• An introduction to differential forms and topological field theory 

      Winje, Sander (Master thesis, 2022)
      In this thesis, we will use topological field theory to do an explicit computation of a one-loop partition function over a 6-dimensional manifold. This is a topological invariant, which can be used to distinguish geometries. ...
    • Beregning av Homologigrupper og Eulertall 

      Torjussen, Bård Andreas (Bachelor thesis, 2022)
      I matematikk er homologi en generell måte å assosiere en sekvens av algebraiske objekter, som abelske grupper eller moduler, med andre matematiske objekter som topologiske rom. Dette gir en måte å se forskjell på topologiske ...
    • Connecting analysis, algebra, and topology; Generalizing Maxwell's equations 

      Hodne, Jenny Therese (Bachelor thesis, 2023)
      This thesis explores the mathematical concepts of differential forms and their applications in higher dimensional geometries, known as manifolds. We will see how the topological invariants of a geometry are related to ...
    • Differensielle former, kohomologi og topologisk feltteori 

      Larsen, Silje Kristin (Master thesis, 2021)
      I denne oppgaven vil du bli introdusert for geometriske objekter som eksisterer i høyere dimensjoner. Vi skal utvikle differensielle former som er et verktøy uavhenging av koordinater. Vi skal videre se på topologiske ...
    • Et matematisk bevis på at det alltid er vindstille et sted. 

      Kristensen, Mathilde Kroslid (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
      I denne avhandlingen blir sentrale temaer innen topologi, algebra og analyse brukt til å bevise at det alltid er vindstille et sted på jorden. Analysen baserer seg på en topologisk betraktning av jorden som en sfære og ...
    • Gauging discrete symmetries of TN-theories in five dimensions 

      Acharya, Bobby; Lambert, Neil; Najjar, Marwan; Svanes, Eirik Eik; Tian, Jiahua (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study the gauging of a discrete ℤ3 symmetry in the five-dimensional superconformal TN theories. We argue that this leads to an infinite sequence of five-dimensional superconformal theories with either E6 × SU(N) or SU(3) ...
    • A Heterotic Kodaira--Spencer Theory at One-Loop 

      Ashmore, Anthony; Murgas Ibarra, Javier Jose; McNutt, David Duncan; Strickland-Constable, Charles; Svanes, Eirik Eik; Tennyson, David; Winje, Sander (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023-10)
      We consider a heterotic version of six-dimensional Kodaira-Spencer gravity derived from the heterotic superpotential. We compute the one-loop partition function and find it can be expressed as a product of holomorphic ...
    • Heterotic quantum cohomology 

      McOrist, Jock; Svanes, Eirik Eik (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-11)
      It is believed, but not demonstrated, that the large radius massless spectrum of a heterotic string theory compactified to four-dimensional Minkowski space should obey equations that split into ‘F-terms’ and ‘D-terms’ in ...
    • Konneksjoner i og mellom gaugeteori og Lie-teori 

      Høiland, Marte Nilsen (Bachelor thesis, 2024)
    • New G2-conifolds in M-theory and their field theory interpretation 

      Svanes, Eirik Eik; Acharya, Bobby S.; Foscolo, Lorenzo; Najjar, Marwan (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      A recent theorem of Foscolo-Haskins-Nordström [1] which constructs complete G2-holonomy orbifolds from circle bundles over Calabi-Yau cones can be utilised to construct and investigate a large class of generalisations of ...
    • T3-invariant heterotic Hull-Strominger solutions 

      Svanes, Eirik Eik; Acharya, Bobby S.; Kinsella, Alex (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01)
      We consider the heterotic string on Calabi-Yau manifolds admitting a Strominger-Yau-Zaslow fibration. Upon reducing the system in the T3-directions, the Hermitian Yang-Mills conditions can then be reinterpreted as a complex ...
    • Topological G2 and Spin(7) strings at 1-loop from double complexes 

      Ashmore, Anthony; Coimbra, André; Strickland-Constable, Charles; Svanes, Eirik Eik; Tennyson, David (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      We study the topological G2 and Spin(7) strings at 1-loop. We define new double complexes for supersymmetric NSNS backgrounds of string theory using generalised geometry. The 1-loop partition function then has a target-space ...