analyse av plantemakrofossilar. Det er sortert ut og identifisert trekol til prøvemateriale ...