Blar i UiS Brage på dokumenttype "Book"
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Aeolian activity during the last 9200 calendar years BP along the southwestern coastal rim of Norway
(AmS-Skrifter;21, Book; Peer reviewed, 2009)Aeolian sand deposits intercalated with organic layers have been reported from Holocene sediment sequences below the marine limit (ML) at twelve sites along the coastal rim of southwestern Norway for over a century. This ... -
Aksjonsforskning i Norge : teoretisk og empirisk mangfold
(Book, 2017)Antologien Aksjonsforskning i Norge. Teoretisk og empirisk mangfold består av tjue vitenskapelige artikler innen utdanning, helse, vitensentre, kunst og arbeidsliv. Antologien gir et innblikk i historisk utvikling, ... -
Animal Umwelten in a Changing World. Zoosemiotic Perspectives
(Tartu semiotics library;, Book, 2016)The book raises semiotic questions of human–animal relations: what is the semiotic character of different species, how humans endow animals with meaning, and how animal sign exchange and communication has coped with ... -
Austbø på Hundvåg gennem 10 000 år : Arkæologiske undersøgelser i Stavanger kommune 1987–1990, Rogaland, Syd-Vest Norge
(AMS-Varia;38, Book, 2001)In connection with a development plan on the east side of the island Hundvåg in the municipality of Stavanger, 27 prehistoric sites were surveyed and excavated between 1987 and 1990 under the supervision of the ... -
Bringing Nordic mathematics education into the future : Preceedings of Norma 20 : The ninth Nordic conference on mathematics education Oslo, 2021
(Skrifter från Svensk förening för matematikdidaktisk forskning;, Book, 2021)This volume presents Nordic mathematics education research, which will be presented at the Ninth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education, NORMA 20, in Oslo, Norway, in June 2021. The theme of NORMA 20 regards what it ... -
Bøndene på Kvålehodlene : boplass-, jordbruks- og landskapsutvikling gjennom 6000 år på Jæren, SV Norge
(AmS-Varia;47, Book, 2007)In order to reconstruct the settlement-, agriculture- and land-use practises within the Kvåle-complex, Time municipality, in the Jæren region, an interdisciplinary project was organised in 2001-02. The approach involved ... -
Can we read letters? Reflections on fundamental issues in reading and dyslexia research
(Book, 2015-01)Internationally there has been a major increase in activity within reading and dyslexia research over the past three or four decades. This is a reasonable development given that the importance of having good reading ... -
De første jegerne i Dyraheio
(AmS-Varia;48, Book, 2008)The subject of this paper is human adaptation to the southern Norwegian mountains within a long-term perspective, from the late Middle Mesolithic into the Late Neolithic period, based on the results of archaeological ... -
Entity-Oriented Search
(The Information Retrieval Series;39, Book, 2018)Search engines have become part of our daily lives. We use Google (Bing, Yandex, Baidu, etc.) as the main gateway to find information on theWeb.With a certain type of content in mind, we may search directly on a particular ... -
Formuende, middelmådige og fattige : den sosiale sammensetningen i Stavanger 1661 - 1801
(AmS-Varia;54, Book, 2013)There have been no detailed studies of a Norwegian urban population covering the whole period of absolute monarchy in Denmark-Norway, from 1660 to 1814. This thesis examines the social structure of the population of ... -
Gausel-utgravingene 1997-2000
(AmS-Varia;39, Book, 2001)Spor etter til sammen 18 bygninger og 10 graver er undersøkt på gården Gausel i Stavanger. De arkeologiske sporene fordeler seg innenfor en tidshorisont fra slutten av bronsealder til vikingtid. Bygningssporene er undersøkt ... -
Intentional fire management in the Holocene with emphasis on hunter-gatherers in the Mesolithic in South Norway
(AmS-skrifter;25, Book, 2016)The geographical and altitudinal distribution of the data from 68 palynological sites has allowed the synthesis of a relationship between the microscopic charcoal curves and people over time. Most of the selected sites ... -
Ja, visst gjør det vondt: LP-modellen i videregående skole - erfaringer og refleksjoner
(Book, 2011-02-16)Artiklene i samlingen er basert på erfaringer fra et pilotprosjekt i videregående skole. De spenner fra å vise problemstillinger i lærergruppene til å være mer reflekterende rundt temaet læringsmiljø i den videregående ... -
Jærstrendene : Namn og stader
(AmS-Varia;57, Book, 2015)This monograph presents linguistic analysis of more than 3000 coastal toponyms from Jæren (southwestern Norway), from the sea and the seashores. The etymology of the names is discussed as well as the context and the ... -
Konflikter i landskapet: Kulturminnevern og kulturforståelse: Analyse av alvedans og utmarksmiljø i Hå kommune i Rogaland, SV-Norge
(AmS-Varia; 42, Book, 2003)The work is a theoretical and empirical study of how the management of the cultural heritage is perceived by different interest groups in the society. It represents a new approach which has been little dealt with within ... -
Kulturminner i Dyraheio : sammenfatning av arkeologiske registreringer utført 1972-1979 i Suldal-, Hjelmeland- og Bykleheiene i Rogaland og Aust-Agder som ledd i Ulla/Førre-undersøkelsene
(AmS-Varia;12, Book, 1983)Bakgrunn : Undersøkelsesomårdet ligger i NV del av det SV-norske høgfjellet. Fylkesgrensa mellom Aust-Agder og Rogaland passerer N-S gjennom Ø del av fjellområdet, som totalt omfatter mellom 4000 og 5000 km2. Fjelltraktene ... -
Kvinnedrakten fra Rogaland i folkevandringstid. Draktutstyr
(AmS-Varia;45, Book; Peer reviewed, 2006)The text presents accessories as brooches, pins and buckles, which were used on the Migration Period womans dress from Rogaland county in Norway. Central questions concern types in use and how and where on the dress they ... -
Maskinell flateavdekking og utgravning av forhistoriske jordbruksboplasser
(AmS-Varia;26, Book, 1996)A major scientific breakthrough in Norwegian archaeology was seen in the 1980'ies. The investigation of agricultural sites in cultivated fields was revolutionized by the introduction of large-scale mechanical removal of ... -
Mennesker og natur i fjellet i Sør-Norge etter siste istid med hovedvekt på mesolitikum
(AmS-Varia;51, Book, 2010)The main aim of the project is to interpret people’s relationship to nature with emphasis on the culture of huntergatherers in the mountain area of South Norway in the Mesolithic period. The palaeoenvironment and traces ... -
Norsk litteratur bak muren: Publikasjons- og sensurhistorie fra DDR (1951–1990)
(Book, 2014)Benedikt Jager undersøker i denne boken hvordan norsk litteratur ble mottatt i det totalitære Øst-Tyskland. Mellom 1950 og 1990 ble i alt 91 norske titler oversatt og utgitt på det østtyske markedet. Forfatteren viser ...