Browsing UiS Brage by Author "Rong, Chunming"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Artifact Detection for Reliable Computational Pathology Systems using Artificial Intelligence
Kanwal, Neel (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2024)Cancer is a significant global health concern, resulting in millions of deaths worldwide each year. Cancer diagnosis is performed using histological examination of glass slides under a microscope. Thanks to digitization ... -
Automated Well Monitoring: Machine Learning and Web Application
Zhurda, Anisa (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2020;, Master thesis, 2020-06-15)The challenge within the oil and gas industry is that of complexity and therefore cost, specifically due to the tough working environments and delays/downtime . Therefore, digitization is proposed as a cost saving opportunity ... -
Automatic collection and storage of smart city data with semantic data model discovery and sample data analysis
Minde, Julian (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2017;, Master thesis, 2017-06)Collecting and storing smart city data is a task that requires thorough data exploration, configuring and testing to be of value. Configuring a data collection pipeline for data from a new data provider needs to take into ... -
Blockchain based energy transactions for a prosumer community
Karandikar, Nikita (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-09)Integration of solar micro-generation capabilities in domestic contexts is on the rise, leading to the creation of prosumer communities who generate part of the energy they consume. Prosumer communities require a decentralized, ... -
Build a Dashboard Application for NOVs eVolve Automation System
Dai, Qingqing (Bachelor thesis, 2021)The project is completed by cooperating with NOV. The purpose of the project is to make a dashboard application that gathers the essential information, monitors the running status of the devices, and presents an overview ... -
Building Precision: Efficient Encoder-Decoder Networks for Remote Sensing Based on Aerial RGB and LiDAR Data
Sulaiman, Muhammad; Finnesand, Erik; Farmanbar, Mina; Belbachir, Ahmed Nabil; Rong, Chunming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024-04)Precision in building delineation plays a pivotal role in population data analysis, city management, policy making, and disaster management. Leveraging computer vision technologies, particularly deep learning models for ... -
Information Processing in the Cloud : Resource Allocation and Security Perspective
Surbiryala, Jayachander (PhD thesis UiS;487, Doctoral thesis, 2019-09)Cloud computing has been adopted at faster rates due to its advantages, that are brought to the customers over the Internet. Usage of various services over the Internet is quite high. Users are storing large amounts of ... -
Just Us: Et Blockchain-basert Personvernvennlig Sosialt Nettverk
Jaatun, Lars Andreassen; Ringen, Anders (Bachelor thesis, 2022)Denne rapporten beskriver et sosialt nettverk laget ved hjelp av react native og Hyperledger Fabric for å gi brukere en større grad av kontroll over brukerdata. Resultatet av prosjektet viser at det er et potensiale for å ... -
Machine Learning methods to detect improper and irrelevant citations
Shenavari Shirazi, Anousheh (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06-15)The focus of this study is on the relation between papers and their citations using Machine Learning algorithms to detect improper and irrelevant citations. The model takes the paper’s citations and classifies them into ... -
NewbornTime - improved newborn care based on video and artificial intelligence - study protocol
Engan, Kjersti; Meinich-Bache, Øyvind; Brunner, Sara; Myklebust, Helge; Rong, Chunming; Garcia-Torres Fernandez, Jorge; Ersdal, Hege Langli; Johannessen, Anders; Pike, Hanne; Rettedal, Siren (Journal article, 2023)Background Approximately 3-8% of all newborns do not breathe spontaneously at birth, and require time critical resuscitation. Resuscitation guidelines are mostly based on best practice, and more research on newborn ... -
NFT as a proof of Digital Ownership-reward system integrated to a Secure Distributed Computing Blockchain Framework
Cantu Moreno, Asahi (Master thesis, 2022)Today, the global economy is dependent on the Internet and computational resources. Although they are tightly interconnected, it is difficult to evaluate their degree of interdependence. Keeping up with the pace of technology ... -
Pattern Recognition and Interpretation of Real-Time Pressure Data from Modern Well Surveillance Systems
Bjåland, Stian Seglem (Master thesis, 2021)The process of digitalization within the oil and gas industry has been rapidly expanding, as a means of coping with the complexity and cost of collecting data and to minimize delays and downtime. One such cost saving measure ... -
Prediction of Energy Consumption Peak in Household by using LSTM & MLP
Karimi, Azadeh (Masteroppgave/UIS-TN-IDE/2018;, Master thesis, 2018-06)Accurate peak load forecasting plays a key role in operation and planning of electrical power generation. To minimize the operating cost, electric suppliers use forecasted peak load to control the number of running generator ... -
Predictive Analytics for Maintaining Power System Stability in Smart Energy Communities
Pirbazari, Aida Mehdipour (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2021-05)Digitalization and decentralization of energy supply have introduced several challenges to emerging power grids known as smart grids. One of the significant challenges, on the demand side, is preserving the stability of the ... -
Review of Different Methods for Identification of Transients in Pressure Measurements by Permanent Downhole Gauges Installed in Wells
Cui, Boyu; Chen, Lejun; Zhang, Nan; Shchipanov, Anton; Demyanov, Vasily; Rong, Chunming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Permanent downhole gauges (PDG) are massively installed in injection and production wells operated in different industries such as oil and gas, geological CO2 storage, and the geothermal industry. These gauges provide a ... -
Secure and Privacy Driven Energy Data Analytics
Jose, Dhanya Therese (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2022-11)Renewable resources are the main energy sources in a smart grid project. In order to ensure the smooth functioning of the smart grid, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) need to be utilised efficiently. The ... -
Solving Nonlinear Conservation Laws of Partial Differential Equations Using Graph Neural Networks
Li, Qing; Geng, Jiahui; Evje, Steinar; Rong, Chunming (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Nonlinear Conservation Laws of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) are widely used in different domains. Solving these types of equations is a significant and challenging task. Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have recently ... -
Survey of Key Management in Ad Hoc Networks
Hegland, Anne Marie; Winjum, Eli; Mjølsnes, Stig Frode; Rong, Chunming; Kure, Øivind; Spilling, Pål (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)The wireless and dynamic nature of mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) leaves them more vulnerable to security attacks than their wired counterparts. The nodes act both as routers and as communication end points. This makes ... -
System for Workflow Design and Execution on Data Shared Between Untrusting Organizations for Analytics
Rehman, Ali Akbar (Master thesis, 2022)Performance of complex analytics \& AI algorithms typically involves large amounts of data. The data may originate from multiple sources and is typically compiled and moved to a central location before it can be consumed ... -
Taking Computation to Data: Integrating Privacy-preserving AI techniques and Blockchain Allowing Secure Analysis of Sensitive Data on Premise
Geng, Jiahui (PhD thesis UiS;, Doctoral thesis, 2023)With the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), digital pathology has seen significant progress in recent years. However, the use of medical AI raises concerns about patient data privacy. The CLARIFY project is a ...