Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Rørtveit, Kristine"
Now showing items 1-20 of 34
Adaptive capacities for safe clinical practice for patients hospitalised during a suicidal crisis: a qualitative study
Berg, Siv Hilde; Rørtveit, Kristine; Walby, Fredrik A; Aase, Karina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-06)Background Safe clinical practice for patients hospitalised in mental health care during a suicidal crisis is situated within a dynamic, non-linear and uncertain context. Under such complex conditions, the adaptive capacity ... -
Balancing the Inpatient-Nurse Relationship in Anorexia Care
Rørtveit, Kristine; Sikveland, Anna Maria; Hansen, Britt Sætre (Journal article, 2020)Background: Nurses play a central role in the treatment of inpatients with anorexia, where bonding is a key factor. The inpatient-nurse relationship is based on a confident alliance characterized by important factors such ... -
Barn og lek på sykehus
Ragnvaldjord, Anette (Bachelor thesis, 2021)Abstract will be available on 5000-02-04 -
Being in a space of sharing decision‐making for dignified mental care
Beyene, Lise Sæstad; Severinsson, Ingeborg Elisabeth; Hansen, Britt Sætre; Rørtveit, Kristine (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07)Introduction: Several studies describe barriers and facilitators forimplementing shared decision‐making in mental care. However, a deeper understanding of the meaning of shared decision‐making in this context is lacking. ... -
Binge Eating Disorders – Experience of Change in the Relationship with Food and the Body during Treatment
Salte, Ole Morten; Rørtveit, Kristine; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Background: Binge eating disorder is a multidimensional mental health condition associated with a complicated relationship to food and the body. Non-pharmacological treatments such as psychoeducation are common, but there ... -
Det at hun brydde seg, det betydde alt! Pasientens erfaringer av egen bedring -en kvalitativ studie med fokus på terapeutisk relasjon
Espedal, Åse Ragnhild Helland; Viste, Lone (Masteroppgave/UIS-HV/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-05-13)Sammendrag: Bakgrunn: At relasjonen er av stor betydning i behandlingen av mennesker med psykiske plager, er i dag anerkjent kunnskap. Formålet med vår studie var å undersøke hvilke forhold ved den terapeutiske relasjonen ... -
Erfaringer fra depresjon etter fødsel - En kvalitativ litteraturstudie om kvinners erfaringer med fødselsdepresjon
Moy, Guri Aksnes (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IH/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-06-28)Background: Depression is the most common complication after birth. Postpartum depression is depression that occurs after childbirth. In Norway there are about 60,000 births a year. Between 10-15% of postpartum women get ... -
Guilt and shame as an enigma in mothers who suffer from eating difficulties : A hermeneutical study
Rørtveit, Kristine (PhD thesis UiS;107, Doctoral thesis, 2010)Searching for new understanding about the enigma of guilt and shame in mothers suffering from ED led to a focus on the power of motherhood and the mothers’ ability to suffer in silence. The desire to be a good mother and ... -
Homeworld/Alienworld: a qualitative study about existential experiences after cancer treatment
Ueland, Venke Irene; Dysvik, Elin; Rørtveit, Kristine; Furnes, Bodil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-07)Background As a group, cancer survivors experience significant vulnerability and existential challenges. The biomedical approach dominating health care is insufficient to meet such existential challenges in an individualistic, ... -
Hva er langtidseffekten av konservativ overvektsbehandling for voksne personer? En oppsummering av systematiske oversikter.
Andersen, Kristine Wold (Masteroppgave/UIS-SV-IH/2016;, Master thesis, 2016-11)Bakgrunn: Det er et helsepolitisk mål i Norge at det skal tilbys behandling til mennesker med overvekt eller fedme i den offentlige helsetjenesten. Det er i dag et stort antall pasienter som mottar konservativ behandling, ... -
Hvordan erfares relasjonen i situasjoner som oppleves som akutte for pasienter med emosjonelt ustabil personlighetsforstyrrelse?
