• A difference in differences analysis on how a change in employment affects motivation amongst temporary employees 

      Berge, Tore (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)
      This master thesis investigates how temporary employees’ motivation changes when a company starts to hire more permanent employees. It is imperative to know how changes in the work situation affects the motivation of the ...
    • Beliefs about learning : Social background, gender, and classroom environment 

      Svensen, Elin (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)
      Background: Increasing students’ learning and their completion of high school has been a policy challenge for many years. This thesis investigates how the psychological mechanism of growth mindset is related to educational ...
    • The Effects of a Structured Curriculum on Preschool Effectiveness: A Field Experiment 

      Rege, Mari; Størksen, Ingunn; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Kalil, Ariel; Megan M., McClelland; Ten Braak, Dieuwer; Lenes, Ragnhild; Lunde, Svanaug; Breive, Svanhild; Carlsen, Martin; Erfjord, Ingvald; Hundeland, Per Sigurd (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Abstract: This study tests an intervention that introduces a structured curriculum for five-year-olds into the universal preschool context of Norway, where the business as usual is an unstructured curriculum. We conduct a ...
    • Effects of Supportive Leadership Behaviors on Employee Satisfaction, Engagement, and Performance: An Experimental Field Investigation. 

      Häckl-Schermer, Simone Valerie; Rege, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      We conduct a field experiment in a large corporation to investigate the effects of supportive leadership behaviors on employee satisfaction, engagement, and performance. Treated leaders receive a brief training promoting ...
    • Effekten av en intervensjon på sosial usikkerhet i gruppearbeid 

      Bergeland, Silje; Jåsund, Iris Jeanett (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06)
      I arbeidslivet er det vanlig å bruke gruppearbeid som arbeidsform, men vi har begrenset kunnskap om hvordan sosial usikkerhet påvirker denne arbeidsformen. Denne oppgaven undersøker derfor hva som kan redusere individers ...
    • Essays on the Economics of Education : Policies for Academic Transitions 

      Fidjeland, Andreas Østbø (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-01)
      This doctoral thesis builds on a rich literature investigating how education policy affects students’ learning, motivation, investment, and decisionmaking— all of which are determinants of the productivity of education ...
    • Father Presence and the Intergenerational Transmission of Educational Attainment 

      Rege, Mari; Votruba, Mark; Kalil, Ariel; Mogstad, Magne (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-11)
      We use administrative data from Norway to analyze how fathers’ presence affects the intergenerational transmission of educational attainment. Our empirical strategy exploits within family variation in father exposure that ...
    • Feedback and Performance: Experiments in Behavioral Economics 

      Gjedrem, William Gilje (PhD thesis UiS;321, Doctoral thesis, 2016-11-29)
    • How can we inspire nations of learners? Investigating growth mindset and challenge-seeking in two countries 

      Rege, Mari; Hanselman, Paul; Solli, Ingeborg Caroline Foldøy; Dweck, Carol S.; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Bettinger, Eric Perry; Crosnoe, Robert; Muller, Chandra; Walton, Gregory; Duckworth, Angela; Yeager, David Scott (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-04)
      Here we evaluate the potential for growth mindset interventions (which teach students that intellectual abilities can be developed) to inspire adolescents to be “learners”—that is, to seek out challenging learning experiences. ...
    • How do Corporate Social Responsibility announcements affect firm value? 

      Pham, Cathrine; Pham, Trang Vo (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-15)
      Taking previous research on this topic into consideration, this thesis sets out to give some insights as to why there seems to be increasing focus on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives by firms. Using theory ...
    • Hva gjør at en jobb oppleves som en bullshit job? 

      Alfheim, Linn Beate; Granholt, Elise Mariann (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-07-28)
      David Graeber hevder at majoriteten av dagens arbeidsmarked er preget av meningsløse bullshit jobs. I hvor stor grad samfunnet består av disse har vært et hett diskusjonstema de siste årene, spesielt med tanke på at det ...
    • Implementing implementation science in a randomized controlled trial in Norwegian early childhood education and care 

      Størksen, Ingunn; Ertesvåg, Sigrun K.; Rege, Mari (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The emerging interest in implementation processes in the social, health, and educational sciences has increased the recognition of implementation science. Still, the literature provides limited practical insights on how ...
    • Increasing perseverance in math: Evidence from a field experiment in Norway 

      Bettinger, Eric Perry; Ludvigsen, Sten Runar; Rege, Mari; Solli, Ingeborg Foldøy; Yeager, David S. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-12)
      Research by psychologists and economists demonstrates that many non-cognitive skillsare malleable in both children and adolescents, but we have limited knowledge on what schools can do to foster these skills. In a field ...
    • Is your mind set for programming? 

      Kahrs, Christine; Nybø, Kristin (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2019;, Master thesis, 2019-06-17)
      The rapid pace of technological innovation has created a demand for higher technological knowledge. However, it seems like a lot of people are hesitant to acquire these highly needed skills. Research has shown that people's ...
    • Job displacement and crime: Evidence from Norwegian register data 

      Rege, Mari; Skardhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil Elias; Votruba, Mark E (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-09)
      We estimate the job displacement effect on criminal behavior for young adult Norwegian men separated from their plant of employment during a mass layoff. Displaced workers experience a 20 percent increase in criminal charge ...
    • Job displacement and crime: Evidence from Norwegian register data 

      Rege, Mari; Skardhamar, Torbjørn; Telle, Kjetil Elias; Votruba, Mark E (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10)
      We estimate the job displacement effect on criminal behavior for young adult Norwegian men separated from their plant of employment during a mass layoff. Displaced workers experience a 20 percent increase in criminal charge ...
    • Ledelse, jobbtilfredshet og sykefravær -en kvantitativ studie med bruk av selvbestemmelsesteori 

      Grainger, Anette Halvorsen; Thorsen, Mirjana Milovanovic (Master thesis, 2022)
      Oppgavens formål er å finne årsakssammenheng mellom transformasjonsledelse og grunnleggende behovstilfredsstillelse, jobbtilfredshet og sykefravær i norske barnehager. For å teste sammenheng mellom arbeidsrelatert sykefravær ...
    • Ledelse, jobtilfredshet og sykefravær -en kvantitativ studie med bruk av selvbestemmelsesteori 

      Grainger, Anette Halvorsen; Thorsen, Mirjana Milovanovic (Master thesis, 2022)
      Oppgavens formål er å finne årsakssammenheng mellom transformasjonsledelse og grunnleggende behovstilfredsstillelse, jobbtilfredshet og sykefravær i norske barnehager. For å teste sammenheng mellom arbeidsrelatert ...
    • Lærende tankesett – En studie av matematikklæreres tankesett 

      Tungland, Silje Marie Tande; Tunheim, Gunn Karin (Masteroppgave/UIS-HH/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-05)
      På tross av stor innsats i Norge for å øke fullføringsgraden i den videregående skolen er det et stort frafall, og prosentandelen som fullfører er lav. Frafall representerer et stort samfunnsproblem både fordi det er dyrt ...
    • MINDSET, EDUCATION AND INCOME. Predictors of a growth mindset. 

      Rydland, Elisabeth Therese Wagbo; Reppen, Linda Victoria Faye (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-HH/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06-15)
      Mindset is your beliefs about abilities, intelligence, personality and other fundamental qualities. In this thesis we explore the research question: “what are important predictors of a growth mindset?” Finding these ...