Wathne, Tonje; Amdal, Alexandra (Master thesis, 2024)Dette er en kvalitativ metasyntese med tittelen «Hvordan erfares relasjonen i situasjoner som oppleves som akutte for pasienter med emosjonelt ustabil personlighetsforstyrrelse?». Hensikten med denne studien har vært å ... -
Implementing Clinical Guidelines for the Treatment of Psychosis: The Frontline Leaders’ Point of View. A Qualitative Study
Nordin, Håkan; Mathisen, Gro Ellen; Rørtveit, Kristine; Johannessen, Jan Olav; Ruud, Torleif; Hartveit, Miriam; Joa, Inge (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-02)Background: Despite the large amount of leadership and implementation theories and recommendations, healthcare services continue to struggle with efficiently incorporating new knowledge. The questioning of conventional ... -
Kommunikasjon og relasjon med ungdom
Kristoffersen, Hanne Marte; Ludvigsen, Fredrik Eiane (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Bakgrunn Ungdom som blir innlagt på sykehus faller ofte mellom to stoler. Barneavdelingen er først og fremst tilrettelagt for små barn, mens voksenavdelingene er tilrettelagt eldre. Ungdommene passer ikke helt ... -
Kommunikasjon og relasjon med ungdom
Kristoffersen, Hanne Marte; Ludvigsen, Fredrik Eiane (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Sammendrag Bakgrunn Ungdom som blir innlagt på sykehus faller ofte mellom to stoler. Barneavdelingen er først og fremst tilrettelagt for små barn, mens voksenavdelingene er tilrettelagt eldre. Ungdommene passer ikke helt ... -
Life after cancer treatment – existential experiences of longing
Ueland, Venke Irene; Rørtveit, Kristine; Dysvik, Elin; Furnes, Bodil (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-10)Purpose: The study aimed to gain insight into existential longing as experienced by people treated for cancer. Method: An exploratory phenomenological–hermeneutical design was used, and data were collected through in-depth ... -
Living with obesity — existential experiences
Ueland, Venke Irene; Furnes, Bodil; Dysvik, Elin; Rørtveit, Kristine (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2019-08)Aims and objectives: The aim was to gain in-depth understanding about individuals’ existential experiences of living with obesity. Background: People living with obesity face great vulnerability and existential challenges. ... -
The Meaning of Shared Decision-Making in Mental Care –A Hermeneutical Study
Beyene, Lise Sæstad (PhD thesis UiS;521, Doctoral thesis, 2020-05)Background: Shared decision-making is understood to be a process where the patients and the mental healthcare professionals are engaged in a dialogue of information in order to understand each other’s preferences and values ... -
Mentaliseringsbasert terapi - erfaringer fra praksis. En systematisk litteratur oversikt.
Halstensen, Anne Christin (Master thesis, 2021)Sammendrag Dette er en systematisk litteratur oversikt med tittelen Mentaliseringsbasert terapi – erfaringer fra praksis. Hensikten med denne studien var å frembringe en systematisk oversikt over kvalitativ forskning på ... -
Miljøterapi og relasjon i en krisetid- Erfaringer fra covid-19 pandemien
Vestbirk, Rune Kleist (Master thesis, 2021)Bakgrunn: Miljøterapi, relasjon og den dynamiske prosess ses som grunnleggende behandlingstilganger på en lang rekke norske psykiatriske sengeavdelinger. Restriksjonene og smittevernstiltakene som myndighetene innførte ... -
Patients' experience of attending a binge eating group treatment program - qualitative evaluation of a pilot study
Rørtveit, Kristine; Furnes, Bodil; Dysvik, Elin; Ueland, Venke Irene (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06)We developed a group program for patients with binge eating disorders (BED), comprising cognitive therapy, affect consciousness, and therapeutic writing. We wished to investigate how therapeutic writing and affect consciousness ...